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June 4, 2024

Reader Comments

Observations on the week’s analysis and commentary.

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: Trump Defiant Amid 34-Count Conviction

“I am not a big fan of Trump — in fact, most New Yorkers — but Trump does not deserve the government coming after him. I also expected the conviction because of the tidbits that the judge revealed about his biases. I continue to be entertained by the Democrats referring to the destruction of democracy in America. We don’t have a democracy. Thankfully, I live in a constitutional republic. Too bad the Democrats don’t know what that is. I keep wondering if they really want democracy or if they truly understand democracy as a form of government. Interesting to note that the Democrat Party is now the party of big money and is no longer the party of the people.” —Wisconsin

“I think what the Democrats have done is they’ve awakened a sleeping giant. I believe that everyone except for the extreme Trump-haters can see the injustice that has been done. Republicans have to wake up and go toe to toe with the Democrats. Give them a taste of their own medicine. Until the Republicans do that, the Democrats will continue to run roughshod over everyone.” —Illinois

“As disgusted as I am with all of this, I do hope that the Democrats’ predictions come true. When Trump comes back into office, I hope he goes after them ALL with a vengeance! Democrats have destroyed what the Constitution stands for, and it is long past time that they pay for it.” —Florida

“I have been an accountant for over 50 years, and I have never discussed what account I recorded an expenditure into with the top executive of any company I have worked for. I really wish they would have picked a random accountant from another real estate company and asked them if they ever discussed which account an expenditure was recorded into. Also, to be completely honest, I doubt I can remember where I recorded expenditures a full seven years later. Why would I? The IRS doesn’t care. Of course, this was never about legalities. Silly me for noticing.” —Wisconsin

Re: The Dems Are Right to Be Freaking Out

“This is starting to remind me of the ‘red wave’ that we were supposed to see in 2020. When we get down to the wire, the Left always manages to pull the rabbit out of the hat. Time will tell, but I foresee four more years of leftist rule with the possibility of control of both houses as well. Scary!” —California

“Any Democrat on the horizon who may replace old Joe is no better. They are all equally likely to follow Obama’s ‘fundamentally change America’ plan that got us here in the first place. He and his plan were pushed by the media to be the ‘savior of the working minority.’ That got him elected but also opened a lot of eyes to the realty of leftist politics, and people just don’t like it.” —California

Re: Who Spawned the Current Generation of Narcissists?

“In order to be supportive of a Constitutional Republic and understand what it means to be a citizen under this form of government, one must have one or more of the following traits: an innate intellectual curiosity; a moral compass; an historical educational basis; an understanding of what civil discourse is; a love of your fellow man; an enduring faith; a devotion to something bigger than our self-interest; a desire to embrace truth each and every day; a healthy skepticism of all forms of government and mass media; and the ability to debate and form compromises. Otherwise, we are on The Road to Serfdom.” —Massachusetts

“Taking the Ten Commandments, The Pledge of Allegiance, and prayer out of the schools in the ‘60s was the first step. The next step was Marxist indoctrination by institutions of 'higher education.’ Not sure what this means for the generation after Gen N, but on the bright side, they might mature to reject the leftist indoctrination.” —Maryland

“Excellent and comprehensive article. Our republic is slipping into chaos and we cannot stand by idly. Unfortunately, hardworking Americans have ceded too much control to politicians and the federal bureaucracy. I don’t have the answer, but a good start would be defunding the alphabet soup of federal agencies and dismantling the huge bureaucracy attendant to them; strict adherence to the Constitution and limiting what the federal government can do.” —California

“Our Founders created a limited government republic. We have ‘progressively’ subscribed to unlimited government via an ever-expanding federal bureaucracy. The solution? Republicans better wake up and tailor their message for the next generation.” —Michigan

“Whether it be the ‘rainbow mafia’ agenda, abortion on demand, or entailing debt to succeeding generations, we should call out the evil of the fools of this generation. Will their response be ugly? Of course. Let us respond with the authority of the Holy Scriptures. Then we can have the same confidence as Jeremiah, whom the Lord told, ‘Do not be afraid of their faces, for I am with you to deliver you.’” —Minnesota

“The fact is, non sibi sed patriae (not for self, but for country) is no longer a dominant ethic guiding our nation. A good example is found in the abandonment by all three branches of their oaths to support and defend our Constitution. And there is no greater national offender today than Joe Biden.” —Oregon

Re: Is All Growth Good?

“The invasion of the U.S. by millions of aliens with no stake in this country, no idea of its background, and what makes it a sovereign state are recipes for a major economic and fiscal disaster in the coming years. In my opinion, the policies of the Biden administration are un-American and Marxist. Biden deserves a fate much worse than impeachment.” —Massachusetts

Re: The Struggles of Pothole Pete

“Although I agree with the argument overall, I must respectfully disagree with the sentence, ‘And if there’s really a climate emergency like we’ve been warned about ad nauseum, then Buttigieg should be rolling out electric vehicle charging stations like nobody’s business.’ That statement falsely assumes that substituting electricity for gasoline would reduce fossil fuel consumption. Much as the greenies would like to ignore or deny it, most of our electricity is still produced from coal and natural gas, both of which are fossil fuels. The push toward EVs merely substitutes one fossil fuel for another.” —Arizona

Re: Make Kitchens Great Again

“I’m in my mid-80s, born and raised in Texas. That said, I remember from my formative years that one of the finest compliments was to be thought of as ‘kitchen folks.’ Strangers or not-so-welcome neighbors were met at the front door or were taken to the parlor/living room. They may or may not be offered a glass of water. But never coffee. Relatives, close friends, or trusted associates were taken to the kitchen table and offered something more than water. Coffee, beer, wine, or something with more bite (depending on family finances) were gladly served. Conversations were serious, domestic, or political as the occasion warranted, but always with care and affection. In the kitchen.” —Texas

“Growing up in a small town in Nebraska in the early ‘60s before fast food restaurants arrived, it was inconceivable to think of eating anywhere other than home. The city’s sirens rang out at noon and six o'clock as a reminder to hurry home to the dinner table. My earliest introduction to cooking was fostered by my mother as my 4-H leader. I think my sons would agree that dinner time was a good thing growing up. What better than to gather at least once a day to touch base as a family? Admittedly, I enjoy cooking and homemaking in general. Today, I’m privileged to spend time in my kitchen with grandkids, sharing recipes and stories of those who came before them.” —Arizona

Re: Profiles of Valor: Farewell Col Bud Anderson (USAF)

“Thank you for this exceptional article on this exceptional American Ace. He never forgot all the 'little people’ who kept his planes operational so he could complete his missions. While there are plenty of Patriots still among our military ranks, we have a deficit of those among our civilian ranks.” —California

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