The Biden Crime Syndicate’s ‘Art’ Scam
“You wouldn’t … spend more than $1,000 on it.”
In case you missed your invitation to Hunter Biden’s big “art” show last week, it was a fabulous celebrity affair at the famous Milk Studios. It attracted hundreds of guests, including of course LA’s leftist mayor, Eric Garcetti, for poses with the celebrated producer of what might best be trademarked as crackhead crap.
Of course, the value of art is in the eye of the beholder — and those who want to curry favor with POTUS Biden. Several of Hunter’s creations, priced between $75,000 and $500,000, sold. But I’m sure the identity of the buyers was fully concealed in order not to raise any ethical questions…
Of Biden’s personal participation in gallery sales events, Barack Obama’s former White House ethics chief Walter Shaub said, “I just think that’s absolutely appalling.” Asked about such criticism, JB’s spokesman Jen Psaki said, “I’d refer to the gallerist for questions.” That’s because Joe has outsourced the White House ethics question to “gallerist” Georges Berges — whose only conflict of interest is the windfall he’s receiving from Hunter’s sales.
When Hunter was asked recently about the ethics questions, he responded, “F**k ‘em.”
Hilariously, Berges, the gallery owner who “discovered Hunter,” lists this Biden bio on his website: “A lawyer by profession, Hunter Biden now devotes his energies to the creative arts, bringing innumerable experiences to bear. The results are powerful and impactful paintings ranging from photogenic to mixed media to the abstract. His chosen substrates are canvas, yup paper, wood, and metal on which he affixes oil, acrylic, ink along with the written word; all of which creates a unique experience that has become his signature.”
I mean, after all, according to his non compos mentis father, “Hunter is the smartest guy I know.” So how could anyone doubt his innate artistic ability?
Well, for one, The Washington Post’s art critic, Sebastian Smee, who actually offered an honest assessment of Biden’s art: “You see a certain kind of art in coffee shops. … But you wouldn’t, unless you were related to the artist, spend more than $1,000 on it.” The New York Times described Hunter’s work as “leaning towards the surreal.”
Of the lower-end $75,000 price tags, one observer said: “You can get Rembrandt etchings for less. Much less.” Indeed, like as low as $1,500, but who can compare a 17th-century Dutch master considered to be the greatest visual artist in history to a reformed crack master?
The best assessment of Biden’s LA “art” success comes from Oliver Wiseman, Spectator World magazine’s “DC Diarist.”
According to Wiseman: “Let’s start with something obvious: Hunter’s paintings are not worth their $500,000 price tag. As James Panero put it in The Spectator recently, 'The abstractions he creates, like the sentiments he conveys, are the stuff of dorm-room posters.’ … What the price tags reveal is not Hunter’s artistic brilliance, but the fact that this is not a market for those looking to decorate the walls of their ski lodge. Rather, it is a market for political influence. … That fact is plainly obvious to anyone not paid to make excuses for the president and his family. … [Biden’s] artwork sales suggest he hasn’t kicked his career-long habit of profiting off his proximity to power.”
“Dorm-room poster” quality? Maybe, as long as there is a black light and a substantial amount of cannabis present.
Upcoming: All those LA sales were ahead of Hunter’s big Georges Berges Gallery opening in New York, which should be well-staffed given Berges received $500,000 in COVID assistance.
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776
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- Hunter Biden