Emmy Griffin Bio

Emmy Griffin is a Chicago native who now resides in the South. As a former educator, she has had the opportunity to teach all grade levels K-12. The passion that drove her during teaching — the love of her students and the people they are becoming — is the same drive behind her writing for The Patriot Post. She is a mother, avid reader, and podcast listener who is always striving to learn.

Emmy Griffin / July 26, 2024

The Great ‘Border Czar’ Whitewash

The circle-the-wagons mainstream media wants to retcon Harris’s role in the open southern border.

Emmy Griffin / July 25, 2024

We Are Living in Dangerous Times — Watch Out for China

Our enemies smell blood in the water, and the Communist Chinese aren’t sitting back and doing nothing.

Emmy Griffin / July 24, 2024

Political Prisoner Evan Gershkovich

The Wall Street Journal reporter has been sentenced to 16 years in a Russian prison colony while the U.S. is in political turmoil.

Emmy Griffin / July 23, 2024

The Fractured Olympic Games Begin

A postmortem on why this once-unifying event has failed in recent times.

Emmy Griffin / July 22, 2024

Katy Perry’s ‘Feminist Anthem’

“Woman’s World,” which is neither interesting nor deep, is being canceled by both the Left and the Right.

Emmy Griffin / July 19, 2024

‘Unity,’ They Said. ‘Lower the Temperature,’ They Cried.

Except Biden and his Democrat Party/Leftmedia lackeys neglect to say that this applies to them also.

Emmy Griffin / July 18, 2024

RFK Jr., Donald Trump, and ‘A Hopeful Sign’

Kennedy and Trump display a better unity than our current commander-in-chief is capable of showing.

Emmy Griffin / July 17, 2024

An RNC Full of Highlights

An emotional entrance, a veep announcement, an important coup, a “dangerous” speech, and big endorsements.

Emmy Griffin / July 16, 2024

Jill vs. Kamala: Grudges and Power Struggle Edition

Hell hath no fury like a Lady Macbeth clinging to power.

Emmy Griffin / July 15, 2024

Battle on the Homefront for Military Personnel

Schools within the Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA) are training kids to be left-wing activists.

Emmy Griffin / July 12, 2024

Candace Owens Teeters Toward Anti-Semitism Once Again

Her recent podcast posits that Josef Mengele’s monstrous experiments might be propaganda.

Emmy Griffin / July 11, 2024

Migrants Love New York

The poorest boroughs are shouldering the majority of the migrant influx.

Emmy Griffin / July 10, 2024

Well, Is She a Conservative, or Isn’t She?

Amy Coney Barrett is finding newfound respect from Leftmedia outlets for her voting record being slightly more moderate than predicted.

Emmy Griffin / July 9, 2024

Macron’s Calculated Risk Comes Back to Bite Him

The French president was so desperate to keep conservatives out of power that he was willing to make a deal with the devil.

Emmy Griffin / July 8, 2024

Cruel and Unusual Punishment for Female Inmates

Sending in “gender-confused” male inmates to rape and bully them is awful.

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