September 16, 2024


We are at a time of choosing — God, or ourselves.

By Tom Klocek

Why is it that the most godless political party keeps trying to convince others, especially Christians, that God is really on their side? They’ve done it on billboards, in response to chastisement by a religious leader (e.g., Nancy Pelosi), and even via two open letters (here and here) declaring their adherence to Catholic principles. Archbishop Cordileone (Pelosi’s bishop) and others responded, apparently to no avail.

We are at a time of choosing — God, or ourselves.

“If it is displeasing to you to serve the LORD, Choose whom you will serve … [secular gods], the gods in whose country you are dwelling. As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15)

And now we have Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris misquoting the Bible. You may recall she left out the right to life when “quoting” the Declaration of Independence. Then there’s the pro-abortion pastor in the Senate who leads the church once led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The latest is the “deeply religious” Texas Democrat (Rep. James Talarico) who says it isn’t Christian to vote for Trump. This is the same guy who called the move to deny “gender-affirming” operations for minors “idolatrous.” What could be more idolatrous than claiming you are not what God made you? Wait — wasn’t it the Democrats who took all mention of God out of their platform several years ago? Why are they trying to point to God as favoring their position? “Killing” God is something that communists and socialists do. And communism (and therefore socialism, which leads to communism) is diabolically opposed to Christianity.

These folks are all avidly in support of abortion, the killing of an unborn child. Even if you claim the philosophy, “What would Jesus do?” you could say that Jesus would forgive the sins that these folks endorse, but he would end with, “Then Jesus said, ‘Neither do I condemn you. Go, [and] from now on do not sin any more’” (John 8:11).

All of their Bible quoting and interpretations are very selective, often taking things out of context or with a very narrow view. They seem to forget that God is the Creator (as acknowledged in the Declaration of Independence). Things like transgender mutilation programs and abortion are about destruction, not creation; the destruction of God’s creation in His image and likeness. “God did not make death, nor does he rejoice in the destruction of the living.” (Wisdom 1:13)

Perhaps Rep. Talarico is a “New Testament” Christian who has little regard for the Old Testament. That would explain his lack of familiarity with Genesis, the Wisdom quote above, and this from Isaiah 5:20-21: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight!”

“Many call themselves Christian, but they certainly are not! They are not what their title signifies – not in their life, not in their morals, not in their faith, not in their hope, not in their charity.” —St. Augustine, Sermon on 1 Jn 4:4

Many modernists today want to discount the Old Testament or dilute its importance, but Jesus said he came to fulfill the law and the prophets, not abolish them (Mathew 5:17).

Jesus brought a message of love: love thy neighbor, love thy enemy, love the sinner. But he did NOT call us to love sin. Being compassionate for sinners does not mean we condone their sin. In fact, we have a duty to admonish the sinner, which Catholics acknowledge as an act of spiritual mercy. God told Ezekiel that he had an obligation to warn “the wicked from their wicked way.” And God told Ezekiel he would be held accountable if he fails to warn the wicked who dies because of his iniquity (Ezekiel 3:17-21). God repeats this admonition again in 33:8: “When I say to the wicked, ‘You wicked, you must die,’ and you do not speak up to warn the wicked about their ways, they shall die in their sins, but I will hold you responsible for their blood.”

It is interesting that one of the examples the pro-choice Rep. Talarico mentions is that of warning someone who is drunk against getting into his car or even taking away his keys. This is why admonishing the sinner is an act of love, especially where serious sin is concerned. They are putting their immortal souls in danger, and trying to prevent that is an act of love, not condemnation.

Similarly, warning against the sins of abortion, bodily mutilation, killing innocents, and other grave sins are all done out of concern for the souls of our brethren.

St. Joseph is the example of Christian fatherhood and, after Jesus, the example of Christian manhood. Recently, Pope Francis stated the need to care for those who are most vulnerable in society, referring to St. Joseph’s welcoming and caring for Mary who was pregnant with Jesus. He would not even expose her to shame (Matthew 1:19). Why, then, would someone claiming to be Christian advocate for the murder of innocent babies in the womb who clearly are the most vulnerable in society? These people often like to cite Jesus’s admonition to love thy neighbor yet want to kill the closest neighbor one could have, that vulnerable child in the womb. The devil is working overtime making millstones for these people, and yet they would claim that to vote for the only party that is even moderately pro-life and pro-child is wrong (cf. Mark 9:42).

From a pro-life perspective, I can see how someone might find fault with Republicans who have softened their position on several pro-life issues. However, none of that should cause someone to vote for anyone in the party of death. It is said that one-third of Democrats are pro-life, yet none of them hold major public office. In fact, Democrats have said that there is no place for pro-lifers in their party.

Reflect upon these words from Pope St. John Paul II: “It is impossible to further the common good without acknowledging and defending the right to life, upon which all inalienable rights are founded and from which they develop.” (Evangelium Vitae, emphasis added.)

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