February 20, 2021

Biden’s Amnesty Bill

There’s no justice, humanity, or order to rewarding illegal behavior.

The amnesty bill introduced in Congress Thursday with President Biden’s support is the most radical immigration bill ever. As one immigration policy expert put it, “It’s extraordinarily radical. You can’t even call it left-wing.”

Biden claimed that his bill will “restore justice, humanity, and order to our immigration system.” He couldn’t be more wrong. There’s no justice, humanity, or order to rewarding illegal behavior. And this legislation will only encourage more illegal immigration.

There are no new law enforcement measures in the bill. It’s all amnesty, all the time. There’s nothing about securing the border. There’s nothing about enforcement of immigration laws inside the country. Nothing.

To give you some idea of just how extreme this bill is, the term “illegal alien” is being changed to “noncitizen.” The bill legalizes every illegal alien in the country as of January 1, 2021. So, we’re not talking about just people who “have roots here.”

And it even allows nearly 900,000 previously deported illegal aliens to come back! Why on earth would you do that?

In addition, the bill expands chain migration and dramatically expands the legal immigration system so that even more foreign workers will pour into the country to compete for jobs with American workers and recent college graduates.

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) blasted the bill as “a non-starter” that would “devastate the economy.” Even Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) ripped it as “a blanket amnesty.”

The Left’s Priorities

How do you know when someone cares about you? One way you can tell is when they do things for you. So ponder this:

  • Joe Biden can’t open our schools and won’t open our churches, but he is opening our borders.

  • Millions of Americans can’t get COVID vaccines, but Biden is prioritizing illegal aliens.

  • 861,000 Americans filed for unemployment benefits this week, but Biden just gave the green light for 25,000 migrants to enter the country and look for jobs.

In a healthy country with a fair media, the juxtaposition of those three facts alone should drive Biden’s approval rating into the low 30s. As Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) put it, “Why are we placing the interests of non-citizens over the interests of Americans?” That’s a very good question. But there are no good answers.

Fortunately, it seems that more and more Americans are noticing Biden’s extremism. A new Rasmussen poll finds that 54% of voters agree with this statement: “Joe Biden is not the moderate nice guy that they made him out to be. He’s a puppet of the radical left.” Only 40% of voters disagree.

More Biden Extremism

There’s an old saying in Washington: “Personnel is policy.” And it’s clear from some of Biden’s nominees that they will be pushing extreme policies if they are confirmed. For example:

  • Kristen Clarke, Biden’s nominee to lead the Office of Civil Rights at the Justice Department, has promoted conspiracy theories about black racial superiority and dabbled in anti-Semitism.

  • Xavier Becerra, Biden’s choice to be secretary of Health and Human Services, has no medical experience whatsoever. But he is staunchly committed to abortion on demand. As attorney general of California, Becerra continued the prosecution of pro-life journalists who exposed Planned Parenthood’s trafficking in aborted baby body parts, and he attempted to force faith-based ministries to promote abortion.

  • Neera Tanden, Biden’s nominee to lead the Office of Management and Budget, is president of the far-left Center for American Progress. She is a left-wing hack who deleted more than 1,000 offensive tweets before her confirmation hearing. Even NPR considers her to be Biden’s “most controversial cabinet pick.” (Has NPR looked at Clarke yet?!)

No moderate would even consider, much less appoint, these three to key positions of power and responsibility. No Republican should vote for them. Nor should any Democrat who claims to be a moderate.

Conservative leaders and organizations are working together in various ways to oppose these nominees, and we are part of these critical efforts. Please contact your senators now and urge them to vote “NO” on the confirmations of Clarke, Becerra, and Tanden.

Cancel Culture Confusion

During an interview with the Associated Press this week, Senator John Thune (R-SD), the Republican whip or deputy leader, attempted to defend the Republicans who voted to impeach President Trump from the conservatives who are now upset by their betrayal.

Thune said, “If we’re going to criticize the media and the left for cancel culture, we can’t be doing that ourselves.” With all due respect, senator, that’s just plain stupid.

I remember when John Thune was first elected to the Senate. He defeated then-Senate Democrat Leader Tom Daschle. Many believed that Thune could be presidential material someday.

But I rarely hear his name or read about him. Do you recall Thune ever leading the charge on any significant issue? I’m beginning to understand why.

Here’s what Sen. Thune doesn’t understand: The cancel culture attacks regular people for merely exercising their First Amendment rights.

Politics is about electing people to represent us. Using Thune’s rationale, we could never go after left-wing Democrats because that would be part of the cancel culture.

Sorry, Sen. Thune, but we’re going after politicians who oppose our values, and it doesn’t matter whether they are Republicans or Democrats!

It’s no secret why conservatives are so loyal to Donald Trump. He’s a fighter. He said what he was going to do and he did it. He kept his promises.

Conservatives are beyond fed up with politicians who were elected to defend our values but never fight for them. They are disgusted with politicians who don’t do what they were elected to do. And conservatives have every right to be upset with weak-kneed politicians and to push back against them.

That’s not the cancel culture. That’s accountability.

Biden Blinks

The Biden administration just blinked hard on Iran. It begged Europe to restart negotiations on another nuclear deal with the ayatollah’s radical regime. At the same time, Biden began the process of rolling back tough sanctions against the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism and anti-Semitism.

Iran has done absolutely nothing to deserve this. It has not renounced terrorism. It has not suspended its nuclear weapons program. It has not suspended its ballistic missile program. It has not stopped oppressing its own people.

Not surprisingly, however, the ayatollah wants more. He’s demanding nothing short of full sanctions relief.

The 2015 Obama/Biden nuclear deal was a disaster. Iran did not comply with the terms of the deal, and it used the sanctions relief it received then to fund terrorism all over the Middle East.

It would be utterly foolish to repeat past mistakes hoping for different results. But that definition of insanity appears to be driving many of the left’s retread Obama-era policies.

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