July 20, 2023

Biden’s Corruption Exposed

“The American people deserve to know the truth.”

Two IRS whistleblowers who worked extensively on the Hunter Biden investigation testified before Congress yesterday. Their testimony should headline the news, driving calls for major reforms and resignations. But I’m not holding my breath.

Yesterday’s hearing was unusual in that two other House chairmen attended to question the witnesses: Chairman Jim Jordan of the House Judiciary Committee and Chairman Jason Smith of the House Ways and Means Committee.

One of the witnesses was Gary Shapley, and we have heard from Mr. Shapley before. It was Shapley who exposed how the Biden Justice Department protected Hunter Biden from prosecution.

The second witness was Joseph Ziegler, a top criminal investigator at the IRS. Ziegler, who identifies as a gay Democrat, told the committee that he felt compelled to come forward after witnessing “the corrosion of ethical standards and the abuse of power that threaten our nation” throughout the Hunter Biden investigation. Ziegler added:

“Transparency is the foundation of our democracy. Without it, people lose their trust in the institutions and the bonds that tie the fabric of our nation start to fray. The American people deserve to know the truth.”

Among other things, Ziegler told the House Oversight Committee:

  • Standard procedures were not followed in the Hunter Biden case;
  • Hunter received preferential treatment that no other American would get;
  • Joe Biden has not been honest about his connection to Hunter’s business schemes; and
  • Hunter should have faced tougher felony charges but Biden’s political appointees intervened to block them.

I don’t know Shapley or Ziegler personally. But I do know they have nothing to gain and everything to lose by speaking out against the Biden crime family. Their careers are over. Many of their liberal friends will likely shun them.

I hope and pray that their courage is contagious. I hope their dedication to the truth and to the rule of law will inspire other whistleblowers to come forward. Unfortunately, the Biden regime is doing everything it can to prevent whistleblowers from doing just that.

This kind of corruption and abuse of power is the path toward totalitarianism. It is an existential threat to our constitutional Republic. It must be exposed and it must be rooted out!

Biden’s Banana Republic

I want to reiterate exactly what’s going on with the latest impending indictment against Donald Trump by Special Council Jack Smith. This is a much bigger threat to our Republic than anything that happened on January 6th.

The federal government has charged hundreds of people for various offenses committed on January 6th. Why has it taken more than two years to charge Donald Trump? And why now, right before the first Republican presidential debate?

Speaker Nancy Pelosi impeached Trump on his way out of the White House, and the Senate failed to convict him. So, why the mad rush to criminalize him?

By the way, the absurd charges just filed by Michigan’s radical attorney general against conservative activists are more evidence of the left’s criminalization of politics.

This extreme push to indict and destroy Joe Biden’s leading political opponent is the stuff of banana republics. That can’t be said often enough. It will obviously stoke division and radicalize more people.

As Vivek Ramaswamy put it, if you tell people they cannot speak, they scream. If you tell them they cannot scream, they tear things down. As rights are taken away and people are marginalized, they will rise up to defend their rights and their dignity.

Kudos to Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) for introducing legislation to defund Jack Smith’s jihad against Trump. Every Republican should co-sponsor Gaetz’s bill.

I’ve heard some argue that the Democrats “know” Trump is the one candidate they can defeat. They’re desperate to run against him. Really?

If that was true, why are they trying so hard to prevent him from running? Why are they trying so hard to put him in jail?

I think this massive effort shows that he is the one person the left fears the most because they know he will fight to crush neo-Marxism if he wins.

Biden’s Censorship

As you know, we were very encouraged and thankful when Judge Terry Doughty declared that the Biden Administration grossly violated the free speech rights of the American people.

Judge Doughty issued an injunction preventing the Biden White House and various government agencies from communicating with Big Tech companies to censor social media posts. We noted yesterday that these tech companies are packed full of former government officials and intelligence agents.

Sadly, a three-judge panel of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has issued an administrative stay against Judge Doughty’s injunction, thereby allowing the Biden Administration to continue conspiring with Big Tech against our First Amendment rights.

You won’t be surprised to learn that the panel included two Democrat-appointed judges and one Republican-appointed judge.

But there is a silver lining: The judges expedited the case, given the gravity of the issues at stake. Hopefully, this case will be argued and decided as quickly as possible, and well before 2024.

The ongoing government censorship of the American people is not a minor thing. It must be stopped as quickly as possible.

It’s impossible to predict what the courts will do, but I hope there are at least five justices on the Supreme Court who will put a stop to this!

Countercultural Movements

It’s pretty obvious from the daily headlines that American culture today is sick. So, we’re always on the lookout for encouraging countercultural trends. When you see a movie like “Sound of Freedom” (see below) doing so well, that’s a good countercultural sign.

Country singer Austin Moody is not exactly a household name. But his latest song, “I’m Just Sayin’,” is an attack on wokeism and it’s burning up the charts. And the top country song is Jason Aldean’s latest hit, “Try That In A Small Town,” which denounces left-wing violence.

Kudos to these artists! Hopefully, more creative people will understand there is a big marketplace for normalcy, faith and family. I hope the trend continues!

Speaking Of Left-wing Violence…

Transgender swimmer Will Thomas, a.k.a. Lia Thomas, recently posed in a shirt that read “Antifa Super Soldier.” Riley Gaines, who competed against Thomas and who was forced to change in a locker room with Thomas, tweeted, “Doesn’t this make so much sense?”

At first glance, Thomas’s social media post is stupid. But it is actually very serious. It’s a red flag about the growing violence on the left.

“Transtifa” is a real thing. Violent transgender activists are committing acts of domestic terror to silence anyone who resists their gender insanity.

No doubt you recall the vicious murderer who killed innocent children at a Nashville Christian school. She was a transgender individual, and was hoping to kill dozens of people. Within 24 hours, the disgusting media coverage of that horrific event attempted to turn her into a martyr and her Christian victims into oppressors.

The would-be assassin who tried to kill Justice Brett Kavanaugh identified as transgender.

William “Lily” Whitworth was arrested for plotting attacks on schools and churches in Colorado.

Defending Faith, Family & Freedom

In this week’s “Defending Faith, Family & Freedom” podcast for the James Dobson Family Institute, I discuss the surprise summer blockbuster, “Sound of Freedom.” The movie has made over $90 million!

I encourage every adult to see this film. It’s not a “feel good” movie, and it’s definitely not for children. It’s based on the true story of Tim Ballard’s heroic efforts to rescue children from sex trafficking. Click here to learn more.

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