Kamala and the Court
If she’s elected president, Kamala Harris will dismantle the conservative Supreme Court in a novel way.
There’s nothing Democrats like more than talking about our sacred “democracy,” especially during an election.
But the democracy they talk about isn’t the Republic our Founders established. In fact, our system’s separation of powers is seen by Democrats as a nuisance, as an obstacle to their radical agenda to control the American people.
Case in point: Democrats revered the Supreme Court for decades, so long as a left-wing majority handed down verdicts favorable to the Left, and they denounced anyone who questioned the legitimacy of the nation’s highest court. When rulings legalized abortion and same-sex marriage, for example, we were told, “It’s the law of the land.” In other words, The justices have spoken. Now shut up and obey. Predictably, the Court that was sacred under Democrat rule suddenly became a deeply flawed institution when it became more conservative.
When Donald Trump appointed three conservative justices to the Supreme Court, Democrats began peddling the idea of packing the Court with left-wing justices. Suddenly, conservative justices found themselves targeted over phony ethics violations and pressured to recuse themselves.
It wasn’t a new idea. For nearly a century, Democrats have dreamed of expanding the Court to rubber-stamp policies and programs they can’t get through the legislative process. The idea wasn’t popular during the administration of Franklin Roosevelt, and it isn’t popular today.
Back in 2021, when several Democrat members of Congress mentioned expanding the Court, The Heritage Foundation reported, “In many ways, what’s happening mirrors the court-packing schemes of President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1930s. FDR threatened to put more justices on the high court in response to the current justices’ striking down some of his New Deal programs.”
Perhaps realizing that court packing doesn’t sit well with most Americans and lacks support in Congress, Kamala Harris will pursue Plan B should she win the presidency this November: term limits for Supreme Court justices.
The initial volley in this war is called Court Reform Now, a group formed by House Democrats. The fact that Congressmen Adam Schiff and Jamie Raskin are part of the task force says just about everything we need to know about their agenda.
What’s the task force’s plan? Term limits, more justices, and an ethics code enforced by an “independent” review board.
What this independent review board would actually do is drum up alleged ethics violations as a way to remove justices who aren’t serving the Democrats’ radical agenda. And the violations could be anything they deem inappropriate.
They’ve already pressured conservative Justice Samuel Alito to recuse himself from January 6 cases because his wife flew “An Appeal to Heaven” flag at their home, and they’ve tried to sic the Justice Department on Alito’s conservative colleague, Clarence Thomas, for bogus ethics complaints. With more power, they’d find just about any reason to get Republican-appointed justices off the Court.
Democrats aim only to use “ethics” as a mafia-style cudgel to enforce certain ideological outcomes in important cases.
Just this week, the Harris campaign finally posted policy positions on its website, one of which is radically changing the Court. The proposal “calls for presidents to nominate and the Senate to confirm a new justice to the Supreme Court every two years,” the Washington Examiner reports. “Only the nine most recently appointed justices would sit for oral arguments, while the remaining justices would effectively maintain a semiretired status and participate in appellate cases as needed, such as in the event of a recusal.”
If the bill were enacted by Harris, “she could replace Thomas in 2025, followed by Chief Justice John Roberts in 2027,” adds the Examiner. “If she won a second term, Justice Samuel Alito, author of the 2022 decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, would be the next in line for forced retirement.”
Although Republicans have raised some concerns about whether a radical change to the Supreme Court is possible without broad bipartisan support or by following a constitutional process, some Democrats plan to do away with the filibuster if they hold onto power in the Senate. Rhode Island Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse says he and his fellow Democrats “are ‘virtually certain’ to ram through a package of controversial legislative reforms — including the court-packing bill — if they win a controlling majority of the government in November,” according to The Dispatch.
For all their talk about our precious democracy, Democrats are willing to destroy critical institutions if they restrain their power. And it’s just one more reason to make sure we vote in sufficient numbers to keep their court-packing scheme from ever seeing the light of day.
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