June 4, 2024

Tuesday: Below the Fold

Biden grants massive amnesty to illegals, Trump team moves to boot Fani Willis, TX and FL lead the way on jobs, and more.


  • Biden grants MASSIVE amnesty to illegals: As the decrepit 81-year-old figurehead atop Barack Obama’s third term continues to hemorrhage voters, he and his handlers are nonetheless doing everything they can to wreck the country while slumming for votes. The latest example of this twofer comes on the illegal immigration front, where the Biden administration is now trying to act all tough at our southern border while at the same time surreptitiously operating a mass amnesty scheme for illegals. As the New York Post reports: “Data show that since 2022, more than 350,000 asylum cases filed by migrants have been closed by the US government if the applicants don’t have a criminal record or are otherwise not deemed a threat to the country. This means that while the migrants are not granted or denied asylum — their cases are ‘terminated without a decision on the merits of their asylum claim’ — they are removed from the legal system and no longer required to check in with authorities. The move allows them to legally, indefinitely roam the US without fear of deportation, effectively letting them slip through the cracks.” What a colossal failure, then, from House Republicans to have wasted their time on the impeachment of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas when they should’ve been pursuing the architect of this ruin.

  • Venezuelan illegal shoots NYPD officers: One of the signs of just how bad it’s gotten in Joe Biden’s America is the inability of truly appalling stories to move us anymore. Take what happened early Monday morning in Donald Trump’s hometown of Queens, where Officer Jonathan Diller was murdered in March. There, two New York City cops who were investigating a series of robberies involving perps on scooters were shot while in pursuit of a suspect who authorities say is a Venezuelan illegal. As Fox News reports, “The two officers, part of the 115th Precinct’s public safety unit, attempted to pull over a male suspect driving a scooter the wrong way when the suspect began to flee on foot. During the foot chase, the suspect shot at the two officers, who returned fire. One officer was shot in the stomach area of his bullet-proof vest, while the other officer was shot in the leg. Both officers were rushed to hospitals in stable condition and are expected to recover.” Let’s see: Venezuelan illegals using scooters to rob people. It sounds vaguely familiar, doesn’t it?

  • Trump team moves to boot corrupt Fani Willis: As Manhattan’s Soros-backed district attorney, Alvin Bragg, basks in the glow of his show trial conviction of Donald Trump, his hard-left prosecutorial colleague, Fulton County DA Fani Willis, remains free and gainfully employed. Willis, you’ll recall, appeared to perjure herself when she refused to come clean about her romantic involvement with a guy, Nathan Wade, whom she hired to prosecute Trump, even though said guy lacked the legal experience to do so. But justice has two tiers these days, and Willis is still on the Trump case. At least until October. That’s when oral arguments will occur in reviewing a Georgia judge’s order declining to disqualify Willis from the case. In March, weak-kneed Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee declined to remove her despite Trump and several co-defendants pointing out the clear Willis-Wade conflict of interest. What this means, though, is that the Atlanta case is almost certainly going to be pushed back beyond the November election.

  • Menendez running as an independent: Longtime New Jersey Democrat Senator Bob Menendez, who is fighting federal indictments on bribery charges that pushed him to drop out of the Democrat primary, has decided that he’s not willing to end a bid to maintain his Senate seat. Menendez will now run as an independent, which provides an unexpected opportunity for Republicans in the deep-blue Garden State. If Menendez pulls at least 8% of the vote away from the Democrat candidate in the general election, it could tip the election in the Republican candidate’s favor. New Jersey’s primary elections are happening today, with Rep. Andy Kim the likely Democrat nominee due to Tammy Murphy dropping out of the race in March. On the Republican side, the primary is between Christine Serrano Glassner, who has received Donald Trump’s endorsement, and Curtis Bashaw. The New Jersey Senate race is now in the toss-up column.

  • Kamala is being dispatched to the Ukraine peace summit: A Ukraine peace summit in Lucerne, Switzerland, scheduled to begin on June 15 will now be attended by Kamala Harris. The White House announced the decision to send Harris to the summit after the Biden administration had previously indicated that neither Joe Biden nor Harris would be attending. Rather than attending the summit, which over 100 countries have agreed to attend, Biden will be in California hobnobbing with Hollywood actors and execs at a campaign fundraiser. However, there is no real prospect of any kind of peace deal being worked out at the summit since Russia has not been invited. As Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov observed, “This is a completely absurd activity, this is an idle pastime.” Since Biden knows this, he’s unwilling to waste his own time on a fruitless endeavor, but to make a show of support for Ukraine, he’s sending Harris.

  • Four more Israeli hostages confirmed dead: On Monday, Israel somberly added to the hostage death toll from the barbaric Hamas attack of October 7, as four men — Nadav Popplewell, 51; Chaim Peri, 79; Yoram Metzger, 80; and Amiram Cooper, 85 — were confirmed dead by the Israel Defense Forces. The four were apparently killed during an IDF operation, which, sadly, makes sense, given Hamas’s vile and cowardly propensity to use hostages as human shields. As the Washington Examiner reports: “The announcement comes days after President Joe Biden unveiled Israel’s three-part proposal for ‘an enduring ceasefire’ between the Jewish state and Hamas. Under the plan, female and child hostages would be released in exchange for Palestinian prisoners and the IDF would withdraw from ‘populated areas of Gaza.’ Then, the exchange of all living hostages would transpire, including male soldiers. The third phase would create ‘a major reconstruction plan for Gaza,’ with ‘any final remains of hostages who’ve been killed’ being ‘returned to their families,’ according to Biden.” Color us dubious of any agreement that allows the continued existence of Hamas and its leadership.

  • TX & FL lead the way on jobs: Lower taxes and lower cost of living equates to more job growth. Who knew? Since 2019, two states have led the nation in job growth and, in fact, account for more than half the jobs created during that time span. They’re both red states as well: Texas and Florida. Texas has led the way with 1.3 million new jobs added over the last five years, while Florida has added 911,000. Meanwhile, California is heading in the opposite direction. After leading the nation in job growth from 2014 to 2019, the Golden State has seen its economic growth reverse and is now dead last among the states in job creation. California has lost roughly 214,000 jobs since 2019. New York also finds itself in the negative job creation column, which comes as little surprise since both California and New York are two of the most tax- and regulation-heavy states in the country.

  • Bar celebrates “heterosexual awesomeness month”: In Eagle, Idaho, the owner of The Old State Saloon decided that this year he’d have fun with the annual ubiquitous “Gay Pride Month” recognitions, and he would instead celebrate heterosexuality. “June will be OSS’s inaugural Heterosexual Awesomeness Month!” reads the post on the bar’s Facebook page. “Come join us all month to celebrate heterosexuals, for without them, none of us would be here! Each Monday will be Hetero Male Monday and any heterosexual male dressed like a heterosexual male will receive a free draft beer. Each Wednesday is Heterosexual couples day and each heterosexual couple will receive 15% off their bill.” After receiving some negative responses to the announcement, the owner, Mark Fitzpatrick, who describes himself as a “Christian, conservative, Constitution supporter, retired police officer, and family man," doubled down, posting: "We hear lots of people are upset about Heterosexual Awesomeness Month! Please know: 1) We love our LGBTQ+ patrons! 2) We will not be changing our mind and give into the group of those who are responding with vitriol. 3) ALL are welcome to come celebrate heterosexuality with us in June!” Here’s to Fitzpatrick and his Old State Saloon.


  • Biden prepares an order that would shut down asylum if a daily average of 2,500 migrants arrive (AP)

  • Seven highlights as Anthony Fauci testifies under oath on COVID-19 (Daily Signal)

  • Hunter Biden jury selection complete after day one of trial (Washington Examiner)

  • WaPo executive editor steps down, publisher warns staff, “People are not reading your stuff” (Daily Wire)

  • Nelson Mandela’s party has been dealt a seismic election blow (CNN)

  • BMW forced to explain why Middle East social media doesn’t get rainbowed-up for Pride Month (Daily Wire)

  • Eleven NFL teams so far decline to bow to Pride Month messaging (OutKick)

  • One million United Methodists exit in one day (Christian Post)

  • Harvard faculty end mandatory DEI statements in hiring (National Review)

  • Conservative Pat Sajak retires as longest-running game show host (The Federalist)

  • Humor: American voters looking forward to choosing between convicted felon and unconvicted felon (Babylon Bee)

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