CJCS Milley Doesn’t Deny CINC/Hitler Comparison
Gen. Milley violated his oath and should resign.
Simultaneous to our call for the resignation or firing of Gen. Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS), for peddling Joe Biden’s political agenda, Milley and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin called a press conference in an effort to restore confidence in Milley’s role as CJCS.
Good try, but no cigar.
My justification for calling out the CJCS was twofold.
First, it was based on his insistence that Critical Race Theory curricula and programs — repackaged Marxist propaganda — should be imposed on the next generation of military leaders at our service academies. This was a promotion of Biden’s race-hustling agenda at the expense of military unity in the ranks.
Moreover, the second reason Milley should resign is an account by Washington Post reporters Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker, both of whom are politically sympathetic to Milley, regarding his references to Donald Trump at the time Milley was his CJCS. According to Leonnig and Rucker, among other offenses, Milley referred to Trump’s playbook as “The gospel of the Führer” and his supporters as “brownshirts,” Hitler’s street thugs.
Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg (USA-Ret.), who served most recently as national security advisor to Vice President Mike Pence, declared that if the WaPo report of Milley’s remarks is accurate, his “comments are seditious” and an abject violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Kellogg said: “I think he’s discredited his position as chairman of the Joint Chiefs. My opinion, and I’ve known Mark a lot of years, he needs to resign or they should remove him.” Kellogg added that Milley “crossed the line,” declaring: “I think he has violated his oath of office. I think he should go.”
Indeed, those remarks, if accurate, constitute a flagrant violation of his oath “to support and defend” our Constitution.
So, are the attributions to Milley accurate?
According to The Washington Post, “Milley repeatedly declined to confirm whether the comments attributed to him … are accurate.” In other words, he declined to deny he made those disgraceful comments.
For Milley’s part, in the presser he stated: “The military did not, and will not, and should not ever get involved in domestic politics. We don’t arbitrate elections. That’s the job of the judiciary and the legislature and the American people. It is not the job of the U.S. military. We stayed out of politics. We’re an apolitical institution.”
That is correct — or should be. But was it in his case?
Regarding his oath, he added, “Not one time did we violate … our oath of allegiance to that document, the Constitution, and everything that’s contained within it.”
Actually, short of denying the Post reporters’ account, Milley remains in stark violation of his oath and, consequently, is a more dangerous threat to American Liberty and constitutional Rule of Law than all of the Capitol protesters.
For Austin’s part, he insisted Milley “doesn’t have a political bone in his body.” Then, apparently unable to distinguish the fact that he was directly contradicting that statement, Austin reaffirmed Milley’s commitment to Biden’s race and gender hustling political agenda: “This department will be diverse. It will be inclusive. … The chairman’s committed to that.”
Fact is, our military should be, first and foremost, committed to selection and advancement based on character and qualifications, not skin pigmentation. Austin, who is an Alabama native and grew up in Georgia, should recall that Martin Luther King expressed those sentiments. But content of character is out of fashion in Biden’s regime.
Like SecDef Austin, Milley has a distinguished career and served our country well. But as too often happens with good people once they become DC swamp dwellers, he has been drinking too much woke-flavored Potomac Powerade and is now past his expiration date. Few members of Congress will call for Milley to resign. There are big military contracts that might get diverted to other congressional districts if they overturn that applecart. However, as Lt. Gen. Kellogg declared, “He should go.”
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776