July 12, 2024

Democrats Only Have Themselves to Blame for Their Joe Biden Mess

The culprit is not the nefarious “orange man” or his “deplorable” minions but their very own hubris and myopia.

It has been two weeks since palpably senile President Joe Biden delivered the single worst performance ever given in a presidential debate, and the fallout continues to tear the Democratic Party asunder.

For two weeks, most of the left-wing corporate media, joined by a small but growing number of elected Democratic officials, have desperately been trying to convince Uncle Joe and Jill “Lady Macbeth” Biden to stand down. They have done so to no avail. Although some senior Democrats such as former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) have wobbled, and a number of party backbenchers have publicly called for Biden to bow out of the race, most of the Democratic Party establishment remains behind their octogenarian presumptive nominee. Perhaps that is why Biden himself, in a Monday letter to Capitol Hill Democrats, forcefully declared his intention to stay in.

With each new headline about the dam breaking, including Hollywood star George Clooney’s blistering New York Times op-ed this week calling for Biden to drop out, the president’s stubborn inner circle only further digs in its heels. As each additional day passes, it seems clearer that Biden will indeed be the Democrats’ standard-bearer this November.

Democrats certainly cannot — and by all indications, affirmatively do not — feel confident or inspired by that seeming inevitability. On Tuesday, the highly regarded nonpartisan political handicapper Cook Political Report shifted six jurisdictions — Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Minnesota, New Hampshire, and Nebraska’s 2nd congressional district — in a Republican direction (the first three now “lean Republican,” and the latter three now only “lean Democrat”). Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin remain “toss up” territory for Cook, but Trump leads all three states in the polling averages. The Democratic panic has even reached bright-blue New York state, with Democratic Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine shockingly conceding that he “truly believe(s)” New York is now “a battleground state.”

But Democrats truly have no better option. Cackler-in-chief Kamala Harris, the only even remotely plausible alternative due to her vice presidential perch, is about as politically popular as venereal disease. And given the massive logistical issues that even switching to her at this late stage would bring, in terms of both federal campaign finance law and state-level election law, why take the risk?

Democrats need to take a long, hard look in the mirror. Because it is they themselves, their media enablers and their closest allies who are entirely to blame for their current predicament.

Begin with the Democratic National Committee itself. The DNC easily could have recognized the exact same warning signs the rest of the country saw — namely, the president’s obvious physical and mental decline — and encouraged a competitive and robust presidential primary process. But the DNC did no such thing. On the contrary, the DNC highly discouraged — to the point of virtually freezing out — competing primary campaigns. U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) became the sole Democrat to mount a challenge — in which he laudably focused on Biden’s clear deterioration and unsuitability to serve an additional four years — and he received no backing whatsoever from the party, prominent Democratic officials or major Democratic donors.

The corporate media that serves as a modern-day Pravda for the Regime Party (Democrats) also bears a tremendous portion of the collective blame. For years, the press told us not to believe our lying eyes or our deceitful ears — the president is totally fine, and you are a MAGA Nazi kook if you believe otherwise! The media served as Biden’s Praetorian Guard, shielding their precious from prying scrutiny at all costs. They have completely reversed themselves since the presidential debate only out of a sense of desperation and because they now realize the jig is up. But don’t be fooled: These miscreants have no sense of shame, nor do they possess even the slightest morsel of self-awareness.

Finally, Biden’s tightknit inner circle — led above all by “Dr.” Jill Biden and former White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain — deserves a tremendous amount of blame not merely for their party’s misfortune but for the current danger posed to the republic as a whole. Why exactly have these cynical monsters around Uncle Joe engaged in such a coverup of this astounding magnitude? What is it that they have sought to gain? The answer seems to be straightforward enough: power — pure, unadulterated power, which fallible human beings have coveted ever since they first instituted governments among their fellow men. The contemptible harridan “Dr.” Jill is perhaps singularly responsible. She clearly does not care for her party or for her country. But is she really not human enough to spare her husband this humiliation and indignity before the whole world?

Democrats and their media boosters find themselves in a no-win situation. And the culprit is not the nefarious “orange man” or his “deplorable” minions but their very own hubris and myopia.


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