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Friday Short Cuts

yet known how many Americans will die in the process.” —columnist Erick Erickson Non compos mentis I: “You know, since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, we have seen not only the spreading of the virus but also a rapid spreading of racism and xenophobia.” —Rep. Ayanna Pressley Non ... compos mentis II: “Labeling COVID-19 a ‘foreign virus’ does not display accountability for the misjudgments that have taken thus far by the Trump administration.” —Joe Biden Grand delusions: “I get the sense that this is not only the low point of the Trump presidency but the low point of

Jordan Candler · March 13, 2020

The Great Coronavirus Canceling

cancellations as fear of the coronavirus has spread across the nation. Certainly, what has become known as “social distancing” to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 is needed (along with basic hygiene), but when does responsible action become panic-induced overreaction? What we know of the novel COVID-19 is ... worldwide for at least a month. With all these cancellations and the rippling impact it’s having on everyone, the greater problem caused by COVID-19 may not be health related but rather economic devastation. Here is just one example we in our humble shop have experienced thus far. For

Thomas Gallatin · March 13, 2020

Coronavirus Spread Echoes Iran's Destructive Influence in the Region and the World

including the clerical regime’s clandestine nuclear work and anti-regime protests. The NCRI issued a full report on the scale of Iran’s COVID-19 outbreak on March 10. As well as contradicting Tehran’s low-ball estimates for the numbers of infections and deaths, the report details the ... to isolate Iran. These measures, unfortunately, are part of a reaction to the damage the Iranian regime has already done beyond its own borders. COVID-19 involving people who traveled to Iran have been recorded in around 10 other countries in the region, as well as Australia, Canada, and the

Ken Blackwell · March 13, 2020

Debating Virus Terminology Is a Waste of Energy

Amidst all of the well-placed urgency and occasionally misplaced panic of the COVID-19 pandemic, many have decided there’s a pressing need to debate whether terms such as “Wuhan virus” or “Chinese coronavirus” are racist. On one side is a broad coalition that includes liberal pundits, Democratic politicians ... to it as the “Chinese coronavirus” or the “Wuhan virus” used the same terminology until fairly recently, when the WHO coined the official name “COVID-19.” The New York Times posted a link to a Jan. 21 article, tweeting: “The first U.S. case of the Wuhan coronavirus has been confirmed

Jonah Goldberg · March 13, 2020

Time to Unite to Fight Coronavirus

way of life and the U.S. economy, all Americans must put partisanship aside and practice unity. We’re in this fight together. After all, COVID-19 doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t care if you’re a Bernie Bro, a Trump supporter or rooting for former Vice President Joe Biden ... eye to eye with the president on a variety of issues, put partisan politics aside and praised the Trump administration’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak. “We had a private conversation, but he (President Trump) said, ‘We’re gonna do the right thing’ and ‘You have my support, all

Adriana Cohen · March 13, 2020

Government Seeks to Mitigate COVID-19 Economic Fallout

With President Donald Trump’s sober address to the nation last night over the growing coronavirus (COVID-19) public health threat, concerns over the economic impact have simultaneously risen. What can be done to mitigate the immediate effects of COVID-19 to the U.S. economy? First and foremost, politicians from ... doing during a crisis is nothing. And there are legitimate actions that the government can take both regarding the immediate healthcare challenge presented by COVID-19 and to mitigate the short- and longer-term economic effect on Americans who may suffer significant financial struggles as a result of the viral ... impact on their jobs. Focusing on addressing the economic factor presented by COVID-19, Trump has proposed a temporary payroll-tax cut on the theory that this will help people keep more money in their pockets for the immediate future and keep the economy from sinking into a recession. While

Thomas Gallatin · March 12, 2020

The Red China COVID 'Cover-Up'

This week, President Donald Trump addressed the nation on our national response to the COVID-19 epidemic. As expected, the World Health Organization has declared the spread of this coronavirus variant a global pandemic. There are two significant global beneficiaries of a “fear pandemic”-induced U.S. economic recession — and the ... media-propaganda leftists — has dealt a devastating blow to our economy and all working Americans and their families. In our comprehensive coverage of the COVID-19 outbreak, “The Flu and You,” I included a reference to Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), who made this connection in January: “We don ... China’s only biosafety level 4 super laboratory that researches human infectious diseases.” While Cotton was not suggesting that the coronavirus strain responsible for COVID-19 was bio-engineered and then intentionally released, the connection is certainly notable. The fact is, the Wuhan market where COVID-19 was first contracted

Mark Alexander · March 12, 2020

The Great Coronavirus War Is Upon Us

Try this thought experiment. Envision the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, as a living, breathing enemy — which, of course, is exactly what it is. But imagine for a moment that we are in real war with a cognizant, thinking and clever enemy whose sole reason to live is to ... hurt, maim or kill as many of us as it can. COVID-19 may not have jets, tanks or nukes, like our past enemies. But its arsenal, numbers, cunning and willpower are said to be formidable. To win its war against Americans, COVID-19 must infect and sicken lots of ... Americans each day. If it cannot infect enough victims to multiply and sustain a hungry army of viruses, COVID-19 will soon sputter and die. It will get trapped in just a few hosts among an otherwise victorious and healthy nation of about 330 million. Nature has given COVID

Victor Davis Hanson · March 12, 2020

The Demos' 2020 ChiCom Virus Platform

swept up in hysteria, most notably today, given the inescapable media blame-gaming and political churn regarding coronavirus. That’s understandable given how the COVID-19 spread and deaths are being reported. As we discovered last week, media talkingheads struggle with basic logic and math. Regarding the dramatic daily revisions ... risk population. For most viral outbreaks, that falls in the 0.1%-0.5% range, far lower than the shock figures being promoted by the media. COVID-19 mortality rates will likely fall in that range. And the fear factor definitely gets ramped up when governors start deploying National Guard troops, as ... New York Demo Andrew Cuomo to establish a perimeter around a three-square-mile “containment area.” Don’t misunderstand me: The coronavirus variant causing COVID-19, may well be much more serious than other seasonal viral infections. As I have noted previously, it is going to be another bad year

Mark Alexander · March 11, 2020

Cuomo Calls in the Troops to Combat COVID-19

Amidst a growing number of confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in New York, Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo called in the National Guard and announced his establishment of a “containment zone” in New Rochelle, a suburb of New York City where the virus appears to be spreading. “New Rochelle, at this ... substance. Cuomo’s overreaction is what happens when Democrats have spent recent weeks blasting President Donald Trump for supposedly not doing enough to combat COVID-19 — they have to go to ridiculous lengths to outdo him. Democrats and the Leftmedia have exploited COVID-19 in their effort to paint Trump ... comments notwithstanding, the president has handled this well so far. Meanwhile, it should come as no surprise that increasing the number of tests for COVID-19 would reveal more cases. In fact, the discovery of more COVID-19 cases will actually lower its mortality rate. That a virus most health

Thomas Gallatin · March 11, 2020

Coronavirus Appears to Be Immune to Trump's Powers

speaking, political; it’s biological. If Trump’s foes had set out to create a crisis, they hardly could have designed anything better than COVID-19. Not only is Trump himself famously germaphobic, but the disease and its economic effect are primarily a threat for his best demographic — old people ... the same CDC visit, the president went out of his way to attack Washington Gov. Jay Inslee as a “snake.” Trump also said that COVID-19 tests are available to anybody who wants one (that wasn’t true and still isn’t), adding: “The tests are all perfect, like the ... actually believe that call was perfect — even many GOP senators condemned it — one has to wonder who was reassured by the claim that our COVID-19 tests are almost as perfect as the phone call that got Trump impeached. But reassurance isn’t the goal. The priority now is to

Jonah Goldberg · March 11, 2020

Coronavirus in Fact and Fiction

The political and mainstream-media churn of the coronavirus variant COVID-19 is about 10% substance and 90% fragrance, but it makes for good fodder and clickbait — which converts to good media advertising revenues. However, a colleague recently mentioned the “amusing similarity” between an almost-40-year-old work of ... that brings me to our comprehensive resource page, “The Flu and You,” and our footnote: “Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) is not suggesting that COVID-19 was bio-engineered and then intentionally released, but he did make this connection: ‘We don’t know where it originated, and we have to ... is China’s only biosafety level 4 super laboratory that researches human infectious diseases.’” Here are the facts. Located near the Wuhan market where COVID-19 is thought to have been first contracted is Red China’s only P4 (Pathogen Level 4) super laboratory “researching” infectious diseases. The Wuhan National

Mark Alexander · March 9, 2020

National COVID-19 Need to Know

What follows are a couple of snapshots regarding the COVID-19 viral outbreak this week. First, some reliable medical perspective… I have several longtime and trusted friends whom I have consulted over the years on potential epidemic issues. They are career disease specialists and former military physicians who understand the ... who have now been in private practice for decades. Collectively, they agree on the following assessment at this point. The key issues are that COVID-19 is contagious prior to symptoms, the incubation period appears to be longer, and we don’t yet have effective antiviral therapy or a vaccine ... statistics. We don’t yet have a firm understanding of the mortality implications although it could be as high as 3.4%. For numerous reasons, COVID-19 is not as bad as the 1918 influenza epidemic or, more recently, the SARS outbreak. But it will likely be worse than H1N1 in

Mark Alexander · March 6, 2020

What the First Coronavirus Deaths Tell Us

residents and staff members there reportedly have coronavirus symptoms. Be on the alert for more deadly outbreaks in nursing homes wherever coronavirus, now dubbed COVID-19, spreads. Nursing homes are infection cauldrons. Most nursing facilities ignore precautions like separating infected residents and disinfecting rooms and medical equipment. Even without COVID ... after being in the hospital. The Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths, a nonprofit, announced guidelines Monday on what nursing homes should do to curb COVID-19. Few children become seriously ill from COVID-19. But the elderly struggle. And in many nursing homes, they won’t stand a chance. Also ... in the COVID-19 crosshairs are health care workers and hospital patients. When an infected patient went to VacaValley hospital near Sacramento for care in February, three health care workers contracted it. Doctors and nurses need training in the use of N95 masks, goggles and protective gear when treating suspected

Betsy McCaughey · March 4, 2020

We Go From Hysteria to Hysteria

go from hysteria to hysteria. And even that’s not quite accurate. We now endure multiple hysterias at once. The latest, of course, is COVID-19, better known as the coronavirus. In addition to China, where the virus originated, major cities in Italy and Japan are in lockdown mode, and ... every new diagnosis of the coronavirus 24/7. Typical of media reporting is this from Canada’s most widely read newspaper, The Globe and Mail: “COVID-19 spreads so rapidly that one Harvard researcher has warned that 40 to 70 per cent of the world’s adults will be infected.” But

Dennis Prager · March 3, 2020

Coronavirus Reality Check

foot, after the first reported U.S. coronavirus deaths, The Washington Times’s editorial page editor, Ethan Epstein, published a breathless hyperbolic warning about the COVID-19 flu variant — a case study of Beltway media groupthink that promotes pandemic panic fear at a time when calm and resolve are required. According ... happen here.’ But as we’ve learned more than once, it can.” So, let’s follow the Chinese model – where the virus originated? Will COVID-19 be the next catastrophic attack on America — “The BIG One”? As I have noted previously, it is going to be another bad year for ... with the worst of seasonal viral flu epidemics, there will potentially be tens-of-millions infections and tens-of-thousands deaths. The virus causing COVID-19 has mutated into two strains, and one may be much more aggressive. The “S-type” appears to be milder and less infectious, but the

Mark Alexander · March 2, 2020

Democrats Hang 2020 Hopes on Pandemic Fear

succinctly notes, “The only predictable fallout of coronavirus? Partisanship.” According to Continetti: “The pundits are having difficulty settling on a historical analogy for the COVID-19 coronavirus. Will the spread of the disease be President Trump’s Katrina or his financial crisis? Now that it is interested in coronavirus ... and more than 16 THOUSAND deaths. One of the flu virus strains this season has taken more than 8,000 lives. But the U.S. COVID-19 deaths could far exceed the 2017-18 flu season deaths, when the CDC estimated the U.S. flu death toll was 80,000. The virus ... causing COVID-19 has mutated into two strains, and one may be much more aggressive. The “S-type” appears to be milder and less infectious, but the “L-type” is more contagious and accounts for 70 percent of cases. Unfortunately, though human vaccine trials will begin in early April, if

Mark Alexander · February 28, 2020

The Politics of a 'Viral Fear Pandemic'

think you could not do before” to enable them to defeat Donald Trump, especially if they can’t dispense with Bernie Sanders frontrunner status. COVID-19, the scientific term for coronavirus, is providing them an election-year crisis that they won’t let go to waste, especially if it becomes ... to convert coronavirus into Trump’s “Hurricane Katrina.” In January, I provided a comprehensive analysis, “The Flu and You,” putting the potential for a COVID-19 flu pandemic into perspective and offering helpful links on preparedness and response. At that time, the Trump administration was taking significant steps to prevent ... presidential election is cause for a lot of concern among businesses and consumers. Responding to the selloff, Nate Jackson provided an update on COVID-19, noting how Schumer and Pelosi had their coronavirus crisis/fear machine at full throttle. Pelosi, who claimed, “Lives are at stake, this is not a time

Mark Alexander · February 27, 2020

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