Snatching Defeat From the Jaws of Victory
Thirteen members of Congress did for the Democrats and Joe Biden what they could not do for themselves.
Those Republicans never cease to amaze me! They’re constantly snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Recently, 13 members of Congress did for the Democrats and Joe Biden what they could not do for themselves. They voted with Democrat members of Congress to pass Biden’s infrastructure legislation. The Democrats couldn’t do it themselves because of the radical members of “The Squad” holding it hostage until they passed the even worse “Build Back Better” legislation.
First of all, as I understand it, only about 10% of the money will actually go to real infrastructure. The rest is being sent off to a bunch of radical leftist projects and the Left’s constituents.
Anyone remember Obama’s infrastructure swindle? We spent nearly a trillion dollars for “shovel ready” projects to help the economy. When all of those amazing new jobs never materialized, Obama simply laughed and said, “They weren’t as shovel ready as we thought.” In other words, Eat crow, suckers! You fell for my bait and switch. The unions were pretty happy, if that tells you anything.
When will Republicans ever learn that “helping” the Democrats with anything today is never going to go well for them? Now the radical Left will be emboldened to go after the next multitrillion-dollar swindle, making everything worse than it already is, if that’s even possible.
Republicans need to own up to their share of the misery we are enduring. Think about our secretary of defense, who shut down our military to search out the radical elements in the ranks. He was not eligible to be a Cabinet member, as he had not been out of the military long enough. But Republicans in the Senate thought they’d be bipartisan and waive the time requirement. Result: A disaster in Afghanistan, while Lloyd Austin looks for white supremacists in our ranks.
How many other far-left members of Biden’s administration garnered Republican confirmation votes? You and I are the ones that have to live with the consequences of their actions. After all the great constructionist judges appointed by Donald Trump, how many leftist judges has Lindsey Graham signed off on?
In less than a year, Americans will be going to the polls. Now is not the time for Republicans to provide any kind of support for the Left to pass its radical agenda. It’s time we conservative voters begin to let our members of Congress know we will hold them accountable for how they vote. If they keep cooperating with the Left, we will remember that at the polls.
Now is also not the time to send “squishes” to Congress. The issues today are far too critical to put someone in Congress who doesn’t have the courage to stand up for the Constitution. We’ve had too many politicians who wet their finger and put it in the air to test which way the political wind is blowing.
If, by God’s grace and mercy, we can motivate those who have sat out the last four presidential election cycles (I’m talking millions of voters), we truly can return our country to the vision of our Founding Fathers. Will it be easy? No. But it will be worth it for our children and grandchildren!
Something to think about?
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