December 16, 2021

Reader Comments

What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles.

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Gosh, the Media Shouldn’t Be So Hard on Biden

“How many fake conspiracies has the media attributed to Biden? Which reporters unceasingly reported on a false dossier intended to smear him? How many lies, like injecting yourself with bleach, has the media made up about Biden? Pick any day during Trump’s administration and compare it to any week during the Biden administration and there will be 10 times more articles criticizing Trump than Biden gets.” —Texas

“This article is great respiratory therapy for those recovering from ‘Aaron Rodgers’ COVID immunization. Milbank has always been a laugh riot for Republican readers, going back to the days when he would in apparent total seriousness suggest that Republicans can only win elections by promoting Democrat policies. He’s like the hapless man with a banana peel hanging out of his back pocket — he seems to have no idea why there are snickering noises behind him wherever he goes.” —Minnesota

Re: “Pearl Harbor at 80

“Hmmm. ‘Never forget’? Didn’t Americans say the same thing after 9/11, when 19 Arab terrorists took down New York’s Twin Towers by flying two hijacked passenger jets into the buildings? It seems New Yorkers have very short memories. Since then, New York City’s gullible denizens elected an anti-elderly, sexual predator, socialist governor (Andy Cuomo); a communist, anti-police mayor (Bill de Blasio); and a blithering idiot congresswoman (Sandy Cortez). The Big Apple seems well on its way to extinction.” —Nevada

Re: “Is Nuclear Power in Our Future?

“We can only hope so. It’s the safest, cheapest, and cleanest energy source in the world. Our Navy has been nuclear for more than 60 years. The nuclear waste can be stored indefinitely in my backyard, the redundantly safe Yucca Mountain complex.
 Besides, more people died in the back seat of Ted Kennedy’s car than died at Three Mile Island.” —Nevada

“The Left’s energy ideas have always been hypocritical. Their goal to reduce the use of fossil fuels has always pointed at nuclear. If we should conserve our fossil fuels (because electrical power can’t fly Al Gore’s jet), then electrical devices make more sense. For believers of the Left’s global warming alarmism, then nuclear power makes sense. Electrical vehicles make more sense if electrical power can be had for nearly nothing, as is the case with nuclear power generation. And then maybe taxpayers wouldn’t have to subsidize their well-heeled neighbors’ electric cars. Yet the Left has remained intransigent until now, as it’s becoming clear its solutions are inadequate.” —Illinois

Re: “Biden v. Putin: The Ukraine Cage Fight

“My fiancé lives just outside of Kyiv. Because of this, I try to follow the events in Ukraine. Relying on the media, even the Ukrainian media, is not the most reliable way to do that. Many in the Ukrainian news media are compromised. This is well known to most Ukrainians. What I am hearing, both from Ukrainians and an American friend who lives there, is that this is probably just another round of Putin’s saber-rattling to get the West’s attention. Every time he does this, he elicits concessions from Western nations. He also uses this as a device to consolidate his support inside of Russia. Is there a possibility that Putin might actually act this time? There’s always that possibility. However, many Ukrainians don’t think that it is likely.” —Texas

Re: “Ignoring Global Threats Would Be a Mistake

“Let’s not forget about Team Biden’s refusal to hold Nigeria’s ‘leaders’ accountable for failing to protect their citizens from some of the most vicious religious persecution in Africa. Boko Haram and the Fulani tribe have been kidnapping and murdering Christians, looting and destroying their property, and generally wreaking mayhem all over the northern part of the country, while their Fulani-descent president does nothing. The Trump administration rightly labeled Nigeria a ‘Country of Particular Concern,’ but Anthony Blinken removed the label without any indication that matters are improving. The Trump administration’s policy on religious freedom is just one more item on the list of accomplishments the Biden team wants to dismantle.” —Minnesota

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