May 22, 2024

In Brief: Biden ‘Inspires’ Black Graduates

He told Morehouse College graduates that democracy is dead and white people are out to kill them.

We hit Joe Biden’s race-baiting commencement address at Morehouse College Monday, but Matt Walsh has more to say.

It’s been several days now, but the outrage mob is still having conniptions over a speech given by a Catholic NFL kicker at a Catholic college, in which he dared to suggest that some women want to be mothers. That was too much for the Left and certainly for most media outlets, who have spent the last several days panicking and, in many cases, lying about what Harrison Butker said.

But if we were a sane culture, there’s another commencement speech that would be attracting considerably more negative attention. It was delivered [Sunday] by Joe Biden at Morehouse College, the historically black school in Atlanta. And in the span of about thirty minutes, Joe Biden did everything they’re falsely accusing Harrison Butker of doing — and then some.

Biden actually did demean and insult millions of Americans, very clearly. He also deliberately stoked hatred and lied repeatedly, with the apparent goal of dividing this country even more than it’s already divided. And of course, all of this is more concerning than anything Harrison Butker could possibly say, because Harrison Butker is a football player. And Joe Biden, at least nominally, is the president of the United States. What he says reflects how the Democratic Party intends to govern if they remain in power.

That said, as you’d expect, Joe Biden didn’t resemble the president of the United States at any point during this ceremony. He looked more like a half-conscious, decaying muppet on the stage, particularly as other speakers were delivering their remarks.

Walsh adds:

The president of the United States stood in front of young adults who had just graduated college and angrily ranted about how America hates them, white people are out to kill them, and how democracy is a “trail of broken promises.” Biden’s message, as always, was depressing, demoralizing, unpatriotic, and most of all: false.

Notably, Democrats run the places where life is worse.

Democrats have run many major cities in this country for a long time, without any real opposition. And without exception, they’ve all become much less desirable places to live. Go for a walk after dark in Chicago or Selma or Baltimore or D.C. some time if you don’t believe that. The black community is leaving itself behind through rampant crime, violence, drug use, and fatherlessness. Also by continuing to vote into office Democrat politicians who promise to make everything worse — and do. So there are no broken promises. Only bad promises, faithfully kept.

Walsh continued on through various specific problems with Biden’s speech before concluding about the Left:

They can’t tolerate Harrison Butker’s message emphasizing personal choice and fulfillment because it’s the polar opposite of Biden’s screed pushing racial animosity and lawlessness. Only a deeply broken country, careening towards more division and more chaos, would make a scandal out of the former commencement address and cheer for the latter.

Daily Wire subscribers can read the whole thing here.

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