Moth Climate Study Hubris
Scientists think they already have the answer.
What’s a group of climate scientists to do when facts don’t comport with their infallible theories? Claim the desired effects are being concealed. That’s what alarmists did when they needed an excuse for the global warming hiatus over the last 17 years. Supposedly, all that heat went “hiding” deep into the ocean. Now, writes ScienceDaily, “A 32-year study of subarctic forest moths in Finnish Lapland suggests that scientists may be underestimating the impacts of climate change on animals and plants because much of the harm is hidden from view. The study analyzed populations of 80 moth species and found that 90 percent of them were either stable or increasing throughout the study period, from 1978 to 2009. During that time, average annual temperatures at the study site rose 3.5 degrees Fahrenheit, and winter precipitation increased as well.” Ecologist Mark Hunter opines that “the only possibility is that something else other than climate change … is buffering the moths from substantial population reductions and masking the negative effects of climate change.” Notice their premise: The findings have to be the result of “some other factor” because, by their logic, there’s simply no possible positive effect of a warmer climate. What hubris.
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- climate change