The Fake ‘Christian Nationalism’ Label and Attempted Social Restraint
Wake up, oh sleepers! Put on the armor of Christ and take a stand against the devil’s schemes.
President John Adams once wrote: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” He was declaring what all the Founding Fathers felt: Biblical values should be our guide stones. However, since the end of World War II, the secular has been viciously pushing out the sacred. God-hating leftists have coined a new label meant to drive a wedge between believers and further silence the faithful as our culture sinks into depravity. They call us “Christian Nationalists” — at least those of us brave enough to bring our faith to the marketplace of ideas in the political sphere.
As writer John Zmirak remarks: “Christian Nationalism. What does it mean? Nobody knows, and that’s part of the point. If the term were precisely defined, we could talk about it rationally, and decide whether it represents something that’s good, neutral, or evil. Or maybe not even evil, but outmoded, unwise, ill-conceived, or otherwise imprudent for this moment in history. … Whichever Ivy League wordsmith came up with ‘Christian Nationalism,’ he knew what he was doing. What’s the ugliest, most justly unpopular ideology in America? White Nationalism.”
The smear of racism has been a valuable weapon in the Left’s arsenal. It is its favorite go-to accusation, so much so that the Right is intrinsically linked to the charge. Conversely, the “racist” charge has lost a lot of its sting because leftists use it to describe anyone they don’t like. For the regular American, though, it still holds the power to silence.
If you are a conservative Christian, you are lumped in with white nationalists or fringier Republicans like Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene. It is an effective slur. Christianity is a religious faith, not a race or a political position. It encompasses people on both the right and the left side of the aisle and people of every tribe and nation.
But our culture has been captured by the secular, materialistic Left. To those who want to implement actual evil, Christianity and faithful believers are standing in their way. These leftists have gone beyond atheism and straight back to the darkness of paganism, though they have to direct people away from their own obvious misbehavior. As Zmirak also argued: “The brainiest, most Machiavellian leftists out there — people like Marc Elias, Rahm Emmanuel, and others whose names don’t make the papers — realized on election night 2016 that on the merits … they lose. Every time.”
People who adhere to the secular Left have gone too far. They refuse to tell the truth about how monkeypox is spread because curbing homosexual appetites is somehow (“not moral”](https://www.dailysignal.com/2022/08/08/its-not-moral-to-request-abstinence-to-stop-monkeypox-lgbt-activists/); they advertise abortion altars; they advocate for abortions up to nine month of pregnancy; they are grooming our children in gender theory, which teaches them that sex and sexuality are the most important part of their identity; and they have stolen the sacred meaning of marriage.
Historically, these stances have all been practiced before, just under different names (child sacrifices, Bacchanalia, Hitler Youth, etc.). The reappearance of these evil practices signals the death of a culture. We see this too in the radical Left’s active push to erase the past and destroy our cultural heroes such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and so many more.
Christianity is not a blockade obstructing access to good things; it is a guide rail trying to keep the country from driving off the side of a mountain road. If we as Christians continue to let our beliefs and morals be smeared, we are betraying an essential part of what Christ has called us to do. In Matthew 22:37-40, Jesus tell us what the two greatest commandments are: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments” By conceding to the secular and lowering the guardrails of moral Christian teaching, we are betraying these two greatest commandments. We, in a sense, are letting our neighbors do unspeakable evil unchecked, and that is the most unloving action of all.
Therefore, Christian, do not falter. Conceding to the secular and going quiet with our faith in the public political sphere is what has gotten us here.
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- Christianity
- Christians