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July 3, 2024

The Next Educational Indoctrination: Pro-Terror Curriculum

A teachers union is empowering modern-day Jew-hatred by giving pro-Hamas activists a foothold in the public schools.

The teachers unions have proven over and over again that they are happy to be the arbiters of left-wing indoctrination in our schools. During COVID, it was child masking and digital learning schemes. Now, it’s empowering modern-day Jew-hatred by giving pro-Hamas activists a foothold in the public schools.

The Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA) has decided to green-light “a framework for discussing and set of curriculum resources for learning about the history and current events in Israel and Occupied Palestine, for MTA members to use with each other and their students.” The curriculum development is being led by Ricardo Rosa, Director of Training & Professional Learning. Rosa, however, is very vocally anti-Israel and anti-American. Two days after the October 7 massacre in which 1,200 Israelis were slaughtered and 250 taken hostage, Rosa posted on his social media an image stating “Free Palestine” with a cluster of people below the slogan waving flags and aiming sling shots.

Considering all the sexual violence and murder that was perpetrated against the Israeli people, it’s as if he were downplaying the seriousness of the Hamas horrors. Rosa also condoned the self-immolation of U.S. Airman Aaron Bushnell, advocated for the reinstatement of a college professor who called Zionists “Babylon swine,” and endorsed terrorist Leila Khaled.

MTA, which represents 117,000 teachers, is making this very unpopular move and putting Rosa in the driver’s seat. As one of MTA’s members, high school math teacher Max Reich commented, “I was shocked when I saw his activism posts just days after he was tasked with the development of the new curriculum. Asking activists to develop curriculum will not lead to accurate or useful material for students.”

However, it’s something of a specialty for leftist activists. Between gender theory and critical race theory in classrooms as young as elementary, the Left’s goal is to ensure the next generation is brought up in their own self-image. That image is getting uglier every year.

The pro-Palestine (read: pro-Hamas) movement has always been anti-Semitic at its core. By its own arguments of being “anti-colonial,” Jews have every right to establish a Jewish state. The Jewish homeland is Israel; they have ancestral rights. But let’s not beat around the bush: Every protest since October 7 has specifically targeted Jews. On college campuses, they’re hurling slurs and spitting on Jewish students simply trying to go to class. Outside Los Angeles synagogues, they’re beating up Jews trying to get into their place of worship.

The cover story of the pro-Hamas agitators — that they are merely anti-Zionist/anti-colonialist — is so thinly veiled that only someone who is willingly blind about their anti-Semitism would believe it at this point. Now that their pro-terror radicalism is actively being processed to be spoon-fed to our children, it should give parents pause.

Is this the story of America you want your children and grandchildren being told? A lie chocolate-dipped in Jew-hatred with anti-American sprinkles? This poisonous ideology should be eradicated, and that starts with us grassroots parents. We have a say, an opportunity to nip it in the bud before the loud minority destroys everything in its path.

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