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December 21, 2016

Obama’s Final Presidential Press Pretense

Despite Obama’s “legacy project” efforts, the fact is he hacked Clinton’s campaign and the Democrat Party.

“The right of freely examining public characters and measures, and of free communication among the people thereon … has ever been justly deemed the only effectual guardian of every other right.” —James Madison (1789)

There are many reasons to be grateful this year-end — including at least one notable reason that most Patriots had hoped for but few expected.

First, in the “hoped for” category, Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton on November 8th, and his election was affirmed by the Electoral College this week in accordance with constitutional Rule of Law — which elected Democrats oppose at every juncture.

Remember when Clinton’s election seemed all but certain and Barack Hussein Obama arrogantly declared, “I will not be on the ballot, but everything we’ve done is going to be on the ballot”?

And remember that pesky final poll on Election Day?

Indeed, BO’s record was on the ballot, along with Hillary Clinton’s, and, in a second shot heard ‘round the world, those middle-American “deplorables” rendered their judgment. In the end, thanks to California and New York urban centers, Clinton won a popular plurality, 48% to 46%, which is notably short of a popular majority. But I digress. When asked by a leftist, “Who won the popular vote?” leave them stumped with this reply: “Our Constitution.”

And then there was Obama’s race-bait rhetoric, which he used to scold his audience at a Congressional Black Caucus gala: “I will consider it a personal insult, an insult to my legacy, if this community lets down its guard and fails to activate itself in this election. You want to give me a good sendoff? Go vote!”

Memo to Barry: Consider yourself personally insulted.

In the end, while Obama won 93% of black votes in 2012, Clinton’s support dropped to 88% in 2016. And of greater significance, Obama won 71% of Latino votes in 2012 but Clinton’s support dropped to 66%. These promising trends will expand if GOP leadership promotes the fact that Liberty is colorblind.

(Next up will be loosening the Democrat stranglehold on the majority of female voters.)

Adding insult to injury, doing everything they could to delegitimize Trump’s victory, Clinton Demos funded phony vote recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. The result? Trump actually gained votes in Wisconsin, the only state that completed its recount, and significant “voter irregularities” were discovered in Michigan, where 37% of Detroit’s heavily Democrat precincts tallied more votes than actual registered voters. On top of that indignity, and despite Hillary’s phony “Hamilton Electors” call for electoral college defectors, Trump had a net loss of just two electoral votes while Clinton suffered five defections — the largest net defection of faithless electors since the election of James Madison in 1808.

Now that a Donald Trump presidency is a certainty, Democrats are more worried than ever, given that his cabinet nominees rival the conservative pedigrees of those chosen by Ronald Reagan some 35 years ago.

A second point of gratitude this year-end is last Friday’s conclusion of Obama’s last press conference from the White House. However, before I get to that, mark my words: It will not be his last press conference in Washington, DC.

Despite BO’s assurances — “It’s the American people’s job to decide my successor, it’s not my job to decide my successor,” and, “It’s not in my hands now” — Obama will become the first president in a century who will not leave Washington after leaving the White House.

The Obamas will be taking up residence in a nine-bedroom mansion in Washington’s most exclusive neighborhood. And you can be certain that he’ll be out on his front stoop stumping for his failed policies every time Trump endeavors to alter or abolish one of them. Political analyst Ed Klein opines that Obama will be leading “a shadow government opposing the Trump administration,” and presidential historian Stephen Hess concludes that Obama’s adoring media will be “camping out on [his] doorstep.”

Given his pathological egocentrism, Obama is incapable of displaying enough humility to leave town.

Before his election in 2008, I wrote a three-part profile on BO encompassing his tragic childhood, his hateful ethnocentric discipleship and his Marxist mentorship. Reviewing that essay this week, I can confirm that all the damage he’s inflicted on our nation over the last eight years is entirely consistent with that profile.

Since Obama’s first official year-end press conference, I, like you, have long anticipated his last, so this will be my final analysis and rebuttal of same, just as I’ve done with all of his vacuous and specious State of the Union addresses.

BO: “This is the most wonderful press conference of the year.”

On this we agree wholeheartedly!

BO: “Today, understandably, I’m going to talk a little bit about how far we’ve come over the past eight years.”

Despite Obama’s “legacy project” subterfuge, the fact is he spent the last eight years hacking away at our Constitution. In the process, he took down Clinton’s campaign and detonated a neutron bomb within the Democrat Party — leaving its structure intact but obliterating its human resources.

BO: “As I was preparing to take office, the unemployment rate was on its way to 10%. Today, it’s at 4.6% — the lowest in nearly a decade.”

This fallacious claim ignores the tens of millions of Americans who are now chronically unemployed/marginally employed and the 95 million not even participating in the labor pool. Additionally, the number of young adults still living in their parents’ home is the highest since the Great Depression.

BO: “When I came into office, 44 million people were uninsured. Today, we’ve covered more than 20 million of them.”

This reference to Obama’s signature so-called Affordable Care Act, or ObamaCare, is as factual as his 2009 promises, “If you like your doctor, you’ll be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.” In 2017, there will only be five ObamaCare co-ops still operating.

BO: “We’ve cut our dependence on foreign oil by more than half.”

Despite the fact Obama has done everything in his power to obstruct energy exploration.

BO: “[T]he median household income grew at the fastest rate on record. In fact, income gains were actually larger for households at the bottom and the middle than for those at the top.”

The median household income for the latest year of record grew by 5.2% to $56,516. But the Center for Equitable Growth, a leftist project out of Cal-Berkeley focusing on income redistribution, reported that the top 1% of earners grew by 7.7% in 2015 while the bottom 99% grew by 3.9%. In other words, Obama did nothing for his 99-percenter constituency, and the American Dream needs a comeback.

And once the Obamas vacate the White House, expect their net worth to surge dramatically — as with the Clintons.

BO: “Over the past eight years, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully executed an attack on our homeland that was directed from overseas.”

Finding a shred of truth in this statement requires convulsive Clintonian parsing of the facts. Obama had best not assert his lone wolf defense of Islamist jihadis at Ft. Hood or in Boston or San Bernardino or Orlando or Chattanooga or any other homeland sites of Jihadi assaults during his tenure. In fact, Islamist assaults worldwide have increased greatly under Obama.

BO: “We brought nearly 200 nations together around a climate agreement that could very well save this planet for our kids.”

The “climate change” agenda has never been about “saving the planet” but about redistribution of wealth and jobs from industrialized nations (free economies) to Asia, where China and India are bringing coal-fired power plants online every week.

BO: “There are communities that are still mourning those who have been stolen from us by senseless gun violence.”

Those “communities” are poor people enslaved on urban poverty plantations by failed Democrat economic and social polices. Oh, and the out-of-control black-on-black murder rate is not a “senseless gun violence” problem.

BO: “In foreign policy, when I came into office, we were in the midst of two wars.”

In fact, we are still in the midst of many wars — including a global war on terror that has become more deadly under the Obama regime. After BO ordered our retreat from Iraq, central to his 2012 re-election charade to defeat Mitt Romney, his failed foreign policy in the region resulted in a Middle East meltdown, the rise of the Islamic State (the real “Arab Spring”) and an epic humanitarian tragedy that includes more than 500,000 dead in Syria and millions displaced.

BO: “We’ve ensured that Iran cannot obtain a nuclear weapon.”

Obama’s “nuke deal” with Iran does no such thing. No wonder he did an end-run around Congress to push it through.

BO: “For years, we’ve worked to stop the civil war in Syria and alleviate human suffering. … We have seen a deliberate strategy of surrounding, besieging and starving innocent civilians. Responsibility for this brutality lies in one place alone: the Assad regime and its allies Russia and Iran. The blood for these atrocities is on their hands.”

No, this is nothing but recycled spin on Syria, and, as noted above, “the blood for these atrocities” is on Obama’s hands.

BO: “I always feel responsible. … There are places around the world where horrible things are happening. And because of my office, because I’m president of the United States, I feel responsible. There’s not a moment during the course of this presidency where I haven’t felt some responsibility.”

Obama may “feel responsible,” but he has taken no responsibility.

BO: “The Syrian regime and its Russian and Iranian allies are trying to obfuscate the truth. The world should not be fooled, and the world will not forget.”

Of course, it’s Obama who’s mastered the art of the BIG lie and has consistently endeavored to “obfuscate the truth.”

BO: “There was a survey some of you saw where … 37% of Republican voters approve of [Vladimir] Putin. … Ronald Reagan would roll over in his grave.”

For the record, “Ronald Reagan would roll over in his grave” if he knew Obama was invoking his name for any reason. Russia is a shadow of the Soviet “Evil Empire” that President Reagan stared down and ultimately destroyed. But it is still a third-world economy with countless nuclear weapons. The “approval of Putin” has as much to do with Trump’s posture of strength as BO’s posture of weakness and capitulation. It is Obama and Clinton, after all, who have coddled Putin and enabled the “Russian Spring,” including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and annexation of the Crimean Peninsula.

BO: “The Russians were responsible for hacking the DNC and, as a consequence, it’s important to review elements of that and prevent that interference in the future.”

Apparently, WikiLeaks and the Russians were more interested in the truth than were Obama, Clinton and the DNC. And because the fake mainstream media fail to mention this when propagating Democrat talking points, recall that all of Clinton’s concealed communications exposed by hackers were required by law to be part of the public record.

BO: “I can assure the public that there was not the kind of tampering with the voting process that was our concern. The votes that were cast were counted. They were counted appropriately. We have not seen evidence of machines being tampered with.”

So how exactly did the Russians “rig the election”?

BO: “There are some structures in our political system, as envisioned by the Founders, that sometimes are going to disadvantage Democrats.”

The primary “structure disadvantaging Democrats,” as noted previously, is constitutional Rule of Law!

BO: “By so many measures, our country is stronger and more prosperous than it was when we started. That’s a situation that I’m proud to leave for my successor.”

By NO measure is “our country stronger and more prosperous” than it was eight years ago.

Finally, and mercifully, BO ended his press conference wishing his audience “a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.”

And on that note, as a recipient of Obama’s official “holiday” card for each of his eight years in office (somebody’s got a sense of humor), I can confirm that his cards have never mentioned the word “Christmas.”

So, where to from here?

Laughably, in an interview with NPR this week, Obama insisted (seriously) that he’s the best-qualified person to rebuild the once-noble Democrat Party, which devolved into the Socialist Democrat Party under his leadership.

Let’s review the aforementioned neutron bomb and how Democrats have fared under Obama. When he took office there were 256 Demos in the House. Now there are 188 (-68 for -27%). There were 58 Demos in the Senate. Now there are 46 (-12 for -21%). There were 28 Demo governors. Now there are 18 (-10 for -36%). Across the nation, Democrats held 4,086 state legislative seats and controlled 60 chambers. Under BO, they have lost 949 (-23%) of those seats and now control just 31 chambers (-52%.)

And on that note, Obama has my full and unconditional support for being in charge of rebuilding the Democrat Party!

Editor’s Note: Next week, we will be publishing the 2016 best of Humor (Monday), Digests (Tuesday) and Alexander (Wednesday).

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