Leftmedia Scoffs at Sex Trafficking
The Left attempts to brand conservatives concerned about sex trafficking as nutty conspiracy theorists.
In an effort to discredit “right-wing conspiracy theorists,” Politico recently ran an article suggesting that stories of human trafficking are effectively overblown and serve little purpose other than adding misinformation fodder for conspiracy theories such as QAnon and Pizzagate.
The article’s subheader says it all: “An expert on conspiracy theories explains why MAGA figures are embracing the latest twist in the Jeffrey Epstein saga.” Talk about a conspiracy “expert” spinning a conspiracy. Or to use an old idiom, this is the pot calling the kettle black.
The whole “MAGA figures” is itself little other than a leftist-created conspiracy caricature of political identity. Anyone who dares express support for Donald Trump in any way is immediately painted with this intentionally misleading and negative caricature.
The vast majority of conservative Americans are not tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorists. The fact that the majority of conservatives are critical of and reject much of the mainstream media’s reporting on politics does not mean they embrace wacky conspiracies like QAnon or Pizzagate.
Instead, conservatives are mocked for criticism of the Clintons, who have long flouted the law. Just to name one example, what happened to those 30,000 emails from Hillary Clinton’s illegal home server? The FBI had cause to charge her but decided to let her off with little more than a stern look.
And don’t get started on Bill Clinton. He didn’t earn his nickname of Slick Willy for nothing. Thus, when it was learned that Clinton had a years-long friendship with the late financier, sex offender, and human trafficker Jeffrey Epstein and traveled on his infamous Lolita Express a number of times, it came as little surprise to most.
But the bigger question is this: Why is a Leftmedia outlet like Politico running a story that effectively tries to throw cold water on the widely documented and growing problem of human trafficking? Human trafficking is not a conspiracy theory; rather, it is a conspiracy fact.
Indeed, one of the most glaring problems from Joe Biden’s open border malfeasance is the promulgation of human trafficking. It has been repeatedly documented that migrant women and children are often victims of sexual abuse and trafficking due in large part to the Mexican cartels.
Apparently, Politico doesn’t want people to believe that human trafficking is as big a problem as it is, nor that it could involve individuals in positions of great authority and power. Why?
Maybe a look at the #MeToo movement holds the answer. Despite all its flaws, like its attack on due process with its “believe all women” mantra, #MeToo served to finally expose to the wider American public the reality of abuse by powerful men, particularly in Hollywood, predominately against young women. The vast majority of the men exposed were on the Left, such as film producer Harvey Weinstein and news anchor Matt Lauer.
But what #MeToo most exposed was a culture of ethical rot amongst much of America’s elites. What Politico would have the American public believe is that Epstein was little other than a unique outlier amongst America’s rich and powerful. You see, these folks, so many who love to lecture the rest of the country on problems such as “white supremacy” or climate change or “transgenderism,” are our betters; they’re the experts, the educated, the elites.
The truth is, what fuels crazy conspiracy theories is a double standard, whereby the elites are not held to the same rule of law that the rest of American society is. When the Leftmedia rejects a commitment to objective journalism in favor of pushing a narrative as news, trust in the industry is lost and conspiracies thrive. The fact of the matter is that people are tired of being lied to.