Libs of TikTok vs. Taylor Lorenz
The two antagonists meet for an interview, and it only goes well for one of them.
Chaya Raichik, who created and runs the popular social media account Libs of TikTok, met with her antagonist, Washington Post reporter Taylor Lorenz. The latter is famous for being a serial doxxer. She has used her position as a “credible journalist” to publish content about other people she doesn’t like. One of those people she bullied in such a manner is Raichik. Lorenz doesn’t like it when other people do it to her, though. In fact, she wept during an MSNBC interview discussing the matter. Lorenz is styled as a tech journalist who specializes in Internet culture.
For her part, Raichik is fairly high up on most radical leftists’ enemies list. Her entire schtick through Libs of TikTok is to repost content that the radical leftists post themselves so as to bring (negative) attention to it. Raichik is a mom who is fighting against the indoctrination of children in the gender ideology cult, as well as the sexualization of children in schools.
Raichik and Lorenz had a taped sit-down interview over the weekend. They were both sitting outside in Los Angeles. Lorenz was masked, and Raichik was wearing a T-shirt with a screenshot of Lorenz’s weepy MSNBC interview. Hilarious.
The interview went as well as one would expect, Lorenz admitted she had never read the books whose appalling content Raichik exposed (specifically Gender Queer). Lorenz defended the use of the books based on the expertise of the sex educator and has no problem with the sexualization of kids. Her justification was an anecdote she shared that two of her acquaintances had been sexually abused as children and didn’t have the language to talk about what was happening to them. Ergo, according to Lorenz, it’s okay if a child’s innocence is destroyed regardless of the instinct and preference of their parents. Bring on the gay porn.
As for the debate on transgenderism, Lorenz wanted to paint Raichik as a bigot and asked her, “What is the harm?” (in allowing people to believe they are the opposite gender). Raichik responded: Because it’s not the truth, and we must order society according to the truth. As Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillion perfectly states: “The argument is not — and has never been — that dysphoric people should be eradicated, but that our societal affirmation is not the solution to their problems. In fact, it only creates new problems for everyone else. The idea that our affirmation is the solution — and that everyone is obliged to think, speak, and live as if it is — is what must be eradicated.”
The real impetus for this interview was a tragedy that occurred in Oklahoma earlier this month. A high school-aged girl who identified as “nonbinary” died a day after getting into a fight with three other students at her school. The fight was allegedly over bullying against her and her friend. Nex Benedict poured water over them, and they attacked her in the girl’s bathroom. The fight was short, under two minutes, and was quickly broken up by other students and the teacher on duty. The mainstream media immediately jumped on this story as a political tool to talk about the consequences of having gendered bathrooms.
Oklahoma has a perfectly reasonable law stating that people need to use the bathroom of their biological sex.
Raichik, who has an intimate connection to Oklahoma — she had been appointed to the Oklahoma Library Committee to help get LGBTQ+ pornographic books and other explicit material out of school libraries — was immediately dragged into the leftist chastising of this law. However, blaming her for the death of a teen is sick. Especially as more details are emerging from this story. The cause of Benedict’s death is still not determined, but the autopsy did rule out trauma as one potential cause. They are waiting on a toxicology report.
As for Lorenz, continuing to foster the narrative that the real problems are “toxic” ideas like not sexualizing kids and eradicating gender ideology/“gender affirmation” from schools was her entire purpose for sitting down with Raichik.
Chaya Raichik was brave, stood by her values, and walked away from that interview the victor.