November 6, 2017

You’re Either Democrat or Racist

These are desperate times for Democrats. And what do they do when they’re desperate? Play the race card.

These are desperate times for Democrats. And what do Democrats do when they’re desperate? They play the race card.

It wasn’t supposed to be this way. Democrats and their equally smug media allies thought the nation would be basking in the glow of the nation’s first female president. Instead, Trump was elected, and his victory was attributed to “referencing a nostalgia that would give hope, comfort, settle grievances for millions of people who were upset about gains that were made by others,” Hillary Clinton stated on CBS’s “Sunday Morning” in September.

Host Jane Pauley looked for clarification. “What you’re saying is millions of white people?” she asked. “Millions of white people, yeah. Millions of white people,” Clinton responded, adding that Trump’s inauguration a speech was a “cry from the white-nationalist gut.”

Hillary and her equally clueless fellow travelers never get around to explaining how those same “racist” white people elected Barack Obama twice, or why many of them label any black American who identifies as Republican a race “traitor.”

When one swims in a sea of identity politics, inconvenient reality is easily ignored.

What cannot be ignored is when Democrat institutions engage in the very same bigotry they claim to abhor. Last week, DNC Data Services manager Madeleine Leader sent an email to fellow DNC employees announcing that the Technology Department is looking to fill some positions. That would be a DNC whose website states it is an “equal opportunity employer.”

For most Americans, “equal opportunity” would be self-explanatory. For a Democrat Party obsessed with dividing Americans into tribalist sub-groups, it is apparently necessary to elaborate. Thus we are told the DNC does not discriminate based on “sex, race, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, economic status, sexual orientation, veteran status, gender identity or expression, ethnic identity or disability, or any other legally protected basis.”

Leader didn’t get the proverbial memo. “I personally would prefer that you not forward [this email] to cisgender straight white males, since they’re already in the majority,” she wrote.

For Americans who have failed to keep up with the Left’s sexual identity politics, “cisgender” is a term for people whose gender identity matches the sex that they were assigned at birth. Thus one can presume a white male claiming to be a woman trapped in a man’s body remains in the running.

The DNC disavowed Leader’s email. “The email in question was not authorized by the DNC nor was it authorized by senior leadership,” spokesman Michael Tyler told Fox News. “All hiring decisions at the DNC are made consistent with the DNC’s commitment to equal employment opportunity and hiring an inclusive and talented staff that reflects the coalition of the Democratic Party, because our diversity is our greatest strength.”

That is, quite simply, a bald-faced lie. For Democrats, diversity is about anything that accrues to their political agenda. Anything that doesn’t is bigotry with all the attendant subheadings, from nativist to transphobic, and everything in between.

New Yorkers are the latest group of Americans paying a high price for Democrat-defined diversity. Following last Tuesday’s terrorist attack, during which eight innocent people were slaughtered with a truck allegedly driven by Sayfullo Saipov, it was revealed the Islamic State supporter was invited to America under the auspices of the “Diversity Visa Program.” The program was initially spearheaded by-then New York Representative and current Senator Chuck Schumer, along with former Senate “lion” Ted Kennedy in 1990. And the GOP, demonstrating an equal level of cluelessness, supported the measure, with President George H.W. Bush signing it into law.

An added “bonus” of that lottery is chain migration, a system that allows citizens and lawful permanent residents the ability to sponsor their non-nuclear family members for entry in America. Thus we welcome a virtual flood of unskilled, uneducated and often elderly immigrants to partake of our nation’s generous welfare system.

In Saipov’s case, he was able to help as many as 23 other individuals become eligible to emigrate to America.

Trump would eliminate the lottery and turn immigration into the skills-based merit system that benefits America, not merely those who wish to come here. For that he was branded a racist, just as he was for imposing a travel ban including the nations of Chad, North Korea, Venezuela, Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Somalia.

One of the jurists blocking this latest ban is Barack Obama appointee Judge Derrick Watson in Hawaii. That would be the same overwhelmingly Democrat Hawaii prepping for a nuclear attack by North Korea, one of the countries added to the list. Like their New York counterparts, it appears a commitment to diversity and multiculturalism is more important than the threat of terror — or nuclear annihilation.

Speaking of annihilation, that’s exactly what the Latino Victory Fund (LVF) attempted to do to Virginia’s Republican gubernatorial candidate, Ed Gillespie. They produced a political ad showing a white man attempting to run down minority kids with a pickup truck sporting a Confederate flag, a Tea Party license plate, and a bumper sticker for Gillespie. The end of the spot reveals this is a nightmare replete with awakened kids shaking in fear, while the narrator asks, “Is this what Donald Trump and Ed Gillespie mean by ‘the American dream’?”

As opposed to the open borders, national sovereignty-despising fundamental transformation dreams of Democrats?

Records subsequently released by the Virginia Department of Elections reveal Democrat candidate Ralph Northam’s campaign coordinated with the LVF to produce the ad. No doubt to both entities’ dismay, the real truck attack in New York forced them to pull the spot. Undaunted, LVF released a Spanish-only ad featuring Gillespie and Trump — appearing in front of Nazi flags.

And despite pulling the original ad, LVF president Cristóbal J. Alex defended it. “We knew our ad would ruffle feathers,” he said. “We held a mirror up to the Republican Party, and they don’t like what they see.”

What Republicans see? How about what decent Americans see? Americans who don’t believe anyone and everyone who disagrees with the Democrat agenda is a potential terrorist or a dedicated Nazi? Americans who finally got sick and tired of being referred to as “bitter clingers,” “irredeemables” or “deplorables” in addition to the aforementioned epithets Democrats substitute for rational debate?

“The Democrats use identity politics to develop their campaigns, organize their party and impose their will via government policy,” explains Washington Post contributor Ed Rogers. “Qualified people are excluded from service, good candidates are smeared, and Americans are put in danger. But somehow, Democrats think this is progress. They think this is justice. It is what they want to do more of when they are in power.”

Last week, former DNC leader Donna Brazile revealed just how committed Democrats are to honesty and fairness amongst themselves in pursuit of power. In short, the party was willing to shaft half (or more) of its supporters to make Clinton its presidential candidate. Thus as always, “by any means necessary” remains the Democrat Party’s foremost “principle.”

And as for race bait, Brazile recounted an exchange she had with the Clinton campaign: “I’m not Patsey the slave,” referencing a character in the film “12 Years a Slave.” She continued, “Y'all keep whipping me and whipping me and you never give me any money or any way to do my damn job. I am not going to be your whipping girl!”

Race-baiting? A tool of the Democrat trade.

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