The Patriot Post® · The Biden/Harris Top Ten List of Failures

By Mark Alexander ·

“Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men…” —John Adams (1776)

Let me just drop this right up top: As far as Democrat Party failures go, the most obvious would be Joe Biden. He is the Demo lemmings’ Pied Piper, the front man for the dumpster fires now consuming our nation. We’d be remiss if we didn’t give a big shout-out to all the dullard Demo voters who are responsible for this wreckage.

So, how to rate Biden’s biggest failures when there are so many to choose from?

The most consequential of those failures would be our faltering economy.

Biden left the country for the Middle East last week, just in time to avoid the wall-to-wall coverage of surging inflation, which is now over 9% — a 40-year high. And that number does not accurately account for the less visible proliferation of “shrinkflation” — a term to describe prices on essential consumer products being upsized while packaging quantities or volumes are being downsized.

Biden and Harris dropped a massive inflation bomb on our nation.

As Biden was arriving in Saudi Arabia for a kowtowing fist-bump ice cream social with “pariah” Mohammed bin Salman, additional news hit that the Producer Price Index continued its climb in June — now at a whopping 11.3%.

As a result of inflation, real hourly wages have fallen 4.8% since Biden took office, the worst since the 1970s. That is a monetary loss of $3,400 in annual wages per worker, or $6,800 per family in which both parents work. That’s a stiff price to avoid mean tweets from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Recall that it was just a year ago when Biden asserted inflation was “temporary”: “Our experts believe, and the data shows, that most of the price increases we’ve seen were expected and expected to be temporary.” All of his experts followed up by dutifully claiming that inflation was “transitory.” But 13 straight months of soaring inflation is neither temporary nor transitory.

Clearly, the emperor has no clothes, nor do his attendees. It’s no wonder our nation is in such dire straits, given that only a few of Biden’s “experts” have any real-world business experience.

To be clear, rising inflation is the direct result of Biden’s so-called American Rescue Plan, which dumped $1.9 trillion in taxpayer-funded graft into a $300 billion economic hole created by the COVID pandemic — on top of all the 2020 “COVID relief” spending already being dispensed. That excess $1.6 trillion is indisputably a major factor in the inflation now crushing family budgets.

Apparently not satisfied, lawmakers then dumped another $1 trillion in so-called “infrastructure spending” on the inflation pile, and Biden now wants to spend another trillion on his so-called Build Back Better boondoggle.

Don’t worry — inflation is just temporary and transitory! Surely the comparisons to Jimmy Carter aren’t accurate…

For the record, before Biden took office, our national economy had been dealt a severe blow by the ChiCom Virus pandemic — but was in a strong position to recover thanks to the pre-pandemic economic policies of Donald Trump and his administration. The nation was poised to make a full recovery by the time Trump’s “Operation Warp SpeedCOVID vaccines were introduced.

There was record-low unemployment for Black and Hispanic Americans and a 50-year low for women; median household income was at a record high, while poverty was at a record low; inflation was at 1.4%, and our nation was energy independent; our borders were more secure than in decades; our international superpower standing had been restored, and our nation’s most dangerous foreign enemies were keeping their heads down, fearful of Trump.

Read that paragraph again! Seems like a lifetime ago.

On his first day in office, Biden set about reversing all of the Trump administration policies that accounted for surging American prosperity and security.

Now, 18 months into Biden’s term, America is in trouble, and all but the most dullard Demos know it. Biden and his socialist Democrat Party are thoroughly mired down in a deep pile of Demo dung.

Even some of his most sycophantic talkingheads and scribes are turning against him, as evidenced by his former media allies, including The New York Times.

Moving down the list of Biden/Demo deliverables, what are their other most significant and consequential failures?

In short order, their policies have resulted in surging violent crime nationwide, particularly in Democrat-controlled urban centers. That crime is most often black-on-black, isolated within Biden’s most loyal constituency.

Biden’s policies have resulted in an open southern border and millions of illegal immigrants flooding into our country, precisely as the Demos planned. Biden’s commitment not to prosecute illegals will draw millions more who will also be shipped under cover of darkness to your community.

As this relates to the economy, I have written previously that illegal immigrants are deflating the wages of low- and middle-income American workers, as immigrants compete for their jobs. The party that once claimed to represent blue-collar, union, and minority workers is now crushing them.

In addition to the Demos’ deadly border, where most recently 53 illegal migrants, including 10 children, died in an abandoned trailer — whose blood is on Biden’s hands — the border is becoming more deadly than a war zone.

As for other blood on Demo hands, there were nearly 108,000 overdose deaths in the U.S. last year, most from fentanyl and most of that having been muled across our southern border.

The policies of Biden and his Demos have resulted in a feckless foreign policy, beginning with his deadly surrender and retreat from Afghanistan, and now a deadly war in Ukraine on NATO’s doorstep — with an emboldened Vladimir Putin knowing he has nothing to fear from Biden. A month from now, Biden and company will be bracing for the anniversary of his disastrous Afghanistan exfil, which they will, again, do their best to spin.

The Biden Doctrine is defined by weakness.

Their economy-crushing so-called climate change policies, which will do little or nothing to impact the weather, have also resulted in rising energy prices. America is no longer energy independent, which, as any foreign policy novice could tell you, has resulted in significant undermining of our national security.

And this week, Biden will announce a “National Climate Emergency” in order to force more of his statist policies on the nation. Notably, only one percent of Americans rate climate change as a top concern.

On the culture front, Biden and his Demos have devoted enormous effort undermining faith and family, the foundational building blocks of American Liberty, which is the nemesis of their statist agenda. “Pride Month” may be over, but the Rainbow Mafia is never content.

This week, congressional Demos passed their so-called Respect for Marriage Act, pandering to their gender-confused constituents.

And each new day brings another chapter of Biden’s corrupt family business with the ChiComs. He has reinvigorated the Red China threat due to the influence peddling and corruption of office associated with Hunter Biden.

There is no more clear evidence of Biden’s policy failures, and by extension those of his Democrat Party, than his abysmal polling. His approval rating average has been hovering around 38%, a reflection of his pathetic performance on nearly every issue that matters to Americans. The last survey in which Biden’s job approval was above 50% was a Politico-Morning Consult survey in August 2021, when he squeaked by with a 51% approval rating. It’s been downhill ever since.

Notably, this week, CNBC’s All-America Economic Survey has Biden at a record low of 30% approval on his handling of the economy. That finding is mirrored by CNN’s latest polling.

Even though his White House press corps’ Democrat-to-Republican ratio is 12 to 1, Biden and company have been unable to move the public opinion needle back in their direction. Clearly, the wheels are coming off Biden’s presidency.

And the final entry of top ten failures— Kamala Harris’s polling is even lower than Biden’s. Yes, Harris checked off the race, gender, and generation boxes for the Biden ticket in 2020, and there was a lot of Democrat support for the feckless non compos mentis Biden ticket because she was on it. But Harris has become increasingly toxic to that ticket.

As political observer Charles Hurt writes, noting some entries on his list of Biden’s failures, “Biden gives hope to imbeciles everywhere.”

Biden has certainly kept his inaugural address “unity” promise — he has unified a majority of Americans against him.

So, do Demos have a chance of minimizing the damage before the midterm elections in four months?

Only if Trump announces his 2024 candidacy ahead of the midterms, as he unfortunately is contemplating. Giving Demos the ability to again run against Trump is exactly what they want. And if their midterm COVID variant emerges in September, that will help them to once again activate their bulk-mail ballot fraud strategy.

So, what do I believe Trump should do?

He should spend all his energy in rallying his grassroots base — and then undermine the Democrats’ 2024 prospects, which are not likely to include Biden, by endorsing a younger presidential candidate who does not drag all the Trump baggage and division into the 2024 Republican primary. And considering Biden’s failing mental acuity, I note that Trump would be 78 years old Jan 2025, a year older than Ronald Reagan when he left office.

There is a great field of rising Republicans, and I would exclude Mike Pence, who would also drag the Trump baggage and division into 2024. At the moment, I strongly favor Ron DeSantis, whose record is extraordinary and is positioned well, paired with any number of great prospects for VP.

If Trump does not get in the way and Republicans can retake the House and Senate, they should start by impeaching Biden for wanton dereliction of duty, failing to abide by his constitutional obligations and oath. That won’t get anywhere because Republicans won’t own two-thirds of the Senate, but it will be irrevocably tied to his disgraceful legacy.

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776

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