Americans Agree: Voter ID Is Common Sense
A majority of Americans think Republicans are right — voter ID laws are a sensible measure for preventing election cheating.
A recently released Rasmussen poll found that the vast majority of Americans — a reassuring 90% — believe that preventing cheating in elections is an “important” issue. This data would seem to fly in the face of the Democrats’ and Leftmedia’s dubious narrative that the 2020 election was the most secure in American history. For evidence, they point to the litany of lawsuits the courts refused to hear or ruled against.
Evidently for the vast majority of Americans, such claims haven’t assuaged an apparent concern that the nation’s electoral system is ripe for exploitation. Furthermore, the Democrats’ absurd objections to voter ID laws have likewise failed to gain traction among the electorate.
While the majority of voters favor preventing election cheating and believe that some swindling occurred during the 2020 election, the majority of them don’t believe it was significant enough to have changed the election outcome. In short, a majority of voters believe Biden’s election victory was legitimate.
That said, the poll found that 74% of voters view voter ID as a “reasonable measure” for stopping cheating. In fact, 60% of survey respondents agreed that “opponents of requiring a photo ID to vote just want to make it easy to cheat in elections.” Clearly, the Democrats’ disingenuous assertion that support for voter ID laws is support for racism is a claim a majority of Americans aren’t buying.
Election integrity matters, and Republicans insisting on voter ID laws to further secure the vote are clearly standing on the winning side of this argument — at least when it comes to voters. And that’s exactly who matters when it comes to elections.