September 24, 2020

Joe and Jill Biden’s Not-So-Fairytale Love Story

Ex-husband claims the two had an extramarital affair long before their “blind date.”

One of the arguments used most often by those opposed to President Donald Trump is that he is a man devoid of good character. In making this charge, Trump’s “Access Hollywood” leaked conversation with Billy Bush is referenced as Exhibit A, followed by the accusations from several women of sexual misconduct. Then there are his three marriages and documented infidelity. On top of this, Trump is declared a liar and a racist. As far as Never-Trumpers are concerned, it’s game, set, match.

While we here in our humble shop won’t defend Trump’s sordid history with women, the notion that his character is so corrupt that anyone voting for him is at best compromising their morality or at worst condoning evil is simply absurd. Besides, this argument is now coupled with the equally absurd rationale that a vote for Joe Biden presents the only “good” or “moral” choice.

The truth is Biden’s nickname, “Creepy Joe,” isn’t without merit. But more than that, it is Biden, not Trump, who has sought to build an honorable reputation on a foundation of lies. Biden is no white knight. Rather, he is a political spinmeister whose tales of past heroics are, to put it lightly, renowned for their lack of factual accuracy.

One example of Biden’s historical revisionism comes from the story of how he and his wife Jill met. Three years after the death of his first wife, Biden claims he met Jill on a blind date where the two fell in love, and two years later were married.

However, according to Jill’s ex-husband, Bill Stevenson, he “was betrayed by the Bidens. Joe was my friend. Jill was my wife.” Stevenson explained that back in 1972, he held a fundraiser for Biden’s Senate campaign, and the first time Joe met Jill was in Biden’s kitchen, not during a blind date three years later.

However, it wasn’t until 1974 that Stevenson became suspicious that his wife was engaged in an affair with Joe. One clue was that she declined to go to a Bruce Springsteen concert with him, saying, “Joe has asked me to keep an eye on the boys.” Eventually, he learned that Joe had been driving with Jill in her Corvette and confronted her about it. The two divorced in 1975. Not quite the fairytale love story with which Biden likes to regale his constituents.

Biden’s campaign has dismissed Stevenson’s story as a fictitious attempt to promote book sales. Yet given Biden’s long history of autobiographical lies, it’s not so easily dismissed.

In fact, even the story Biden relays about the death of his first wife contains glaring inaccuracies. In 1972, Neilia Biden and the couple’s 13-month-old daughter were killed when the car she was driving was struck head-on by a tractor-trailer. According to Biden’s rendition, “A tractor-trailer, a guy who allegedly — and I never pursued it — drank his lunch instead of eating his lunch, broadsided my family and killed my wife instantly and killed my daughter instantly and hospitalized my two sons.” According to police records, however, there was no evidence indicating the truck driver had been drinking. In fact, the police determined that Neilia “drove into the path of Dunn’s tractor-trailer, possibly because her head was turned and she didn’t see the oncoming truck.” Nevertheless, that truck driver spent the rest of his days dealing with those deaths and Biden’s false smear.

Simply put, the argument that Biden is a man of greater moral character than Trump simply doesn’t pass the sniff test.

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