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July 2, 2024

Trump Scores Major Victory

SCOTUS ruled that presidents do have varying degrees of immunity.

Former President Donald Trump won big yesterday at the Supreme Court. The justices ruled 6-to-3 that presidents do have varying degrees of immunity depending on the actions taken.
In exercising core constitutional powers, presidents have absolute immunity. The majority declared that a president “is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. There is no immunity for unofficial acts.”
In his majority opinion, Chief Justice John Roberts made it clear that the definition of official acts is to be broadly interpreted, writing that the president’s immunity “extends to the ‘outer perimeter’ of the president’s official responsibilities.” Roberts also added that “courts may not inquire into the president’s motives.”
In addition, Roberts specifically wrote that Trump’s conversations with Justice Department officials were covered under absolute immunity. Roberts also strongly suggested that Trump’s speech on the morning of January 6th was a protected action “comfortably within the outer perimeter of his official responsibilities.”
Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley declared yesterday’s decision to be “a major victory” for Donald Trump. Turley notes that Roberts provided “navigational beacons” for how a lower court judge should view various actions and their degree of immunity. Turley said:
“These beacons are a bit more narrow [limiting the trial judge’s discretion] than we expected. They are giving some very clear language and a heavy burden for Jack Smith… He’s going to have a heck of time trying to satisfy this burden.”
Between this case and Friday’s decision restricting the use of an obstruction charge in January 6th cases, Turley added, “I personally think these two opinions have ripped the wings off [Jack Smith’s] case.”
The justices ordered Judge Tanya Chutkan to reevaluate Smith’s charges against Trump in view of the president’s broad immunity, and those decisions will be subject to further appeals.
Here’s the bottom line: This case isn’t going to trial before the November election.
A Troubling Time
Americans weren’t the only ones who saw last week’s presidential debate and were left shocked by the condition of our president. Our allies around the world saw that debate, and it scared the daylights out of them.
Coincidentally or not, U.S. military bases across Europe have been put on the second highest alert level — Force Protection Charlie. This alert level has not been used in at least 10 years and is only issued when there is specific evidence of a likely attack against U.S. bases.
America’s enemies also saw that debate. Given the kind of men they are, we should assume they are working furiously to take advantage of the situation.
And our own Deep State watched that debate. Does anyone think they’re having second thoughts? Of course, not. They played a key role in putting Biden in power, and they will do everything they can to prop him up now.
The weeks and months ahead will be a perilous time for our country. Pray that God’s hand of protection will remain on our nation.
To Run Or Not To Run
Is Joe Biden stepping down or not? Will he stay in the race or drop out? There is much speculation, but there may be no one who fully knows the answer, including Joe Biden.
Left-wing media outlets are quoting “inside sources” offering a variety of stories. CNN reports that Biden family members are telling Joe to stay in the race and fire his top aides. Another report said Biden is totally “humiliated” and realizes just how bad his performance was.
Meanwhile, several leading opinion pages, including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and the Chicago Tribune, are calling on Biden to drop out of the race. And it even appears that he has lost the ladies of The View.
The Big Lie
Does anyone think Joe Biden has been perfectly fine throughout his presidency and suddenly developed a surprising case of dementia on the day of the debate?
Hundreds of people have regular interactions with him. Reporters have sources all over Washington, D.C. Now we’re getting disturbing reports from inside the White House that the president is usually somewhat lucid from the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and White House aides have been going out of their way to manage his declining condition.
Millions of Americans were shocked by Biden’s debate performance. Why? Because every “mainstream media” outlet was in on the fix. Hundreds of powerful and prominent people have lied about his condition.
The whole nation has been gaslighted. The American people ought to be furious!
More importantly, they must understand that if we are being lied to about this, then what else is the White House lying about?
European leaders were in on it. Biden routinely skips dinners with foreign leaders because he can’t stay up late. (Here and here.) Some, like Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, were not surprised at all by Biden’s debate disaster. Tusk told reporters, “I was afraid of this, in the sense that it was to be expected.”
Biden’s bizarre behavior and declining mental acuity have sparked previous panics about his condition. (Here, here, and here.) But they were shut down, dismissed as “cheap fakes.”
Ultimately, this isn’t about how important Joe Biden is. It’s about the fact that the globalist status quo is being challenged all over the world. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, national sovereignty, and normalcy are all under siege everywhere in the West. As we’ve seen in recent European elections, there is growing resistance.
Here in the United States, Donald Trump is fighting back, telling the Uniparty, “No, you’re not going to do that to us!”
In related news, House Republicans are now suing the Justice Department to force the release of audio recordings from Joe Biden’s deposition with Special Counsel Robert Hur. You will no doubt recall that Hur declined to prosecute Biden after finding that he was mentally unfit to stand trial.
Maybe it’s also time to call the White House physician to publicly testify before Congress.
Biden’s Revenge
Joe Biden tried to throw Donald Trump on his heels during the debate when he suggested that Trump would spend a second term obsessed with revenge and retribution, rather than helping the country.
Biden said, “The idea that you have a right to seek retribution against any American just because you’re a president is wrong, it’s simply wrong.”
The very next day, Biden held a rally in North Carolina. When the crowd started chanting, “Lock him up,” referring to Donald Trump, Biden responded, “There’s time for that.”
The irony is rich! Joe Biden is accusing Donald Trump of going after his political enemies. But that’s exactly what Biden is doing.
He didn’t want to be specific at his rally, but we all know what he was referring to: Judge Juan Merchan is set to sentence Donald Trump on July 11th. They could put Trump in jail in order to keep this demented president in office. This fight is far from over.
Bannon Behind Bars
Steve Bannon, a former adviser to President Trump and one of the best strategists our movement has, is in jail today because Democrats are seeking retribution against their political opponents.
Like Attorney General Merrick Garland, Steve Bannon rejected a congressional subpoena. But unlike Garland, Bannon rejected a subpoena from the illegitimate January 6th Committee, and he’s the one behind bars.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected the members selected by the House GOP caucus to serve on the January 6th Committee. Then she stacked it with her own hand-picked “Never Trumpers.”
The committee destroyed documents and evidence. It allowed testimony that was full of lies, while burying testimony that was critical of the “official narrative.” Nancy Pelosi never testified before the committee, even though she was responsible for the Capitol’s security.
Whether it’s Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, or pro-life activists, this is the goal of the neo-Marxist left — to criminalize political disagreements, jail political opponents, and silence debate.

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