Biden’s ‘Reagan Lite’ Putin Solution
Apparently, the feckless leader of the free world has finally picked a winner.
In his somber “Victory Day” comments commemorating Russia’s 1945 Eastern front victory over Germany’s National Socialist Party leader Adolf Hitler, Russia’s “progressive” socialist, Vladimir Putin, was careful not to suggest any escalation of hostilities in Ukraine. There was no declaration of victory or announcement of additional military mobilizations.
Putin would like to make Ukraine Russia’s territorial Western front with NATO. That would also give him control of Ukraine’s agricultural production and secure his fuel lines to the European nations now dependent on Russian oil and gas. Moreover, this would fulfill Putin’s legacy — but Ukrainian resistance has proven far more formidable than he anticipated.
For months, Joe Biden, the titular head of the “progressive” socialist Democrat Party in America, offered little more than feckless support for Ukraine. Until the last week, Biden’s strategy has been predicated on “wait and see” — determine who looks like the victor, Putin or Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, and then join the parade.
Biden aptly demonstrated his policy ineptitude when addressing NATO six weeks ago. When asked about the efficacy of sanctions, Biden responded: “Let’s get something straight. I did not say that in fact the sanctions would deter him. Sanctions never deter. … Sanctions never deter.” But, in addition to ferocious Ukrainian resistance, Western sanctions most certainly have deterred Putin from advancing. In fact, he looks like a winded boxer on the ropes.
Military losses and sanctions have cost Putin and the Russian people much more than he anticipated. That is what happens when a national leader lives in a policy bubble and his key military leaders fear telling him anything other than what he wants to hear.
Thus, Biden has finally picked a winner — as a prop for his Party’s midterm election prospects.
Apparently, Biden now believes Putin can be stopped in Ukraine’s Eastern Donbas border region with Russia and, thus, has signed onto a massive $34 billion assistance package, which will likely balloon to $40 billion by the time Congress decides whose districts will benefit the most. The total of our previous aid to date has been $3.8 billion.
The proposal includes more than $20 billion in “non-military aid,” which I presume also serves as “hush money” to keep Ukrainian officials quiet about their involvement with the Joe/Hunter crime syndicate. And that is a reminder that, despite the fact we want Ukraine to repel the Russians, the Ukrainian government is corrupt from top to bottom. There was well over $100 billion in pandemic relief fraud in our country, I can assure you every dime we send to Ukraine that is not in the form of a piece of hardware, is subject to fraud.
So convinced is Biden that Ukraine is not on the verge of defeat, that he even forced his congressional leftists to detach their demand for $10 billion more in “COVID relief funding” from the Ukraine assistance legislation.
To be clear, we don’t believe Ukraine will be declaring victory anytime soon. Currently, there is a stalemate on the Eastern front, as Army Lt. Gen. Scott Berrier concluded this week, “The Russians aren’t winning and the Ukrainians aren’t winning, and we’re at a bit of a stalemate.”
That being said, Biden’s strategy invokes shades of Ronald Reagan’s 1980s strategy to choke the Soviets into submission by strangling their collapsing economy with military expenditures they could no longer afford. Biden is banking on Ukrainian success and hoping it will overshadow his disastrous surrender and retreat from Afghanistan.
It is said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but in this case, it is indicative of a leader whose only option for foreign policy success is imitation. Too bad he can’t do more of that on domestic policy.
In the meantime, Biden might want to keep an eye on Red China and the Taiwan Straight…
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776