Thursday Top Headlines
Economic hope, Obama’s $221M for Palestinians, and gun silencers.
Americans have viewed the economy more positively since President Donald Trump’s election in November than they did in the nine years prior. (Gallup)
House Speaker Paul Ryan slates ObamaCare repeal for spring. (The Daily Signal)
Felony charges for journalists arrested at inauguration protests make New York journalists afraid for press freedom. But a journalist is not above the law. (The New York Times)
Women’s March national co-chair: Sharia law is “reasonable,” “misunderstood.” (CNS News)
Thousands of terrorists and foreign fighters tried to enter America, new data shows. (The Washington Free Beacon)
State Department reviewing Obama administration’s decision to send Palestinians $221M. (Fox News)
Obama CDC study: Silencers are the best option for noise reduction at gun ranges. (The Truth About Guns)
New Planned Parenthood ad celebrates woman who… decided against having an abortion. They’re now trying the honey approach. (Hot Air)
Waitress surprised with 625% tip, message of unity from Trump supporter after inauguration. (CBS News)
Tender snowflake college student reports seeing KKK hood in a classroom, but actually saw lab equipment cover. (The Washington Times)
Policy: Are for-profit colleges magical mobility machines? (American Enterprise Institute)
Policy: The Republicans’ slippery slope on ObamaCare. (Real Clear Policy)