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December 6, 2023

Wednesday Short Cuts

Notable quotables from John Kerry, Dan Goldman, Christopher Wray, and more.

An Unguarded Gaffe, or the Beginnings of an Off-Ramp?

“If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running. But we cannot let him win for the sake of the country.” —President Joe Biden

Hot Air

“This is insane to be thinking that, you know, we’re asking people to give up [energy sources]. … But gas will have a confrontation with the future in the future.” —climate czar John Kerry

“There shouldn’t be anymore coal-fired power plants permitted anywhere in the world. … I find myself getting more and more militant because I do not understand how adults who are in position of responsibility can be avoiding responsibility for taking away those things that are killing people on a daily basis. And the reality is that the climate crisis and health crisis are one and the same.” —John Kerry

“The scientists are saying this moment is alarming. It’s without precedent. It is terrifying, some have said, and others will say we are in uncharted territory.” —John Kerry

“If we can’t hear Mother Nature and can’t judge with our own eyes what the science is telling us — this is not about politics. There’s no ideology. There’s no pejorative against any one business or any approach. There is simply mathematics and physics and some chemistry and biology. That is what we are acting on.” —John Kerry

Belly Laugh of the Day

“I’m guided by the science. And I can tell you, honestly, there is zero politics or ideology in any decision that President Biden has made or the administration has made. We are driven by the science.” —John Kerry

Non Sequitur

“The Mexican drug cartels are the ones who control the fentanyl trade at the border. And unfortunately, the Mexican drug cartels have that authority because they possess guns and weapons of war. But unfortunately, those weapons of war come from American manufacturers, not from Mexico or elsewhere.” —Congressman Dan Goldman (D-NY)

The BIG Lie

“Under President Joe Biden, wages are up, inflation is coming down, and more than 14 million private-sector jobs have been created. Under President Joe Biden, [the] stock market is up. Gas prices are coming down.” —House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)

For the Record

“While there may have been times over the years where individual threats could have been higher here or there than where they might be right now, I’ve never seen a time where all the threats or so many of the threats are all elevated, all at exactly the same time.” —FBI Director Christopher Wray

“The Jewish community in this country is like 2.5% of the American public — and yet they represent something close to 60% of all religiously based hate crimes.” —Christopher Wray

Useful Idiot

“I do not believe we should be appropriating over $10 billion for the right-wing extremist Netanyahu government to continue its current military approach. What the Netanyahu government is doing is immoral, it is in violation of international law, and the United States should not be complicit in those actions. … Israel has a right to defend itself, but it does not have, in my view, the right to wage all-out war against innocent men, women, and children.” —Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (VT)

Friendly Fire

“It is very important that we are giving voice to the women who were raped and murdered on October 7th. … When I saw the list of women’s rights organizations which said nothing, I nearly choked. Where is the solidarity for women in this country and in this world to stand up for our mothers, our sisters, and our daughters?” —Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)

And Last…

“I say to the women’s rights organizations, to the human rights organizations: You’ve heard of the rape of Israeli women; horrible atrocities; sexual mutilation. Where the hell are you?” —Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

“Who do the women’s groups represent? … We know they don’t represent any Republican women or libertarian women or pro-life women or independent women. Among feminists they don’t represent women in sports who don’t want to compete against men. They don’t represent women who believe in legitimate safe spaces away from men… They don’t represent obviously Jewish women. And they don’t represent white women unless they buy a dinner where they confess that they’re an oppressor to woke scholars. And I’m trying to think, who’s left to represent? Is it men who say they’re women? Because once you no longer stand up for victims of mass rape, what good are you as a women’s group? … You’re worthless; you’re pathetic.” —Fox News’s Greg Gutfeld

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