U.S. Marine Corps Birthday
From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli, our Marines remain the Few and the Proud.
On Nov. 10, 1775, the Second Continental Congress resolved to create two battalions of Continental Marines for the War of Independence from Britain. In 1798, President John Adams signed the Act establishing the United States Marine Corps. The 13th Commandant of the Marine Corps, General John A. Lejeune, issued Marine Corps Order No. 47, Series 1921, directing that on Nov. 10 every year, in honor of the Corps’ birthday, the Order’s summary of the history, mission and tradition of the Corps be read to every command.
We at The Patriot Post offer our thanks (and an Ooorah!) for a job well done. For those interested in great items bearing the Marine Corps’ insignia, please visit The Patriot Post Shop. Semper Fi!
Lyrics to the Marine Hymn:
From the halls of Montezuma,
To the shores of Tripoli,
We fight our country’s battles
in the air on land and sea.
First to fight for right and freedom,
and to keep our honor clean,
We are proud to claim the title
of United States Marine.
- Tags:
- Marines
- national days
- military