Wednesday Short Cuts
Insight: “In 100 years we have gone from teaching Latin and Greek in high school to teaching Remedial English in college.” —Joseph Sobran (1946-2010)
Observations: “Cruz and Rubio each has a plausible case for why he should remain in the race as the anti-Trump while the other exits. I’d suggest that they settle it with a coin toss, but I fear that Hillary would somehow win it.” —Kevin Williamson
Non Compos Mentis: “There’s nobody that’s done so much for equality as I have.” —Donald Trump
Warning shot: “Paul Ryan, I don’t know him well, but I’m sure I’m going to get along great with him. And if I don’t, he’s going to have to pay a big price, okay?” —Donald “The Mob Boss” Trump
The BIG lie: “The gun lobby won’t even let the Congress pass a law prohibiting the people on the no-fly list from buying a gun. What is it about being a terrorist that gives you Second Amendment rights that can be exercised potentially by someone who wants to do harm to Americans?” —Hillary Clinton
Race bait: “White racism is a far greater determina[nt] of Republican loyalty than ever before. A rigorous study originally conducted in 2013 found that the most slave-intensive southern counties in 1860 have the most conservative and Republican white populations today.” —New York magazine’s Jonathan Chait
Bamboozling, part I: “[M]y understanding is the use of that word [genocide] involves a very specific legal determination that has, at this point, not been reached.” —Obama spokesman Josh Earnest, who is hesitant to label the ethnic cleansing of Syrian Christians
Bamboozling, part II: “Genocide is a term that has specific references and I think all of us want to make sure that when we start to make declarations that we are backed up by clear and convincing evidence of that.” —Rep. Xavier Bacerra echoing Earnest
Late-night humor: “Over the weekend, Donald Trump made fun of Marco Rubio’s ‘big ears’ and Rubio made fun of Trump’s ‘small hands.’ So finally, Thomas Jefferson’s dream for America has come true.” —Conan O'Brien