Pelosi — The Putin Strategy Expert
Question: Is Pelosi sending Putin secret sign language signals?
San Fran Nan has been hitting the sauce again…
Transcript interpretation courtesy of Stephen Green:
They know that we can’t go there. Uh, they… [Pauses, makes awkward hand gesture] Putin is trying to [Pauses, makes awkward hand gesture] bait the trap so that, that we go in and that’s the beginning, could be the beginning of World War III.
A Putin, totally irresponsible, using weapons that are not allowed under the Geneva connect— Convention.
Putin, who uh, [arm flapping high in the breeze] threatens chemical use of chemical weapons … um … nuclear and the rest.
So they know that we can’t but it’s the ask now he was, uh, [left arm going crazy now] this morning … more … let’s if we can’t have, an, if we can’t have a no-fly zone, let us have our own and we need the airplanes to come in.
No … no, no. This morning he was LESS on the, on the ask for the, um, [long pause] that policy, more on let us do it, help us get the planes but also there is a school of thought that thinks [right arm WAY up there again] the anti-aircraft [pause, right arm going nuts] missiles and the rest are a very important way.
Myself, when I see that, that [seriously, what is up with her right arm?] those tanks at 40 miles of tanks [long pause]. I’d like to take out those tanks, I mean, I, I think that air, um, them having more planes might be useful. But that I’m not a military [mumble] strategist.
We hope that we will be able to get up to a place, I hope, you ask me how, I, I hope that we can get to a place where [pause] the MiGs, [pause, weird gesture] which are the kinds of planes they’ve been trained on, can go to Ukraine [long pause]. The F-16s, especially if we had an excess of them, can backfill for Poland. [turns and leaves under her own power]
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- Nancy Pelosi
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