June 11, 2024

Reader Comments

Observations on the week’s analysis and commentary.

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: Profiles of Valor: The Last D-Day Vets Standing

“This was a fitting tribute like no other I have read. And it is columns like this one that inspire my support for your fine publication. Thank you for what all of you do to ensure that what is good and right is up front!” —Texas

“On D-Day, my father commanded US LST 75 at Utah Beach. He survived the invasion and shared many stories of valor and fear. The soldiers he transported were all seasick as they approached Normandy, and he said it wasn’t due to rough sea conditions but knowing they would probably not return. Still, they all headed to shore. Normandy is a true testimony to the brave Patriots, some of whom sacrificed all and all of whom sacrificed some for the freedom of Western Europe and our own.” —California

Re: Profiles of Valor: The D-Day Medals of Honor

“Thank you for putting names to these valorous actions and for noting how these MoH recipients represent the actions of so many others. My father was among them. We have an obligation to our posterity to ensure that history is told well and accurately.” —Washington

“And this is why kneeling during the national anthem is NOT acceptable!” —Michigan

“Amazed at D-Day Veteran Harold Terens (age 100) planning to marry his sweetheart, Jeanne Swerlin (age 96), at Omaha Beach. Moved to tears reading, ‘I came here to invite all those soldiers buried on Omaha Beach, 9,836 of them, to my wedding. I’d like them to attend in spirit. And I want them to know that they’re not forgotten.’ Indeed. I note that in the photo of soldiers on the beach amidst the chaos of battle, all are facing forward, advancing on enemy positions; NONE are turned back, none retreating or hiding. They were the Greatest Generation.” —Missouri

Re: A Crack in the Hunter Biden Case

“Jill Biden has been married to a known racist since 1977 and she knows it. His smears are all over the internet for the world to see. He is also a mean-spirited, foul-mouthed, lying buffoon plagiarist, but then I guess she somehow manages to block those things from her brain. She does ‘stand by her man,’ which tells me that in spite of her bravado, she is an insecure woman unable, for whatever reason, to face the fact that the Biden family is dysfunctional. Pity their children.” —Ohio

Re: Ibram X. Kendi’s Self-Destruction

“It is not difficult to reduce human behavior to a few easily identifiable characteristics. If you feel put out by things that you crave but don’t possess, you tend toward being a victim. Victims hope for lots of free stuff from successful people because it’s gratuitous and requires little effort. If, on the other hand, you see yourself as on the path to success and making progress toward defined goals, then you are more like a free person. You take personal responsibility for your actions and invest in your own progress. You get to choose, but the difference is measured in a degree of happiness.” —Washington

“Super race-baiter. Anyone who has read his work knows exactly what he’s about: revenge for the perceived assaults and wrongs against his people group since 1619, or something. And ‘it’s all those white Americans that were 100% responsible for all slavery forever.’ Round and round we go with the circular thinking. He seems like a very angry black man who was never taught critical thinking, but we’re talking about the American education system. His work is trash and illogical. He should have been an editorialist for Ebony or some other magazine. Glad to read he’s fizzling, because it’s all been burdensome and off-putting from the beginning. Hopefully, all of this will fade and seem like a bad dream.” —Oregon

Re: Why Are Homeowners Insurance Rates Soaring?

“As much as I dislike the idea of government interfering with private enterprise, I would make exceptions in some cases. Homeowners insurance might be one of those. The problem with letting insurance companies run wild with premiums is that most homeowners have no choice but to have that insurance. Mortgage lenders insist. Unless you can pay cash for a home and can afford another one in the event your home is destroyed, homeowners need insurance regardless of lender requirements. Insurance companies are very aware of this. Does anyone doubt that this knowledge influences their rates? And isn’t it odd that pretty much all insurers’ rates are raising faster than inflation? Maybe a little bit of government regulation wouldn’t be all that wrong.” —Florida

Re: What a Difference a President Makes

“Excellent column. It was a pleasure listening to President Reagan’s speech. I couldn’t make it through Biden’s — three minutes, maybe. However, Reagan gave three speeches that day. I was an ABF2, V-4 Div, Air Dept., onboard the USS Eisenhower (CVN-69). We could barely see the French coast on the horizon. Two helicopters flew near us and hovered. Ronald Reagan’s voice came across the 5MC speakers on the flight deck and the 1MC speakers below deck. He talked for 3-4 minutes then departed for Normandy. Fifteen hundred of us in our dress whites spelled out ‘IKE’ on the flight deck.” —North Carolina

Re: The D-Day ‘Nazi’ Hunter

“I agree — all we have to do is vote! Then get an AG who will enforce the law and begin genuine investigations of the fall of the Benghazi embassy; the backchannel support for those who would destroy our culture; the hidden hand of billionaires in our political system; the malfeasance of so many of our elected officials; and the refusal of those officials to adhere to the will of the people, to say nothing of the outright fortunes amassed by elected and appointed officials with ‘insider’ knowledge.” —Texas

Re: Pride Month Is Gross

“First of all, pride in and of itself is a sin, one we are all guilty of. That being said, there is no pride in perversion! Talk about compounding errors. This fabricated illusion of embracing mental disorders has to stop, as it is no less than a strategy to demoralize our nation as a whole, to weaken us and confuse younger generations. If you can convince people that there are more than two sexes and one can choose, then you can convince them of anything, such as ‘parents are bad’ and ‘the government is good.’ Again, the opposite of reality!” —California

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