July 24, 2023

America at Risk

To see Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who hails from the most iconic family in the modern Democrat Party, endure what he did Thursday was astonishing.

Last Monday, I outlined how the neo-Marxist left is on the march across America today. If you missed that revealing report, I encourage you to read it here, because our country is at risk.

Thursday, the growing totalitarian impulse of the left to shut down free speech was on full display in the halls of Congress.

The House Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government held a critically important hearing on government censorship, something which is forbidden by our First Amendment.

Ironically, the Democrats on the committee immediately attempted to censor one of the hearing witnesses, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. First, they smeared him as a racist and a Nazi sympathizer. Then, they literally tried to prevent him from speaking.

To see Kennedy, who hails from the most iconic family in the modern Democrat Party, endure what he did Thursday was astonishing, and it speaks volumes about the state of Joe Biden’s party.

Just like Soviet Marxists before them, today’s Democrats now openly embrace censorship and the politics of personal destruction. The left’s extremism, to paraphrase Adam Schiff, was in plain sight for all to see.

Kennedy held up a letter signed by 102 House Democrats demanding that he be disinvited from Thursday’s hearing, saying:

“This [letter] itself is evidence of the problem that this hearing was convened to address. This is an attempt to censor a censorship hearing… Censorship is antithetical to our party.

"It was appalling to my father [former Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy], my uncle [former President John F. Kennedy], FDR [former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt], [former President] Harry Truman to [former President] Thomas Jefferson… The First Amendment was not written for easy speech. It was written for the speech no one likes you for.”

Deep State Censorship

Another witness at Thursday’s censorship hearing was Emma-Jo Morris, the former New York Post reporter who broke the news about Hunter Biden’s “laptop from Hell” and was censored by the FBI and social media.

Here’s what Morris told the committee:

“Over the last few years, my reporting has been confirmed by virtually every mainstream news outlet, from the Washington Post, to the New York Times, to Politico. No one denies that the laptop is real, that the origin story is exactly what I told you it was in the first place.

"This elaborate censorship conspiracy wasn’t because the information being reported on was false. It was because the information was true, and a threat to the power centers in this country.

"What this relationship between U.S. government officials and American corporations represents is an unprecedented push to undermine the First Amendment — the right to think, write, read, and say whatever we want — and how we respond will determine whether we see a free press as inalienable, or as optional.”

She’s absolutely right, and the stakes couldn’t be any higher.

Deep State Lies

My friends, we were deliberately deceived by our own government.

First, it was the Russian collusion hoax.

That was a lie concocted by the Hillary Clinton campaign to smear Donald Trump as a traitor, and Deep State operatives ran wild with that conspiracy theory, desperately trying to undermine Trump’s presidency.

Then, it was the lie that Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation.

That was a lie concocted by the Joe Biden campaign. The FBI knew it was real, but they didn’t want you, the American people, to know the truth — that Joe Biden is corrupt — because the Deep State desperately wanted to defeat Donald Trump.

Both Deep State lies were deliberate election interference.

Now, the totalitarian neo-Marxist left has taken the next step. After attempting to silence their critics, they are now moving aggressively to throw them in jail, whether it’s Donald Trump, his supporters or those who disagree with their radical agendas.

I’ve seen some commentary on the right suggesting that this extremism will hurt the Democrats politically. I certainly hope so. If more Americans actually understood what is happening and the threat to our freedoms, they would be outraged.

But the left-wing media are willing accomplices in the left’s “fundamental transformation” of America. That’s why it is important for you to share these reports with friends and family members who are still open to rational thoughts and discussions.

Unfortunately, it’s not entirely clear that the left will be hurt politically.

For decades now, our institutions of higher learning have been transformed into indoctrination camps. Radical Marxist teachers are brainwashing our children.

So, it’s no surprise that as our children are increasingly taught anti-American history that support for the First Amendment is rapidly declining.

For example, 44% of young Americans believe that you should be criminally charged for “misgendering” someone or referring to a transgender individual by the wrong pronoun.

Since when did pronouns lead to jail time? That may sound insane to you, but it’s not a hypothetical issue. Michigan Democrats are making this Orwellian nightmare a reality!

While so many of our elected officials have been asleep and hesitant to fight culture wars, the left has been aggressively undermining our fundamental rights.

As I have been warning for some time now, this is not Ronald Reagan’s America anymore. Our country is at a tipping point, and the hour is late indeed.

Another Looming Threat

Over the last several days, there has been another round of stories about how the communist Chinese intelligence gathering effort is on steroids. It was reported a few weeks ago that Chinese hackers accessed the official government email account of Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo.

Now, we’re learning that the communist Chinese also broke into the State Department email accounts of U.S. Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns and Daniel Kritenbrink, the assistant secretary of state for East Asia.

This constant espionage is not a minor issue. Our Chinese “trading partners” are running circles around us as they violate every norm and breach our national security on a regular basis.

Left-wing Lunacy

  • The left claims there is such a thing as “the wrong puberty.”
  • Biden’s gender insanity is undermining our national security.
  • John Kerry tried (and failed) to convince China to embrace “green energy.”
  • Democrats want to make illegal aliens eligible for taxpayer-subsidized healthcare.
  • CNBC condemned Florida and Texas as being among the “worst states” to live and work. Talk about gaslighting! Americans are voting with their feet and coming to a very different conclusion.

Good News

  • Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds signed legislation protecting innocent pre-born babies from abortion.
  • The Louisiana legislature enacted a law protecting children from mutilating transgender surgeries. The new law takes effect following the successful override of the Democrat governor’s veto.
  • Texas Gov. Greg Abbott continues to send busloads of illegal aliens to left-wing “sanctuary cities.”
  • Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin formally repealed and replaced the pro-transgender school policies of the previous Democrat administration with pro-parent policies.
  • The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled unanimously that the Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis is not required to employ someone in an open homosexual relationship, in violation of Catholic teachings. This is an important victory for religious liberty.
  • The International Cycling Union, which governs international cycling events, announced that it will protect women’s cycling from men who claim to be women.
  • “Sound of Freedom” broke $100 million at the box office, and former President Trump held a screening of the film last week.

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