July 12, 2023

Musk vs. Zuck

The feud between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg is a battle between the forces of free speech and those who want to censor speech

As I have mentioned before, I don’t agree with Elon Musk on everything. But I was very happy when he took over Twitter.

Not only did Musk expose how the Deep State conspired with Big Tech to censor the American people, he is also a strong supporter of free speech, which is under attack like never before. He stopped Twitter from censoring conservatives and restored those who had been previously banned.

Well, enter Mark Zuckerberg from stage left. He’s just launched a new competitor to Twitter called Threads. Immediately millions of people signed up. The left-wing media are crowing that Zuck will take down Musk with this new “Twitter killer.” The left desperately wants free speech Twitter destroyed.

But what jumped out at me during Zuckerberg’s announcement is that he said Threads would be “a friendly public space for conversation.” I knew exactly what he meant the moment he said it. He’s going to censor “mean conservatives.”

Everything we say — from “Secure the border” to “Life begins at conception” to “Marriage is between a man and a woman,” you name it — the left labels as “hate speech.” And hate is unfriendly, and it must be shut down.

Of course, it didn’t take long at all before Threads began censoring conservatives and shutting them down.

It’s also no coincidence that Zuckerberg is launching his new site just months before the 2024 election season kicks into high gear. Remember “Zuck bucks”?

Zuckerberg not only used his social media platforms to silence conservatives, suppress the truth and spread disinformation, he spent hundreds of millions of dollars to help turnout left-wing voters in key swing states.

Make no mistake about it: The feud between Musk and Zuckerberg is a battle between the forces of free speech and those who want to censor speech, between freedom and authoritarianism.

Reality vs. Ideology

The left’s push to “fundamentally transform” America is happening on many fronts. One major effort is through climate change because it involves fundamentally transforming our economy by moving us away from traditional hydrocarbon energy sources to so-called “green” or “alternative” energy sources.

Given that we have relied on oil, coal and natural gas for more than a century, this is a massive undertaking and it impacts everything. The left understands this.

In fact, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s former chief of staff once admitted that the Green New Deal wasn’t really about climate change, but a “how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”

Joe Biden has made no secret about his desire to “change the entire economy.” That’s one big reason why he’s pushing so hard for electric vehicles. But now Biden is getting some serious pushback.

More than 100 energy, agriculture and farming groups are protesting the Biden Administration’s aggressive and unrealistic crackdown on cars and trucks. The presidents of Toyota and Stellantis (what used to be Chrysler) are also criticizing Biden’s mad rush to electric vehicles, warning that it won’t work and will cause major economic disruptions.

For example, Toyota executives crunched the numbers on the Biden Administration’s ideological demands versus reality. Here’s what they found:

  • To meet the federal [zero-emissions vehicle] sales targets, we must have 1.2 million public chargers by 2030. That amounts to 400 new chargers per day. That’s not going to happen.
  • We also need more than 300 new lithium, cobalt, nickel and graphite mines to meet the anticipated battery demand. But Biden keeps blocking new mining developments.
  • Moreover, “the amount of raw materials in one long-range battery electric vehicle could instead be used to make 6 plug-in hybrid electric vehicles or 90 hybrid electric vehicles.”

Meanwhile, Biden’s got big problems with the United Auto Workers (UAW). The union is so far refusing to endorse Biden because his billions of dollars in subsidies for electric cars hasn’t translated into more jobs or better wages for auto workers.

In fact, the Green agenda appears to be destroying blue collar jobs in America. Big corporations are getting billions while they are slashing salaries and opening plants in foreign countries.

Go Woke Go Broke

I have regularly called out corporate America for attacking American values. 2023 has been a great year for effective conservative boycotts. Just ask Bud Light and Target! Now a growing number of companies are thinking twice when it comes to bragging about their support for the woke agenda. But the battle wages on.

CNBC, the first all business news network that launched in 1989, is joining the woke parade. You can see it in the guests that appear on the network and in its fawning coverage of Joe Biden.

But here’s the most revealing development. For many years, CNBC has conducted an annual survey to identify the most pro-business states. A few years ago, CNBC started penalizing states that resisted the LGBTQ agenda. They suggested that it was somehow necessary to be pro-LGBTQ in order to be pro-businesses.

How did they determine that? A big part of it was whether a state passed laws protecting religious liberty. In other words, the more willing a state was to violate the conscience rights of its residents, the more “pro-business” that state was according to CNBC.

The winner of this year’s pro-business survey is North Carolina. But when the network announced the winner yesterday, it warned that there were dark clouds on the horizon if North Carolina hoped to keep its title.

And what are these dark clouds? The state has banned abortions after 12 weeks of pregnancy. So, now to be pro-business, you must also be pro-abortion.

But the state has another problem: The growing movement for school choice. CNBC thinks American businesses only want to invest in states where there’s a public school monopoly controlled by radical teachers.

Competition always improves products and results, and school choice brings desperately needed competition and improvement to education. But according to left-wing CNBC, allowing competition in schools is somehow anti-business.

As I just noted, competition is a good thing, and there is an alternative to CNBC — the Fox Business Network. It’s not perfect, but it’s a lot better than the increasingly woke garbage that is becoming standard fare on CNBC.

Beware Deep State Propaganda

Wherever you stand on the Ukraine war, and there are good people on both sides, we should all be extremely careful about consuming propaganda masquerading as news.

For example, less than one year ago, we were told by top national security sources and experts (that would be the same people who lied to us about “Russian collusion”) that Russia was on the verge of running out of weapons and was losing the war.

Fast forward to today. There’s no evidence Russia is on the verge of surrendering or running out of ammunition. But Joe Biden just went on national television to say that the Ukrainians are running out of ammunition and we are running out of ammunition.

We’re constantly told that we have the most powerful military in the world. We’re constantly told we vastly outspend the entire world when it comes to defense spending.

So, how are we running out of weapons and ammunition, while Russia is still fighting hard? And why isn’t anyone being held accountable for those obviously false and misleading reports several months ago?

Are our intelligence “experts” just that inept and completely mistaken in their analysis? Or did our intelligence “experts” lie to us again?

This kind of misinformation is how the U.S. has tripped our way into multiple unwinnable wars.

I urge everyone, especially on matters of national security, to think critically about these issues. This is, after all, the same Pentagon that is telling our soldiers there are dozens of genders and how they should handle pregnant men in their units!

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