The Biden Gun Show
“No Amendment to the Constitution is absolute.”
Joe Biden opened the doors to his gun show yesterday, announcing six incremental executive orders to advance the Left’s constant pursuit of deconstructing and repealing the Second Amendment.
Ironically, he rolled out the Left’s latest round of gun-control measures just ahead of our Patriots’ Day commemoration of the battle of Lexington and Concord, and the consequences of a tyrannical government’s effort to disarm the people… The result was defiance and the rise of American Liberty — and the birth of a new nation.
According to Biden, “Nothing I’m about to recommend in any way impinges on the Second Amendment. They’re phony arguments suggesting that these are Second Amendment rights in what we’re talking about.” Furthermore, as Kamala Harris asserted, “Real people on both sides of the aisle want action.”
Apparently, calling out their “boiled frog” strategy to “impinge” on the Second Amendment (it’s “infringe,” Joe) is a phony argument only unreal people make.
Biden declared, “No amendment to the Constitution is absolute. You can’t yell ‘fire’ in a crowded movie theater and call it freedom of speech.” Except the Bill of Rights enumeration of the fundamental rights of Americans absolutely is absolute, including Article 2, commonly called an “amendment.” Indeed, the Second Amendment assurance of self defense, and defense of Liberty, is the First Civil Right of all people.
If you yell “fire” in a theater, you should be arrested. If you shoot a gun in a theater, you should be arrested. Individuals are and should be held responsible for how they exercise their rights. But leftists are determined to suppress rights, as they have relentlessly demonstrated regarding the infringement of “the right to keep and bear arms,” and more recently demonstrated in their massive efforts to “redline the First Amendment” assurance of free speech.
First up in the Rose Garden ceremony was Biden’s nomination of a radical gun control advocate to head the BATFE (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) — which Biden repeatedly bungled as “AFT.” Biden announced, “Today, I’m proud to nominate David Chipman to serve as the director of the AFT. David knows the AFT well…”
David Chipman is a lunatic. This is the wacko who recently declared that the Branch Davidians shot down helicopters in Waco. They did not.
And then there’s the hilarity of the advice Chipman recently offered in a Reddit Q&A: “While at ATF I conducted studies involving people who failed background checks to determine how many later committed crimes with a gun — many did. This is a perfect opportunity to arrest people before committing crimes rather than responding after the fact.” In other words, if somebody fails a Form 4473 background check to purchase a firearm, it’s a “perfect opportunity to arrest them” because they might commit a crime later.
When Chipman deleted thousands of social media posts before his nomination was announced, he should’ve looked at his Reddit page too. I mean, using his logic, given that a grossly disproportionate number of crimes are committed by black Americans, shouldn’t we just arrest all black Americans now? On the other hand, if you are the president’s son and lie on a Form 4473 when buying a handgun, no problem! Secret Service, Hunter Biden cleanup on aisle three.
(Under duress, Biden withdrew Chipman’s nomination.)
Meanwhile, President Post Turtle resurrected the phantom “gun show loophole.” Biden said, “Most people don’t know you walk into a store and you buy a gun, you have a background check, but you go to a gun show, you can buy whatever you want, no background check.”
That is patently false. Even the left-of-center “fact checkers” chimed in on this lie. Politifact rated Biden’s gun show comments “Mostly False.” The Annenberg Public Policy Center’s FactCheck.org called Biden’s statements “wrong,” explaining: “It is also worth noting that the [Congressional Research Service], in its 2019 report, said ‘private firearms sales at gun shows … did not appear to be a significant source of guns’ for federal and state prisoners convicted of crimes involving firearms.”
The vast majority of “gun show” transactions are between federally licensed vendors and individuals, all of which require a background check. There are some transactions between individuals who attend gun shows (and everywhere else in the country), and those private transactions do not require a background check. So the real agenda here is not about “gun shows” but about requiring background checks on any firearms sale or gift between individuals, thus establishing a permanent backdoor gun registration for all firearm transfers.
And then there are those spooky so-called “ghost guns,” the small number of handguns and rifles that hobbyists build themselves, including those scary “assault rifles.” (Somebody get the Ghostbusters on the line.) For the record, according to annual Department of Justice records, in an average year more than four times as many people are murdered with knives than a rifle of any description.
All of Biden’s bumbling blather aside, here is a reality check on both the violent assailants who use firearms and their victims: As we have documented consistently, if you don’t have a violent criminal record, and are not associated with the violent sociopathic thug, drug, or gang subcultures that commit the vast majority of crimes in America, your chances of being shot or killed by an assailant are extraordinarily low — as low as in most Western European nations, where handgun ownership is outlawed. Oh, and in Switzerland, which has a higher concentration of “assault weapons” per capita than any nation in the world, the murder rate is one of the lowest in the world.
If you’re a law-abiding citizen, your statistical probability of being killed by a drunk driver is much higher than being murdered by an assailant with a firearm. (Oddly, no one is organizing marches to ban automobiles or ask for a federal background check before purchasing a beer.)
In the Left’s insatiable quest for power and control, which really fuels its zeal for deconstruction and repeal of the Second Amendment, what the socialist Democrat Party leaders don’t want to discuss is that the deadliest grounds in America are their inner cities — where the vast majority of murders and violent crimes are black-on-black.
The Demos’ objective is to keep the focus on inanimate objects — guns — in order to keep it off their failed socialist policies, the result of which is an epidemic of decayed cultural devolution in the urban centers they have generationally controlled.
Finally, as you undoubtedly know, there are thousands of federal, state, and local gun laws on the books. Fact is, however, where there are more guns, there is less violence. Whenever Demos invoke the words “common sense” in reference to gun control, you can be certain that is a non sequitur.
Violence is a cultural problem. More “gun control” regulation is not the solution for systemic violence. As you may be aware, criminals don’t abide by gun regulations now, and they most assuredly won’t abide by any new regulations. Only law-abiding citizens obey the law.