Celebrities Who Don’t Live in Reality Accuse Middle America of Not Living in Reality
Alec Baldwin, Sharon Stone, and other glitterati reveal Hollywood’s ignorance of real America.
Celebrities just don’t get it. They are happy to spew the condescension of their own henchmen around the globe, all while not realizing that they are the ignorant ones living in a bubble.
Last week, Sharon Stone, an actress trying to become relevant again, told film festival-goers in Torino, Italy, that Americans were arrogant and ignorant. She was asked for her thoughts about International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. While answering the question, she went off on this bizarre tangent:
Italy has seen fascism. Italy has seen these things. You guys, you understand what happens. You have seen this before. My country is in its adolescence. Adolescence is very arrogant. Adolescence thinks it knows everything. Adolescence is naive and ignorant and arrogant. And we are in our ignorant, arrogant adolescence. We haven’t seen this before in our country. So Americans who don’t travel, who 80% don’t have a passport, who are uneducated, are in their extraordinary naiveté.
Hollywood actors like Sharon Stone and Alec Baldwin now say Trump voters are “ignorant and stupid” for voting for him.
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) November 26, 2024
Stop giving money to people who hate you.
Stop watching their garbage films. pic.twitter.com/3lD70dpA8e
So, her premise is that because most Americans never leave the U.S., we are ignorant of fascism as well as uneducated and arrogant. Let’s dismantle her arguments.
Regarding her claim that 80% of Americans don’t have a passport, according to USA Today, more Americans today have a passport than ever before — 51%, in fact. Perhaps math isn’t Stone’s strong suit.
As to her other claim that Americans never travel abroad, that’s just patently untrue. According to Pew Research, 76% of Americans have traveled abroad. That’s over three-quarters of the country, and it’s a safe bet that the other quarter knows the stories of those who did travel abroad.
So, instead of backing up her assertions with facts, Stone just spouted off nonsense because she’s upset her leftist fellow travelers didn’t get power.
As for American arrogance, this is a case of projection. What are average Americans seeing that Stone, a sheltered celebrity, is not? Here are some things that come to mind: Communities torn apart by President Joe Biden’s open border policies; children groomed into an ideology that instructs them to self-mutilate because they feel uncomfortable in their own bodies; and institutions that are supposed to protect women opening wide the gates of predation to gender-confused men — ranging from delusional to sexually deviant — in their sports, locker rooms, and bathrooms. (Remember how Stone’s answer was supposed to be about a question on violence against women?)
We also noticed that life was more prosperous and better under President Donald Trump’s first term than under the limping economy of President Biden.
Sharon Stone doesn’t have to live with the consequences of any of the Democrats’ policy decisions. She lives in an ivory tower neighborhood, has like-minded leftist friends reinforcing this belief about the American people, and never has to worry about her kids or grandkids being hurt because of leftist policies. She is the living epitome of “luxury beliefs.”
She is not alone. Actor Alec Baldwin also sounded off on a similar theme at the very same film festival.
One would think that Baldwin would have the decency to slink quietly off into the night after weathering the scandal surrounding the negligent killing of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. A judge dismissed the charge of involuntary manslaughter against him, but there are still several other civil lawsuits related to Hutchins’s death. Nevertheless, Baldwin is continuing to draw attention to himself. Here is what he had to say in Torino about why the American people are so backward:
There’s a hole. There’s a vacuum. There is a gap, if you will, in information for Americans. Americans are very uninformed about reality, what’s really going on with climate change, Ukraine, Israel — you name it; the biggest topics in the world. Americans have an appetite for a little bit of information. That vacuum is filled by the film industry. Not just the independent film industry, not just the documentary film industry … but by narrative films as well.
Alec Baldwin thinks Americans are “uninformed” about “what’s really going on” in the world and says the film industry is helping to plug the gap.
— The Hollywood Reporter (@THR) November 25, 2024
“There’s a hole, a vacuum… a gap in information for Americans,” the actor said at the Turin Film Festival on Monday. “Americans are… pic.twitter.com/lVBD6UO4pi
He is only marginally more charitable toward the American people than Stone. He blamed the media for misinforming us, but he’s only half right. The mainstream Leftmedia is misinforming the American people. What Baldwin doesn’t comprehend — because he doesn’t have to — is that Americans care more about being able to afford groceries than about some theory that Mother Nature is going to destroy us. His grand plan is to make more preachy films to inform ignorant Americans about the world as he sees it.
At the end of the day, most Americans don’t really care what pretentious, ignorant celebrities like Sharon Stone or Alec Baldwin think. But they do care that these people clearly despise their countrymen. Perhaps actors and actresses should shut their mouths and stay in their lane. Leave reality for the people who actually have to live in it.