September 25, 2024

Wednesday: Below the Fold

Bad news for Democrats, Walz kisses the Soros ring, the candidate of Big Business, a free speech win, and more.

Government & Politics

  • Gallup’s party-ID poll is bad news for Democrats: In recent weeks, Democrats have been riding a wave of enthusiasm vibe of joy as Kamala Harris’s polling numbers have improved. But how could they not, given such a supplicant mainstream media and such a cleverly scripted assault on low-information voters? But like the brief endorphin rush of a chocolate bar, the Democrats’ high is now beginning to dissipate. A significant indicator was published yesterday by Gallup: “Nearly all Gallup measures that have shown some relationship to past presidential election outcomes or that speak to current perceptions of the two major parties favor the Republican Party over the Democratic Party.” Indeed, in the 10 “Key Measures” Gallup tracks, the Republicans lead in eight and are tied in the other two. Furthermore, 48% of U.S. adults identify as or lean Republican, while only 45% identify as or lean Democrat. Why is this important? As Gallup notes: “Democrats have won presidential elections in years in which they had larger-than-normal advantages in party affiliation, including 1992, 1996, 2008, 2012 and 2020. In years when the advantage was narrower — 2004 and 2016, for example — Republicans won in the electoral college if not also the popular vote.”

  • Walz kisses the Soros ring: On Tuesday, Alex Soros, the son of radical leftist billionaire George Soros, posted the following message on X: “Honored to host Governor Tim Walz at my home in New York City!” The 38-year-old Alex has effectively taken over his aging father’s financial empire and is just as committed to leftist politics. Since 2018, Alex has given over $5 million to Democrats, some $2 million of which went to the Democrats’ Senate Majority PAC. During the 2020 election cycle, Alex was one of Joe Biden’s top donors, shelling out over $700,000 to his campaign. That Kamala Harris’s running mate, Walz, would hobnob with Soros demonstrates whose interests the Harris campaign is most interested in serving. While Harris portrays herself as a moderate from the middle class, her campaign’s willingness to associate itself with the likes of Soros exposes this as a disingenuous façade.

  • FCC moves with “unprecedented” speed to approve Soros’s capture of 200+ radio stations with foreign cash just before election (Blaze Media)

  • Walz education appointee calls for the overthrow of the U.S.: If there is any question that Tim Walz is anything other than a radical leftist, then his appointment of Brian Lozenski to head the Minnesota Department of Education should put the issue to bed. Lozenski, an associate professor of urban and multicultural education at Macalester College, has a record of pushing woke ideology in the state’s education curriculum. Lozenski heads the state’s new “ethnic studies” standards, which seek to apply a neo-Marxist framework to Minnesota’s social studies curriculum. Lozenski is no fan of America, even calling for the “overthrow” of the United States. If Walz objects to Lozenski’s ideology and anti-American views, he had plenty of time, opportunity, and authority as the governor to remove him. Yet far from distancing himself from Lozenski, Walz has delegated even more power to the radical leftist professor. Might this be because Walz also shares these radical anti-American views?

  • SHOCKER: Kamala is the candidate of Big Business: One would think that Donald Trump, a renowned brand-builder and a champion of America First trade policies, would be getting some love from American businesses in the form of campaign contributions. But as this chart clearly shows, Kamala Harris is cleaning up with Big Business, and especially Big Tech, as evidenced by its top two donors, Google and Microsoft, from which she raked in nearly $1.5 million and $750,000, respectively. Contrast that with Trump’s top contributors, American Airlines and Walmart, which have contributed around $134,000 and $84,000, respectively. That’s quite a difference. As Not the Bee notes: “Google and Microsoft alone are responsible for millions in donations, and they are a couple of the wealthiest companies on the planet, not to mention their stranglehold on information via web browsers and search. Throw in Facebook, Apple, and Amazon, and you’re talking about companies worth trillions supporting the Democrat candidate.” But remember: Harris “grew up a middle-class kid.”

  • Issa calls for the closure of GEC over “censorship”: Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA) wants the Biden/Harris State Department’s Global Engagement Center eliminated over its “domestic censorship activities.” In a letter sent to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Issa blasted “the outright censorship of Americans by the State Department under your tenure.” He noted that the Biden/Harris administration was working with the press to “smear” House Republicans’ efforts to expose the GEC’s censorship of Americans. “By smearing anyone who disagrees with it as a Russian stooge,” the letter states, “this network conflates U.S. citizens with a U.S. adversary, as State Department talking points did to my colleague Representative Jim Banks and the award-winning journalists Gabe Kaminsky and Matt Taibbi in a scheming sleight of hand that ruled out of bounds political opinions and fact-based reporting it opposed but cannot refute.” GEC has effectively existed to serve as a propaganda and disinformation outlet for the State Department, which is why Issa argued, “The GEC is too intertwined with this ecosystem to be reformed, particularly as a matter of grants, outlook, and staffing.”


  • Ryan Routh charged with attempting to kill Donald Trump (Daily Wire)

  • In blistering report, Senate panel says Secret Service could have prevented first Trump shooting (Just the News)

  • Idaho man named Crazybull charged with threatening to kill Trump in nearly a dozen phone calls to Mar-a-Lago (NY Post)

  • Trump briefed on “real and specific threats” from Iran to assassinate him (Fox News)

  • Hezbollah missile commander killed in Israeli airstrike — fourth terror leader to be taken out in a week (NY Post)


  • Kamala “Down With Deportation” Harris: Ms. Kamala keeps telling us, “My values haven’t changed.” Fine. We’ll take her at her word. That means her values include taxpayer funding for sex-change operations for illegal aliens in prison. And, speaking of illegal aliens, it means not deporting any of the more than 10 million border crossers who’ve poured into our country during her tenure as border czar. As to the latter, a 2018 video of Harris dancing and chanting, “Up, up with education. Down, down with deportation!” has surfaced, and it presents yet another example of the Democrat’s past radicalism being hidden by the purely opportunistic positions she espouses today. As the New York Post reports, “Since winning the 2024 nomination, Harris has backed off many open-borders policies she once supported as both a senator and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate. That includes past statements in favor of closing down private migrant detention centers used by Immigration and Customs Enforcement — an agency she also suggested abolishing — and spending [wait for it!] taxpayer dollars on gender reassignment surgeries for migrants.” These, then, are her values. And they haven’t changed. But if you don’t like them, she has others.

  • Kamala “Eliminate the Filibuster” Harris: Kamala is such an abortion-on-demand zealot that she’s advocating the elimination of the Senate filibuster as a means of restoring the Supreme Court’s abominable 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, which was rightly rejected by the High Court two years ago. “I think we should eliminate the filibuster for Roe, and get us to the point where 51 votes would be what we need to actually put back in law the protections for reproductive freedom,” she told Wisconsin Public Radio. Said outgoing centrist Democrat Joe Manchin in response: “Shame on her.” Manchin also yanked his endorsement of Harris. Not to be outdone, Independent Senator Kyrsten Sinema said, “What an absolutely terrible, shortsighted idea.”

  • Want to boost birthrates? Build more homes (City Journal)

Good News

  • A free speech win: A pro-police coffee shop owner in Boise, Idaho, is $4 million richer after a jury found Boise State University administrators guilty of violating her First Amendment rights. Sarah Fendley, the owner of Big City Coffee, sued the university after she was effectively forced to close a coffee shop in October 2020 — only a month after opening on campus. Fendley alleged that the university’s administration conspired against her over expressed support for law enforcement. University officials worried that Fendley expressing support for law enforcement would be problematic for the school and called a meeting with her, during which her contract was terminated. Fendley’s attorney, Michael Roe, observed, “Senior administration at BSU caved to a very small number of student activists.” BSU’s attorney unsuccessfully argued that it was Fendley who was actually engaged in suppressing speech and that BSU officials were attempting to remain neutral.


  • Could voters abroad hold all the cards? (Politico)

  • DOJ’s Visa antitrust lawsuit alleges debit card company monopoly (USA Today)

  • FBI reports California violent crime up 3.6% as Newsom touts national crime drop (Just the News)

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