Trump Will Do Whatever Is Necessary to Protect the American People
President Trump’s executive action to provide emergency economic stimulus is exactly what hard-working Americans and their families need.
By Rob Wasinger
President Trump’s executive action to provide emergency economic stimulus is exactly what hard-working Americans and their families need.
While announcing the executive orders, the President explained that he had to act because Congress had failed to reach a compromise to help the American people. The orders include a payroll tax holiday, extending unemployment benefits, a 120-day moratorium on evictions and student loans.
After the do-nothing Democrat-controlled House of Representatives refused to make any concessions during bipartisan stimulus talks, President Trump announced that he will take matters into his own hands to ensure that the American people have the financial protection and relief they need to weather the coronavirus crisis. The President explained that congressional Democrats insisted on including “radical left-wing policies that have nothing to do with the China virus,” noting that the ideologically-driven proposals would not do anything to address the economic needs of the American people.
One of the most innovative policies enacted by the suite of executive orders is a payroll tax holiday that will make it easier for businesses — especially small businesses — to keep employees on staff while the economy is still recovering from the artificial coronavirus-induced slump.
President Trump’s record indicates that he clearly understands what it will take to achieve rapid economic recovery in the wake of the coronavirus, and his latest executive actions prove that he is determined to help working families. It’s disappointing that obstructionist Democrats tried to hold the nation hostage with their radical ideological agenda, but it’s fortunate that we have a President who is bold enough to call their bluff.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act saved the average American taxpayer about $1,400 per year on their federal income taxes, with the average family of four saving almost $3,000 each year. In addition, the President’s policy of eliminating unnecessary job-killing regulations have produced savings for the average American family that amount to over $3,100 each year, in addition to clearing up much of the red tape that disproportionately harms the small- and medium-sized American businesses that are the lifeblood of America’s economy.
These pro-growth policies led to a record-breaking economic revival in the months before the coronavirus epidemic, with the national unemployment rate falling to a 50-year low and the jobless rate for Black and Hispanic Americans reaching the lowest levels ever recorded.
Those policies will be integral to bringing about a “V-shaped” recovery from the artificial coronavirus downturn, but even they wouldn’t be enough if we allow the crisis to permanently handicap the economic prospects of working Americans, entrepreneurs, and established businesses. That’s where the President’s latest round of executive orders comes in. The new orders will bolster our economy and protect families from financial hardship until we can return to normalcy.
Things will only get better from here, as we are just at the beginning of the fastest economic recovery in history. America’s economy will soon be restored to its pre-pandemic greatness, and the American people will emerge from the coronavirus-induced economic slump even stronger, healthier, and wealthier than before.
Robert Wasinger served in senior advisory and liaison roles in President Trump’s campaign and transition team, after extensive experience on Capitol Hill.