August 23, 2024

Left-Wing Lunacy in the Nuclear Security Administration

The Biden/Harris administration has appointed a DEI zealot who is obsessed with eliminating “white supremacy” in the nuclear field.

Elections have consequences. It’s a phrase I’m sure you have heard many times. Now, here’s a glaring example of those consequences.
The Biden/Harris administration has appointed Sneha Nair to serve as a special assistant at the National Nuclear Security Administration in the Department of Energy. If you think she’s working to keep America safe by ensuring we have a robust nuclear deterrent, think again.
Nair is a “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) zealot, and she is obsessed with eliminating “white supremacy” in the nuclear field.
Of course, any kind of racial supremacy is always wrong and should not be tolerated. And I don’t see any sign that white supremacy is a big problem among nuclear scientists and military officers. But Nair seems convinced that the KKK is about to “go nuclear.” Here’s what she wrote about the issue:
“Diversifying the perspectives included in nuclear security decision-making can expand the definition of who or what constitutes a ‘threat’ for nuclear security. The notion of ‘threat’ and ‘security’ are defined by the dominant culture [white people], which inherently sidelines how marginalized groups … perceive ‘threats.’”
“An example of this is the threat posed by some White supremacist groups to nuclear facilities may go undetected if a White-majority workforce does not perceive these ideological leanings as indicators of a relevant nuclear security threat… integrating DEI into nuclear security culture can help reimagine how each state’s nuclear security regime understands ‘threat’ to ensure a comprehensive assessment of the security risks facing a facility.”
If I understand this gobbledygook correctly, it seems Nair is suggesting that a “comprehensive” understanding of security risks must absolutely assume white supremacy is an immediate threat and that a majority of white workers can’t identify blatant racism when they see it.
So, the solution is ideological brainwashing and a majority-minority workforce. I think that’s what she is getting at. But Nair doesn’t stop there.
Beyond Insane
Nair’s other obsession involves the “queering” of our nuclear arsenal. Seriously. You can’t make this stuff up!
The main point of “queering” our nuclear arsenal seems to be eliminating it and leaving us to the tender mercies of communist China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia. Here’s her explanation for “queering” our nuclear weapons:
“Queer theory is a field of study, closely related to feminist theory, that examines sex- and gender-based norms. It shines a light on the harm done by nuclear weapons through uranium mining, nuclear tests, and the tax money spent on nuclear weapons…
"The queer lens prioritizes the rights and well-being of people over the abstract idea of national security, and it challenges the mainstream understanding of nuclear weapons – questioning whether they truly deter nuclear war, stabilize geopolitics, and reduce the likelihood of conventional war…
"Queer theory is also about rejecting binary choices and zero-sum thinking, such as the tenet that nuclear deterrence creates security and disarmament creates vulnerability… Indeed, queer theory helps us not only see the bad of a world with nuclear weapons, but also imagine the good of a world without them.”
I will say something I seldom say: Words fail me.

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