Pain IS Their Plan
Your pain at the pump isn’t an unfortunate accident. It’s the whole point of the left’s radical energy policy agenda.
A devastating report came out Monday. The average family will spend $2,000 more this year to put gasoline in their car. But that’s not all. Groceries will cost us an extra $1,000. This is a terrible blow to middle-class families.
So, what was the reaction of the Biden Administration?
They sent out Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg, who must have been in drag Monday doing his best impersonation of Marie Antoinette. She was the out-of-touch French royal who, when informed that the people were starving, infamously replied, “Let them eat cake.” (She eventually “lost” her head, by the way.)
As the average national price of gas surged past $4.00 a gallon, Buttigieg’s advice to financially-crushed Americans was to buy an electric car to save money on gas.
But the average cost of an electric car is about $50,000. That’s twice the cost of the average used car that most American families are driving.
The left obviously doesn’t understand economics, and it’s utterly clueless about how average Americans live! That’s a dangerous combination, as we’re clearly seeing right now.
However, Buttigieg’s response isn’t surprising IF you understand the left’s warped worldview. You see, your pain at the pump isn’t an unfortunate accident. It’s the whole point of the left’s radical energy policy agenda!
Last week, when he was asked why the administration wasn’t doing more to produce more domestic energy, Buttigieg replied, “We also need to make sure that we are not galloping after permanent solutions to immediate short-term problems…”
Of course, we wouldn’t want any permanent solutions, would we? Not when your goal is a “long-term transformation” to windmills and unicorn power.
In the meantime, you’re just going to have to suffer. But don’t take my word for it. The left has been very clear about its radical agenda.
Barack Obama said he wanted to bankrupt the coal industry.
Obama’s energy secretary said they needed gas to be $10 a gallon.
Hillary Clinton said she wanted to put coal miners out of work.
Joe Biden said he wanted to phase out the oil and gas industry.
His political appointees are demanding that we bankrupt our energy companies in the name of “climate change.”
They want to impose carbon taxes and “social costs” to energy, making it more expensive and forcing you to change your behavior and the way you live.
Again, high gas prices are not an accident. This is all part of their “Green New Deal” plan.
Biden Attacks
Yesterday, President Joe Biden went on the attack. He banned imports of Russian oil, which are up because of him, and then attacked the American energy industry. Incredibly, Biden accused U.S. oil companies of price gouging and not doing enough drilling. The energy industry is hitting back.
As I pointed out earlier, this president started his administration by killing the Keystone pipeline from Canada and approving Putin’s pipeline to Europe.
Then he went hat-in-hand to Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and Iran trying to cut deals for more oil production. He went to Marxists, Islamists and jihadists begging for energy, but he has the audacity to attack the American energy industry!
You don’t have to be a conservative to know that this group of big government socialists has sunk our country into a deep whole. We must elect a new Congress that will be a check against Biden’s radical agenda!
Speaking Of Iran…
On the anniversary of the death of General Soleimani, Iranian officials demanded that Donald Trump and other American “war criminals” be put on trial. If they weren’t, Iran would seek its own “revenge.”
Now there are reports that intelligence officials have identified “at least two Iranians” who are plotting to assassinate former National Security Adviser John Bolton. The Justice Department, however, is hesitating to indict them.
Why? Because Biden’s Justice Department is putting politics first. They are afraid the indictments could upset negotiations over the Iranian nuclear deal.
The foreign policy of this administration is straight out of hell. While the Biden Administration reminds us daily that Vladimir Putin is a thug killing civilians in Ukraine, Putin’s Russia is conducting the negotiations with Iran on our behalf. We do not speak directly with the Iranians. Russia, allied with Iran and China, is our intermediary.
So, just how do you think those talks are going right now?
Well, according to one Russian official, Iran’s doing very, very well in the talks. In fact, he is shocked at how much Biden has conceded. And, of course, the Biden Administration is refusing to submit the deal to the Senate as a treaty, which requires a two-thirds majority vote for approval.
Keep in mind this deal won’t stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. And if you think a nuclear-armed Putin is disrupting Europe now, just imagine what a nuclear-armed ayatollah will do to the Middle East!
And for this lousy deal, what are we giving Iran? We’re removing sanctions on the Iranian regime that have crippled Iran’s economy and given hope to the Iranian people that the regime may be toppled. But Biden is going to remove those sanctions, thus empowering Iranian brutality and regional ambitions.
First, Biden caved on Putin’s pipeline. Then, he reopened these negotiations with Iran. Now we’re talking to Venezuela’s Marxist dictator, begging him for oil. If you wanted an “America last” foreign policy, this is definitely it.
Love It Or Leave It
The latest Quinnipiac University poll asked a rather odd question and it had a rather revealing result. If the United States were invaded by a foreign enemy the way Ukraine has been, would you stay and fight for our country or would you flee the country?
A majority of Americans (55%) said they would stay and fight, while 38% said they would flee.
Republicans (68%) and Independents (57%) were the most likely to say they would stay and fight for America. But a majority of Democrats (52%) said they would flee the country. (Can we arrange a “fake invasion” and get rid of these lefitsts?!)
Well, in the immortal words of that great philosopher and patriot Merle Haggard, “If you don’t love it, leave it!” Evidently, a lot of Democrats would do just that because they clearly don’t love America enough to fight for it.
In all seriousness, I’m disappointed, but I’m hardly surprised by the results.
Progressive Democrats have been telling us for years that they hate America. Younger Americans are the least patriotic generation in history. And there’s a reason for that: Radical leftists in the government-run schools have been teaching our children anti-American history.
They have been teaching them Marxist critical race theory, telling them that the country of their birth is evil, that it was evil at its founding and must be “fundamentally transformed.” That’s why left-wing youth are tearing down statues of Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.
As I have noted before, why would anyone fight to defend an “evil, systemically racist” country founded on “slavery and genocide”?
That’s just a rhetorical question at the moment. But given recent headlines, it’s a question parents, policymakers and educators should take much more seriously.
And it’s just more reason why the fight to get critical race theory out of our schools is so important!