Reader Comments
Observations on the week’s analysis and commentary.
Publisher’s Note: We review all comments and appreciate your response. We select a few that sharpen the understanding on a topic. If you would like to leave a comment, you will find a “Comment” button at the bottom of every article on our website.
“Shout it from the rooftops: We are NOT a democracy. Our Founders, judiciously and presciently, warned about the ultimate downfall of a democracy. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding on what to have for dinner. Democracies always end in tyranny and anarchy.” —New Jersey
“The objections to Mike Johnson’s faith and his effort to live out that faith are directly, unequivocally, and unmistakably connected to the 2,000-year-old reaction of the Roman Empire to Christianity. Then and now, the objectors operate from a partial comprehension of what the Christian faith is all about. Is that a misunderstanding, or a tactical smear of a feared competitor? The answer to both parts of that question is ‘Yes.’ The True Believers on the Left will brook no competition, whether political or religious. It has become glaringly obvious that all means, fair and foul, are being used in this latest offensive against Christianity and its adherents, because an article of faith for the left-wing objectors is The end justifies the means.” —Texas
“Re: Sales record expected: We were just discussing the holiday season coming up the other day. We pondered doing all gift cards this year. Then we discussed the chance of getting stuck with cards for companies that could close down, such as restaurants and mall stores. Other than buying for the kids, none of the adults really want anything for themselves. We also discussed traveling but then quickly dismissed that idea, as so many hotels and motels are filled with immigrants forced upon them by the states. With Christmas being a three-day weekend this year, we discussed just throwing a three-day drinking party, which seems to have the most interest.” —Wyoming
Re: AI: An Unstoppable Tool of Child Exploitation
“Deepfake technology has a tremendous potential for abuse. In particular, it can be used to produce a false video of a person committing a crime or saying something sure to destroy his career. It can also be used to cover up a crime or disguise a perpetrator. On the other hand, its existence means surveillance video is no longer automatically unimpeachable evidence. Prosecutors must now prove that the video is of an actual event and that there has been no tampering with the content to wrongly implicate a defendant. It is imperative to implement a law punishing false accusation with the penalty accruing to the crime alleged to discourage such abuses. Deepfake technology in the hands of a malign state is a fearsome tool for oppression.” —Minnesota
“Two points: 1) I can already envision the defense of pedophiles (‘minor attracted persons,’ to use the Left’s parlance) by claiming that using AI-generated images involving sex with minors gives them a release without anyone being harmed, and further, if the images are not fakes of actual individuals, where is the harm? Isn’t that better than a ‘minor attracted person’ trying to have sex with a minor? 2) There are currently laws against child pornography. If the images are entirely computer generated, and no real children were abused/exploited to make the images, has a crime been committed?” —Vermont
Re: Hooray for the Homeschooling Boom
“We operate an independent supermarket/hardware store and hire many entry-level employees, most of whom are high school or post-high school students. We’ve had a few who are homeschooled. The difference between those who are homeschooled and those who attend government schools is night and day — in attitude and spirit, in capabilities and teachability, in desirability as a prospective employer. Homeschooling and charter schools should be every parent’s right and should be fully funded by school vouchers that follow the child wherever the parents choose. It’s a travesty that taxes are confiscated from the parents, returning only a fraction of their ‘investment’ and delivering defective products!” —California
“It is sad when children graduate from high school and cannot even write their name using penmanship, let alone a complete sentence. I know several families in three different states who have homeschooled their children, and every one of those children is a well-balanced, intelligent, and productive human being. If homeschooling feels intimidating for parents, ask around; between you and your neighbors, you may be able to cover all the curricula, and the children will have the benefit of ‘classmates.’ Parenting is not for the faint of heart. Your children are relying on you to guide them the best you know how. You might even find you have mastered a class that challenged you!” —Montana
“Too bad the ‘experts’ are all anti-Semites. Why Israel is the only country in the world that can be relentlessly and barbarically attacked and yet be pressured not to defend itself is a mystery. It’s also a mystery why it’s the only military in the world that’s expected to give civilians fair warning before bombing their cities. This war has unleashed the raging hatred of Jews that millions in the U.S. and around the world have kept mostly hidden thus far, and that’s not going away, even after Israel destroys Hamas. You can’t reason with anti-Semites anymore than you can with those who have TDS. It’s a form of psychosis that prevents them from seeing that if Israel goes, we’re next — and thanks to the open border, the terrorists are already here.” —Pennsylvania
Re: In Brief: An America Without Gun Rights Would Look Like Mexico
“To ban guns in an effort to end violence is comparable to banning forks to end obesity. Likewise, if this administration of usurpers attempts to sue gun manufactures for shooting deaths, they must also sue the makers of flatware! Maybe they should sue property owners for the homeless problem. Oh, wait … they already force us to pay for the homeless (and their drugs!) with our tax dollars; strike that! Odd how they ignore the fact that a majority of the shooting deaths are black-on-black, and a great many of those are drug related, yet they feel NO need to secure the border and keep the drugs out, especially since a much greater number die from drugs than are killed by guns. Go figure!” —California
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