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December 15, 2023

Friday Short Cuts

Notable quotables from Rashida Tlaib, Hunter Biden, Ian Sams, Jasmine Crockett, and more.

World’s Smallest Violin

“I was completely heartbroken. I did not know that [20 Democrats] were going to, you know, stand with the fascist side of the aisle.” —Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) regarding censure

“I always say it’s the worst job in the world because if you do your job, then you were supposed to, and if you do one hair less, then you are gonna get lambasted for it.” —Megan Rapinoe on playing for the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team

“For six years, MAGA Republicans … have impugned my character, invaded my privacy, attack[ed] my wife, my children, my family, and my friends. They have ridiculed my struggle with addiction, they’ve belittled my recovery, and they have tried to dehumanize me, all to embarrass and damage my father who has devoted his entire public life to service.” —Hunter Biden

For the Record

“Let’s start with … Hunter Biden defying the subpoena. He did it in a typical Biden fashion. He showed the world the amount of arrogance and entitlement that he believes he has because he’s a Biden. I mean, he doesn’t think the rules apply to him.” —Congressman James Comer (R-KY)

A Trip Down Memory Lane

“Subpoenaed witnesses have got to show up.” —Senator Joe Biden, December 2007

“I hope that the [J6] Committee goes after [subpoena defiers] and holds them accountable criminally.” —President Joe Biden, October 2021

Lack of Self-Awareness

“It was a very unfortunate abuse of the solemn and serious impeachment authority that we have in the House of Representatives. … Effectively what we saw is that the extreme MAGA Republicans in the House were ordered by an organized crime boss … to launch this illegitimate impeachment inquiry as a political hit on President Joe Biden.” —House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)

“[Republicans] are not serious people. This is not a serious impeachment inquiry. It is a tragedy and a farce. … They want to dilute the stain of Trump’s two legitimate impeachments with an illegitimate impeachment of Joe Biden. They have no affirmative agenda for the country.” —Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA)

“These House Republicans don’t seem to be serious people. They’re launching an impeachment inquiry based on lies with no evidence while jetting out of town and leaving Ukraine aid on the table. I mean, this is really frightening behavior and unserious behavior.” —White House Counsel’s Office spokesman Ian Sams

“They’re just making up lies to attack the president in a relentless smear campaign that frankly has been going on for four straight years now.” —Ian Sams


“Every single Republican in the House of Representatives … 221 people, without evidence, voted to launch an impeachment inquiry.” —CNN’s Erin Burnett

Belly Laugh of the Day

“The only thing that they have revealed in these hearings is that we have a president that loves his son even through his imperfections.” —Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (D-TX)

Non Compos Mentis

“[Republicans] are continually trying to tear us down from within. When we swore our oath, we swore our oath to protect against enemies foreign and domestic, and let me tell you something … I feel like we are constantly fighting domestic enemies.” —Jasmine Crockett

“The pro-Putin caucus within the House Republican conference …. actually wants Putin and Russia to prevail.” —Hakeem Jeffries

The BIG Lie

“What [Republicans have] asked to do actually hurts the issue, hurts the problem that we’re seeing at the border. They said ‘no’ to border agents. They’ve said ‘no’ to new technology to fight fentanyl. They said ‘no’ to additional troops. And they voted on eliminating 2,000 Customs and Border Patrol agents. That is what Republicans have done. The president is asking to do this in a bipartisan way, to find some compromise to deal with an issue that has … existed for decades now.” —White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre


“When pictures of German death camps were published, the country was shocked and revolted. The Nazi hatred of Jews 80 years ago has been resurrected in our day. This, too, is revolting, especially as it comes from what are supposed to be institutions of ‘higher learning.’ More like lower learning.” —Cal Thomas

“The reluctance to admit to objective standards of right and wrong — even in the face of truly egregious behavior — smacks of arrogance and pride. ‘It depends upon the context’ sounds like ‘It isn’t wrong unless we say it is.’” —Laura Hollis

“A 2017 study in Econ Journal Watch examined the party registrations of college professors at 40 top colleges and universities. In five departments, Democrats outnumbered Republicans 11.5-to-1. This explains the tone-deafness during the congressional hearing by the heads of these elite schools. Who, in a village of the tone-deaf, stands up to say, ‘Maybe we’re being a little tone-deaf’?” —Larry Elder

“Nihilism is the religion of the Left. Anarchy is now at the core of the new Democratic Party. … The old politics of right versus left, and Republican opposed to Democrat have now given way to a new existential struggle: Americans must choose between civilization — or its destroyers.” —Victor Davis Hanson

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