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December 4, 2023

Monday Short Cuts

Notable quotables from Yahya Sinwar, Josh Hammer, David Harsanyi, Mayim Bialik, and more.

Straight From the Horse’s Mouth

“The leaders of the occupation should know, October 7 was just a rehearsal.” —Gaza Strip Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar

Dumb & Dumber

“The images coming out of Gaza are horrific. Netanyahu has resumed his genocidal bombing campaign. We need a permanent ceasefire now. End the apartheid. Free Palestine.” —Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI)

“[House Speaker] Mike Johnson and what he believes is one of the greatest threats we have today to the United States. … This is a bigger threat than al-Qaida to this country.” —Democrat strategist James Carville

For the Record

“In the aftermath of the Hamas Holocaust of Oct. 7, anything short of complete eradication is inexcusable; no citizen in a first-world country can live with such a genocidal specter constantly looming. Eradication of Hamas is also necessary to deter Hezbollah, a considerably more dangerous foe than Hamas, to say nothing of the regional ‘head of the snake,’ the Iranian regime itself.” —Josh Hammer

“Hamas has every incentive to string out the ‘truce’; the Biden administration, which would like to navigate an off-ramp to the conflict in the face of discontent from the Democratic Party’s Jew-hating progressive base, shares the same incentives. President Joe Biden may publicly claim to support Israel, but his deceitful actions belie his hollow words.” —Josh Hammer

“While the situation today is appalling, creating a three-front Iran-backed terror state on the borders of a nation the size of New Jersey would make things significantly worse. No sane citizenry would sign off on such a suicidal policy. No genuine ally would pressure a friend to do it.” —David Harsanyi

“Palestinians, and their defenders, remain the only people in the world who think they can reset history every time they lose a war of aggression.” —David Harsanyi

“If there’s one thing America’s enemies love, it’s happy talk.” —Ben Shapiro

Re: National Security

“For years, pop culture, social media, and college professors have brainwashed our youngest minds into thinking America was built on racism, colonialism, and sexism. No wonder it’s hard to find an 18-year-old ready to risk it all. Why would he fight to save something he doesn’t believe in?” —Brian Mark Weber

Political Futures

“This is going to be, I think, the defining political issue of our time, this sense of taking our country back.” —Wall Street Journal columnist Gerard Baker on the rise of Populist Europe

Friendly Fire

“We have a colleague in the Senate that actually did much more sinister and serious kinds of things. Senator [Bob] Menendez. He needs to go. And if you are going to expel [George] Santos, how can you allow … Menendez to remain in the Senate? … Menendez I think is really a senator for Egypt, not New Jersey.” —Senator John Fetterman (D-PA)

“There has been an abhorrent and conspicuous absence of women’s organizations around the world unequivocally condemning the systematic rape and torture of women on October 7 by Hamas. … Where are the ‘BELIEVE THEM’ voices? … Progressive feminists of the world: where are you?” —"Jeopardy!“ co-host Mayim Bialik

"I don’t think there’s any greater risk to America with [Trump] than with Biden. … Nobody was trying to kill us when Trump was president in a way that they’re not now — if anything, there’s more hostility.” —ex-CNN host Chris Cuomo

And Last…

“What I care about is the reality of goodness, not the perception of it. And what I see all over the place is people who care about looking good while doing evil.” —Elon Musk

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