An Election Open Letter to All Americans
For freedom’s sake, please reject this Marxist march to insanity and thus the destruction of these United States.
Dear Fellow Citizens,
The upcoming national election is not about former President Donald Trump. It’s not about Vice President Kamala Harris. Please — please — do not look at this election as an election between personalities or between which one of these two you like or don’t like. Frankly, I don’t “like” either one of them very much.
What I do like, as the cornerstone of my life, is the Constitution of the United States of America. Here’s what I like most about it — the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights contains the first 10 Amendments to our Constitution. While the main body of the Constitution is about governmental organization and operation, the Bill of Rights is specifically about you. It’s about me. It’s about our inalienable rights as human beings on this planet Earth.
The Bill of Rights is 100% on the line in the upcoming election. I spent 39 years on active duty in America’s Army working to figure things out. I’ve figured this election out. This one was easy. Straight up: A vote for Trump is a vote for your Bill of Rights and your personal freedoms. So, it’s a vote for our personal and immutable God-given human rights.
A vote for Harris is a strong vote against the Bill of Rights and a vote for the governmental principles articulated by Karl Marx. It’s a vote for federal government control of what rights, if any, citizens will be afforded by the government. Under Marxist regimes worldwide, historically, these rights and personal freedoms have been few, very few. This reality is stunningly clear.
God-fearing patriotic Americans owe it to our children and our grandchildren to fully and passionately reject the Marxist dictums aspired to by Harris and her inner circle. Should she become president, your rights and freedoms as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights will be vastly eroded by a torrent of Marxist-appointed bureaucrats brought to Washington by Harris and her associates. They will overwhelm our governmental institutions.
Regardless of what Harris says, the hard truth is that in her administration, thousands of dedicated and passionate Marxists will be at the helm in all of America’s agencies and departments, and they will take control of your lives and your fortunes, large or small. The Marxists will strangle and destroy the Bill of Rights, regardless of congressional oversight or Supreme Court rulings. Cabinet bureaucrats, especially the Justice Department, are simply that powerful, strong, and intrusive. If you think our Supreme Court or Congress has the power to protect your personal rights and freedoms, your head is buried deeply in the sand.
For freedom’s sake, please reject this Marxist march to insanity and thus the destruction of these United States. Vote for Trump as our next president. Vote early and ensure 10 of your friends vote for him also. It is our very last hope to save our cherished democracy, our personal freedoms, and our inalienable rights.
B.B. Bell, General, U.S. Army (Ret.), is a member of The Patriot Post’s National Advisory Committee. He served in uniform for almost four decades, including extended deployments overseas in both peace and war.