July 9, 2024

In Brief: Joe Biden Is Not a Decent Man

The refrain that Biden is a “good” or “decent” man falls flat when you consider the president’s decades of recorded lies and slander.

If you’re reading this, you know Joe Biden is not a good guy. He’s a deplorable human being, in fact. Jonathan Tobin agrees, and he makes the case.

Even as they attempt to force him out, Democrats are still praising the sterling character of the president, especially in contrast to Trump. But that’s always been a lie. …

We can dismiss the claim that his administration has been a great success, an astonishing disconnect with the reality of an inflation-ridden economy, open border, and a world in chaos on his watch, that is nonetheless ritually repeated regularly on the left-wing news channels. But Democrat partisans actually think they are on firmer ground in affirming that he’s a great guy — and therefore a stark contrast to Trump, whom they denounce as personally evil — even as they come to grips with the fact that he lacks the mental acuity to be the leader of the free world.

But the notion that “Scranton Joe” is a nice guy is as wrongheaded as the claim that he’s mentally competent or a brilliant leader.

Tobin begins with Biden’s demeanor and adversarial relationship with the truth.

The one constant about Biden has been his essential meanness, which, when combined with his well-known predilection for telling tall tales about his own life, is a formula for slander of all those who are not materially contributing to his success.

He recounts his lies even about the man involved in the traffic accident that tragically killed his first wife and daughter. Biden’s grief, says Tobin, “is to be pitied,” though his lies about it are “despicable.” LIkewise despicable was his family’s treatment of another family that lost a loved one in an accident caused by Joe’s brother Frank, who was egged on by Joe’s son Hunter.

Tobin moves on to the fact that “the evidence of his meanness in his public life has been just as abundant.” That includes plagiarism for speeches, smearing of judicial nominees, and the personal destruction of a woman — Tara Reade — “the woman who has accused him of sexual misconduct.” He continues:

Even as he showed us just how unfit he was to be president during the debate with Trump, he also gave the nation more reasons to doubt his good character. Recycling the lie that Trump claimed the neo-Nazis at the 2017 Charlottesville rally were “very fine people” is standard Democrat rhetoric. But a decent politician would have dropped it since even Snopes labeled the claim as “false” only a week before the debate.

But Trump, scream Biden’s supporters. And they have a point, concedes Tobin, though he concludes:

But, unlike Biden, Trump has never claimed to be a paragon of virtue. In fact, he has enjoyed his “bad boy” reputation, and a lot of voters love him because he doesn’t dissemble about it.

But whatever one can say about Trump not being an example of a virtuous public figure, Biden’s reputation as a good guy is as unfounded as any assertions of his greatness as a leader.

Read the whole thing here.

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