May 28, 2024

Tuesday Short Cuts

Notable quotables from Joe Biden, Karine Jean-Pierre, Frank Fleming, Josh Hammer, and more.

Dumb & Dumber

“This #MemorialDay & every day, we honor our veterans in St. Louis. We must invest in universal health care, affordable housing, comprehensive mental health services, and educational & economic opportunities for our veterans as we work to build a world free of war and violence.” —Congresswoman Cori Bush (D-MO)

“On #MemorialDay, we honor the heroic men and women who served our country. We owe them more than our gratitude — they have more than earned access to quality mental health services, job opportunities, housing assistance, and the benefits they were promised.” —Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN)

The duo ultimately removed the posts, which conflated Memorial Day with Veterans Day.


“In America, we leave no veteran behind.” —Joe Biden (“Spoken just like a man who has never served our nation.” —Mark Alexander)

Baghdad Bob

“We’re talking about folks who are in [student] debt who are literally being crushed.” —White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre (“For the record, nobody is ‘literally being crushed’ by student debt, and because that debt is mostly held by higher-income individuals, they are not being figuratively crushed either.” —Mark Alexander)

Yellow Journalism

“President Ebrahim Raisi’s mixed legacy in Iran.” —BBC (“Ebrahim Raisi’s nickname was the ‘Butcher of Tehran’ as a result of his mass murder and brutal torture of political dissidents.” —X/Twitter Community Note)

Political Futures

“The people who make up the political left are not necessarily motivated by a particular person. They are voting based on identity and ideology. You could run a dead man (in some ways, Biden is a dead man walking), and leftists would vote for the corpse. That’s why they are so committed to the ‘manufacturing approach’ to elections. It’s not winning hearts and minds. It’s simply having massive data on every last person who identifies in any way with the left and then churning out votes like a conveyor belt.” —Gary Bauer

“If Biden loses, he’ll go down in history as the president who was so bad he made people nostalgic for Trump.” —Frank J. Fleming

“I doubt he will even be running, frankly. I just can’t even imagine it.” —Donald Trump on Joe Biden

“[Kamala] Harris may well be the only Democrat in Washington, D.C., less popular than Uncle Joe himself. The dimwitted cackler-in-chief is about as popular these days as venereal disease.” —Josh Hammer

For the Record

“Democrats need to delegitimize the Supreme Court so they can eventually pack it with loyal leftists. Keep that in mind every time they attack Clarence Thomas over a vacation or Samuel Alito over a flag.” —Nate Jackson

Follow Jordan Candler on X/Twitter.

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