August 6, 2024

Reader Comments

Observations on the week’s analysis and commentary.

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: The Truth About Trump and Project 2025

“So Trump claims he didn’t know what Project 2025 was? That is a Biden-size whopper!” —Connecticut

“Huge mistake by Trump to reject Project 2025, if he actually has.” —Minnesota

“Thank you for the clarity on Project 2025! Trump should fire campaign hacks Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita for their assault on the project. I understand the politics of distancing, but as Alexander said, they threw all these good people under the bus. Disgraceful.” —California

Re: Is Harris the First Indian or Asian or Black VP?

“Excellent. We should immediately and permanently cancel all these hyphenated labels that serve only to divide us. We are either American or we are not!” —California

“Harris is the Heinz 57 of identity politics.” —Pennsylvania

“Obama accomplished more in the first two years of his third term than in his first two terms.” —Hawaii

Re: Narcissists: Love Them or Hate Them?

“I learned a good lesson about 40 years ago as I was making snide remarks about the young pilots picking up women in the O Club bar. They were such show-offs! Then one of my friends pointed out that, almost by definition, a pilot has to have an inflated ego. How else can he sit in a multibillion-dollar jet and take control? He MUST believe he of all people can do anything with that aircraft and defeat anybody else who may try to outmaneuver him or take away his control. Donald Trump has done many things that most of us can’t do. Does he have an ego? Yes. Like the young pilot, he MUST think he can ‘pilot’ the greatest nation in the world. And some of us prefer his flamboyancy to Biden’s milquetoast persona.” —Nevada

Re: Gender-Confused Loudoun County Rapist Walks Away

“It’s a good thing that Hunter Heckel’s name is public. But why should teen offenders remain anonymous anyway? And why have their sometimes-extensive criminal records expunged once they reach the age of majority? I’m all for second chances, but as Ronald Reagan once said, ‘Trust, but verify.’ Anyone who commits crimes after entering adolescence knows well enough the difference between good and evil; it is a CHOICE, not confusion, that leads them to commit their offenses. Only Democrats, who nevertheless think children are old enough to choose abortions or sex changes, believe that teen thugs are incapable of choosing to abide by the law.” —Georgia

“Hopefully this perp’s next escapade (and experience teaches that there will be another, especially after he got away with the first two) will result in the criminal justice system functioning as it should.” —Arizona

Re: In Brief: Biden’s Pathetic Supreme Court Putsch

“Biden is a puppet being led around with a brass ring in his nose by the Barack Obama cabal. Obama disdains the lawful procedure to challenge the Supreme Court through legal cases, preferring to pull and tear the Court down to his subterranean level. The Supreme Court has been admirably performing its function as a check on Congress and the presidency for 236 years. What Obama doesn’t like he wants to crush the life out of, demolish, and remold into his socialist image. Why hasn’t anyone challenged Obama? Is he that scary of an opponent? I think he hides behind the lawful procedures of a lawful society, turning the cogs and wheels of the time clock of the 21st century.” —Kansas

Re: Dear Useful Idiots: It’s Biden and LBJ, Not Biden and Washington

“Are Democrat constituents so stupid that they buy this comparison of Biden and Washington? Apparently.” —Florida

Re: Thursday: Below the Fold

“The writer asks how the would-be assassin’s movement could have been missed when it was recorded on a video by someone watching Trump’s speech. For nearly all of the audience, it confirms the power of attention fixation. It’s been demonstrated by having an actor dressed in an ape or bear suit caper on one end of a basketball court while the game is playing on the other end, then polling the audience about anything unusual seen during the game. Very few notice the trespasser. Nevertheless, the Secret Service and other security personnel were supposed to be watching the perimeter and the audience for such threats, especially given earlier warnings of a suspicious person in the area.” —Minnesota

Re: Thursday Short Cuts

“The trouble with liberals is that they want ‘equal outcome’ regardless of input. That misguided socialist plan is unworkable and has been ever since the distribution of garden plots by the first colonists. It fails when the hardworking notice that the slovenly are getting a free ride.” —Pennsylvania

“Kamala Harris should try to remember the old saw: Laws are enacted only for those who will obey them. When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. You can be safe, or you can be free — you will seldom be both.” —Texas

Re: ‘Don’t Be a Stranger’

“Ron, I want to thank you for this article. It is a perfect statement of what we ought to be as Christians. We don’t appreciate our Father until we need Him for some disaster in our lives. He tells us, ‘Draw near unto me, and I will draw near unto you.’ I could read this article over the pulpit without the slightest alteration. It is exactly my own feeling on the subject. Thanks so much.” —Utah

Re: Profiles of Valor: Revoke the Wounded Knee Medals

“Bravo Zulu on Alexander’s affirming the revocation of MOHs for the Wounded Knee massacre. I greatly appreciate the straightforward argument for this review. Presenting the case for revocation with earlier precedents, as well as the history of this specific case, is a great approach — logical, rational, and justified.” —Texas

“Thank you for your clarity on revoking these medals. As an attorney who has represented Apaches whose ancestors earned MOHs fighting valiantly on the side of the U.S. against Geronimo, I appreciate your moral stand.” —Arizona

“I am certain that the Medal of Honor recipients I know don’t want their Medals soiled with the Wounded Knee awards. Let those MOHs that were awarded for valor stand and any undeserved be revoked. ” —Minnesota

“This is one of your best valor profiles — valor belongs to those who have earned it!” —Wyoming

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