Prepared for Battle
As a Vietnam combat veteran, I know what Marxism/socialism does to a country. I have seen it firsthand.
For years now, the radical Left has been dragging this country toward socialism. They accomplish this by a steady media campaign of false information. The end goal is the complete collapse of America and turning this nation into just one more socialist/Marxist hell hole.
The good news is that many Americans are waking up. They’re becoming WOKE to the Left’s strategy. And they’re waking up others to what’s happening.
Every single day, your Patriot Post team is on the front lines in the war to defend Liberty against the relentless tyranny of the Left. I’m honored to be a volunteer member of the team and a financial supporter as well.
You are an essential part of our team’s constant effort to educate this and the next generation of Americans about the threat to our Constitution and Republic.
Your ongoing support ensures we are able to arm grassroots influencers across the nation with the Right perspective, so they can be effective defenders and force multipliers.
Please consider supporting The Patriot Post once again so that our defense of Liberty is fully funded.
Thank you for your support.
Roger Helle
Contributing Writer
Roger is pictured above with his wife, Shirley. He is a Marine who served three tours in Vietnam, and is the recipient of the Bronze Star Medal with Combat V, three Purple Heart Medals, and other decorations. He has returned to Vietnam more than 20 times, providing humanitarian assistance in rural areas.
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