June 18, 2024

Reader Comments

Observations on the week’s analysis and commentary.

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: Two-Tiered Justice Lives On

“Another way it is not the same: If Hunter had been a conservative, he would have been charged for EACH bullet he purchased (for those that don’t know, ammo comes in boxes of anywhere from 20 to 50 rounds), which means he would have been subjected to an additional 20 to 50 charges — the same way Trump received 34 convictions for each entry in his accounting ledgers they say was fraud. So what was worse: legal entries into Trump’s books, or a crackhead buying a gun and potentially using it on his dealers? Liberals will never see things right in front of them.” —Illinois

“Every tyrant must make clear to all that he is all-powerful, and dissent will not be tolerated. Examples will be made, hence the numerous arrests of those from January 6, as well as Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, Michael Flynn, and now even Trump.” —California

Re: AG Garland Decries Attacks on DOJ

“This article hits at the solution to battling the progressive Democrats. Republicans have to go toe to toe with them and give them no quarter. It’s the only language they understand. Set them on their heels and let them play defense. As for Garland, he’s the whiniest AG we’ve ever had. He can’t be gone soon enough. When you bring zero lawsuits against pro-abortionists but multiple ones against pro-lifers, the political bias in favor of the Democrats is more than obvious. Time for it to end.” —Illinois

“We all see what Garland has done as AG, but who is Merrick Garland? Did Obama know he was a lethal pill with which to poison the Supreme Court? What is it about Merrick Garland’s past that awakened Mitch McConnell and compelled him to actually work to prevent the nomination from going forward? Is anyone who knows the answers to these questions surprised at the current condition of the DOJ?” —New Hampshire

“As attorney general, Garland has demonstrated his progressive interpretation of the ‘living Constitution.’ MAGA and RINO Republicans alike should be thankful that Kentucky’s senior senator stood up against the press and vocal Left and kept Garland on the sidelines.” —Florida

Re: Beauty Pageant Mayhem

“Well, Ms. Milliken, ‘doing anything you set your mind to’ comes with some caveats. You will only be able to do things that have zero objective standards. Being obese eliminates a person from many things: piloting a jet, serving on a ship, flying into space, horseback riding, race car driving, etc. A beauty contest is subjective, and while the rules may not stipulate body mass, you took the opportunity to use tolerant people’s forbearance to shove your agenda in everyone’s faces. Simply disrespectful and selfish. But I suppose these are the new qualities of pageantry today.” —Florida

Re: Israel’s Hostage Rescue and the Left’s Hideous Response

“‘I’ll tell you what war is about: You’ve got to kill people and when you’ve killed enough, they stop fighting.’ U.S. Air Force General Curtis LeMay knew what he was talking about, but of course he wasn’t one of the pathetic, anti-Semitic, soulless leftists that rule our country, media, academia, etc. The supposed innocent civilians who helped house and abuse the hostages also voted for the terrorist scum that run things over there. They further make it their mission to turn their kids into little Jew-hating machines, so pardon me for not having any sympathy for those that were killed. They don’t deserve it.” —Pennsylvania

Re: Thursday: Below the Fold

“Biden is right (never thought I’d say that): Hunter probably WOULDN’T have been prosecuted for lying on a federal gun form had there not been a presidential campaign underway. But after the administration weaponized the Justice Department against Donald Trump, Hunter’s slap on the wrist (which even that may get commuted after the election) is just strategy. The Democrats are already claiming a false equivalence with the Trump persecution, saying that this trial shows ‘no one is above the law.’ Unless, I guess, one presents as a well-meaning old man with dementia.” —Georgia

“The Joe Biden/DNC democracy war with Russia in Ukraine is beginning to resemble their 60-year war against poverty. Both have continued on but with no hope of an end in sight. Both show the possibility of being a never-ending expenditure, and the United States can no longer afford expensive multi-year wars. This fall, the future is in the hands of the voters, and we will see if they favor huge mountains of debt or rescuing the taxpayers in order to preserve our republic.” —North Carolina

“Abortifacients are not birth control in the same sense as contraceptives. The Court did not address the merit of the appellants’ argument but ruled that they had no standing because they could not show they were personally harmed. Perhaps one way to get past that barrier is for a pro-life state to appoint a guardian ad litem for all unborn within its borders who are threatened by abortion. Thus, any question of standing will bring before the Court the personhood of the unborn. Is there anyone for the guardian ad litem to represent? An affirmative ruling arguably implies that the unborn are protected by the 4th and 14th Amendments.” —Minnesota

Re: Are Antidepressants Safe to Use During Pregnancy?

“It is hard today to find a doctor one can actually trust. So many have graduated from universities and colleges simply because of racial quotas. Healthcare in our country has been degraded by liberals and ‘woke’ so-called educators. Now, not only do we not trust politicians or our government or lawyers or the media, but we must add doctors to the list. Pray for our country, everyone!” —Arizona

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