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June 27, 2024

Reader Comments

Observations on the week’s analysis and commentary.

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: ‘Gun Violence’ Is Biden’s Political Health Crisis

“I am becoming more and more concerned about the government’s ongoing attempts to disarm the citizens. Biden seems determined to escalate this issue to the point where it will incite more violence instead of less. And that violence will occur in response to something ‘the government’ does to circumvent or attempt through legislation to destroy the Second Amendment. Our elected officials just do not seem to understand that legislation cannot properly remove or modify the Constitution. That requires an amendment, which is not an easy task. And even if they should somehow succeed in such a process, it would quite possibly spark a second civil war. And rightly so.” —Florida

Re: Snopes Finally Debunks Biden’s Charlottesville Lie

“These leftists who call themselves Democrats, progressives, Marxists, socialists, etc. all employ the same political tactics to gain power and to render their opponents powerless in order to destroy them. By declaring a lie as truth, they work their agenda by having their useful idiots in government, media, education, and entertainment repeat it over and over. And after it has served its purpose, they continue to cling to the falsehood in order to claim righteous indignation when their enemies finally expose the lie. Historically, it is the old Marxist/communist modus operandi: The ends justify the means.” —North Carolina

Re: Trump Is Pro-Immigration

“I am now retired at 61, getting SSDI and VA disability, and the ideas coming from Trump have been great. Green cards for people that get a degree in the U.S., no taxes on tips, and getting rid of illegal aliens are great ideas for getting elected. I hope he follows through. I just hope he comes up with other ideas for my age group like refunding Social Security and raising the monthly payment. I have worked for over 45 years, and in that time I could have invested the money I paid in. At 5% interest, it would be greater that what I get for SSDI. How come the government can always find money for its pet projects but never for the people who helped make this country great?” —Illinois

Re: Are We Ready to Draft Our Women?

“Drafting women is not just a bad idea, it doesn’t address the real problem, which is that we have to raise our boys to be real men rather than miseducated, out-of-shape, emotionally incontinent, spoiled, phone-gazing metrosexual snobs. We’ve been warned multiple times in the last decade that even if we drafted the boys, two-thirds or more would not be fit to serve. We can’t expect any better results from the girls. Too many parents and teachers are failing to bring the children up to workable standards of virtue and physical and intellectual fitness. In particular, the radical feminists and cultural Marxists who dominate public education are not only a disaster but a threat to the security of the nation.” —Minnesota

Re: What History Can Teach Us

“The Left loves to point in self-righteous indignation to the ‘genocide’ of the conquistadors as evidence of the inherent maliciousness of white men, but they fail to understand that the Spaniards first witnessed and were horrified by the human sacrifices and other blatantly evil practices by the Aztecs and Mayans. It should be no surprise, therefore, that they sought to stamp out this abominable pagan religion-based oppression. They may have even seen it as liberating the people after a fashion, although the practice of enslaving them afterwards rather undid that. The bottom line is that the Left is quite one-sided in its analysis of history.” —Minnesota

Re: Tuesday: Below the Fold

“Imagine two people walk into a bar. One keeps secret material in his garage where his drug-abusing son and all his friends have access. The other keeps his secrets in a lock room guarded by the Secret Service. Who is the most guilty one?” —Washington

“The slugs at the California State Board of Equalization have come up with a deviant way to mitigate the budget shortfall by slow-walking tax refunds. A few weeks after filing my return, I received a letter from the state board demanding copies of all my 1099s, my driver’s license, and other documents to prove my identity. Give me a break — I have been filing tax returns in California since 1981. When California taxpayers file their tax returns electronically, the state board has access to the federal returns as well, which is standard practice. In this way, it helps with the state’s cash flow issues.” —California

“As a Vietnam War veteran, I am quite pleased to see Russia getting the ‘rewards’ it deserves from Western allies assisting Ukraine. Russia not only supplied North Vietnam and the Viet Cong but provided training assistance and manned anti-aircraft guns. There was also the matter of Russian-speaking radio intercepts over the North. Payback is certainly likened to a vengeful female canine.” —Kentucky

Re: Scientific American Disingenuously Attacks Homeschooling

“Children are at greater risk from public schooling than homeschooling. It’s as simple as that. Yes, socialization of children by interacting with their peers is a valuable asset. But there are plenty of alternatives where kids can meet other kids outside of school settings.” —Michigan

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